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[ Events ] No Sage World Due To Group Protest


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-28 07:43:56Show All Posts
  • Yato S63 On 2017-01-28 04:25:23
  • I agree and yet disagree (lol) if (like in most cases on most servers) a group is several hundred thousand power ahead of yours and you somehow manage to stop them from growing in power but at the cost of your own group from growing as well, then you change nothing, except to just keep all groups in a semi frozen state, the gap is never being closed because no gains are made and none are lost.

    Top players are usually the top players because of A: They are heavy p2w, which means not doing sage won't effect them much anyways. or B: They know a lot about the game, which means they'll simply find a way around the loss of Sage.

    So I disagree on it being an optimal choice for the reasons above, it's a spiteful tactic that harms all sides including those not in the group choosing to do it, they aren't just hurting the "top" group but they're also hurting every other active player on the server outside their group.

    If there are any active players on that server then EVENTUALLY (lol) it will get merged it just takes time, I say active players because the players themselves have to request for a merger to happen, before they will get considered.

    But I do agree that if their ONLY goal is to be spiteful and screw everyone involved over...then yes it's an optimal choice. I myself would have nothing to do with a group like that, who puts their own feelings above everyone else on the server.

    Also if only one group applies then I would assume it's a default victory, just like if only 2 apply, they go straight to the finals, and groups avoiding GNW is one of the dumbest things to do as well, since as long as there are 8 or less groups even if you don't win in GNW you still get something for your group, you just have to show up.
It's advantageous because it stops everyone from growing, however little. Instead of the top players getting +1.5, and you getting +1, widening the gap by 0.5, both get 0, and the gap doesn't change. Plus that's 1 fewer event you get beaten up in, which I'm sure plenty of people would gladly sacrifice a couple almost useless points for.

At the very least it's a bargaining chip if they can stop the event from happening. Make the top group agree to stop colluding or something.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-29 16:28:49Show All Posts
  • SovereignAscent On 2017-01-28 14:54:05
  • So assuming that huge money spenders are a non-factor in this equation (if they are present this discussion shouldn't exist because it should be obvious that Boycotting events only hurts f2p players and that p2ws don't care.) This is coming from someone who plays Server 1 where over 150 players have spent like 3 months of rent on the game probably and who is currently leading the top group on his server due to having prior experience.

    If your group is falling behind the top group and being bullied heavily then odds are you need the events more than they do because you are not being efficient & they have more game knowledge than you do. Often a core group of players who have played before can make even completely new players strong enough to bully those with no guidance. That's just the way this game goes. So, with that said, if someone is already more efficient than you are what good does it do you to remove an entire event when things like refine runes and summons can be GAME CHANGING for f2p (both are available from the ranked and summon tokens received in Sage). It is entirely possible for these players to search for guides on the game to further their knowledge and make strides in closing the gap naturally (via the level cap, steep costs in upgrades for those who are already ahead, etc.).

    The only positive of preventing a whole server from doing Sage is the private sense of pride that your stubbornness brought everybody else down with you.
sage world is probably the one place this makes sense though, because the losers get basically nothing. You can only get low refine runes, which you only need a small amount before they are useless. Summons are useful sure, but buying a summon with points takes a ridiculous amount of time. I've been playing for almost 4 months, missed at most 3 or 4 sage worlds, and only have enough points to buy 55 frags. That's about 6 months to choose 1 summon, during which you'll get 3 summons just simply from the daily free draws.

If your opponents are colluding, or if you're just that much weaker, then the choice is whether or not you want to give your opponents hundreds of refine runes + more so you can get an extra summon. not sure what you would think, but to me that's a horrendously bad trade.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-31 07:58:02Show All Posts
  • Mitrandir On 2017-01-31 01:37:44
  • Runes, on the other hand, are valuable and much better for spending summoning points on. Plus, the guys on the winning side will get big rewards no matter which group, p2w ot f2p. And the chance to be on the winning side is pretty much even for everybody.
While runes do help a bit with power, the effects are rather minimal due to diminishing returns. I'm pretty much already at level 5's across the board, so that would just be upgrading 6 runes from 5's to 6's, which is maybe about 100 power. And that's with all the summoning points I have, not just the points gotten from sage world.

What does the winning side get anyways? I thought it was just some low refine runes or something. Only ever been on the winning team once like two months ago, don't even remember what the prizes were. The real prize for me was always the high refine runes.
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