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[ Lineup ] Put your questions here for {{ Lightning Main }}


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-02-03 20:42:44Show All Posts
I also need a help of general nature.

I play the Darui(or Guy or Danzo) / WBAsuma / Iruka / MB formation.

I don't know if i'm doing something wrong or i really do the worst "luck" possible in the universe of humankind but...let's start with my stats.

So, my PWR is 43.8k.

Crit : 2.9k, Combo : 2.9k (the rest is close to that, but i'm pointing these two because...)

1. Why is my Standard Attack (that you can choose, 3x combo + repulse) with Lightning Armor so extremely low with dmg? It kinda hits 3x (and 3x is a VERY BIG "IF") for 500ish dmg ? And the big IF is because i start that 3x and/or combo like once in 30 attacks ?

2. Osoi (meaning Beam of Light) hits for 5-6k and when it crits once in a century, for 13-14-15k. Why that dramatic difference in dmg and numbers?

3. Survival trial - my Iruka on 1st position and main on 2nd cannot start combos. like never. ever. while enemy player on 10th field in survival with 23k pwr beats the god out of me because he has nearly 100% crit start auto combo attacks.

So what am i doing wrong ? I also tried with guildies to test duels and the same happens.

To be exact, 38k pwr with my exact copy builds (we both took Guy to test the teams) and my standard attack hits 4 times, and all 4/4 attacks were 1x hit (so no 3x and no repulse) normal dmg numbers like 500-800, 900 was a WOW, while my guildie with 6k pwr less, nearly 1.5k refine stats less hits me 4/4 3x repulse 1.8k crit attacks.

So what is the catch ? Where did i made a mistake ? Dafuq is with this sakin rng ??

Tnx ! :)
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