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[ Suggestions ] We Need More Packs to Hand Out


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-16 07:57:01Show All PostsDescending Order
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I'm having trouble with packs right now as 10 is not enough for everyone in our group. (we always get 2nd place in the GNW). I would really like to be able to give people more packs more frequently. Right now, I'm at a rotation where one group member that actively participates in war gets one pack every 4 weeks. I have recieved multiple messages asking when they will get packs and they are disheartened to hear that they won't get a pack for quite some time. I have a full spreadsheet I can upload on Google Drive if you are willing to look at how frequently people are getting packs. Thanks for reading.

Edit: Oh and I'm on S16: Kankuro

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-18 08:05:46Show All Posts
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-02-16 08:14:46
  • I would only support this once server merger have reached such a point such that each server have around 200 active players spread in at least 8 different groups (of average 25 each).

    For as long as you HAVE the option of splitting the group for more packs easily, the premise for this suggestion is very weak.
Okay I've been thinking on this and discussed this with a close friend and ex group leader. And we've come to an agreement on a few things. The first thing is, once a person becomes a group leader, they don't want to give up that position(1). The second is that we've all become close friends and enjoy talking in group chat. The third is you got to start from scratch. To go from a group level of 9, back to a level of one isn't fun. People will lose power and everything they worked for under my group is gone, ***, vanished, erased. Even if they come back, they will never get back the amount of time, effort, and coins they put into the group.

So while, yes, splitting up seems like a good answer, I really don't think it is. It erasing people's hard work and accomplishments.
Edit (1): I mean this as they won't want to come back if a server merge happens and that it might effect our friendship in a negative way.
This post was last edited by Noobity*ity at 2017-2-18 08:07
Quicky Post

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