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[ Events ] Events - 26th Jan


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On 2017-01-26 06:10:44Show this Author Only
you did a good job with the event roll out this week good job
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On 2017-01-26 06:44:48Show this Author Only
  • Inishima On 2017-01-26 06:05:51
  • Hi, i have a suggestion that would be very appreciated by the players (if that matters to you ofc ;P ) how about an event to exchange all these items we get everyday from sweeping instances, SA that we cant use anymore? like common thread, common clothes, early upgrading materials,...
    any kind of exchange system for these items would be most welcome by all i think, we keep getting these items daily or weekly and we don't have any use for them anymore (at least past certain level). it could be a "smelting" event or new feature to put all this junk in and get any other items we might want.
    or maybe just an upgrade system? for threads and clothes?

    thanks :p
I also agree with this, or maybe we should get a trade system or something It would be nice
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On 2017-01-26 06:47:30Show this Author Only
. nvm retract
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On 2017-01-26 06:56:30Show this Author Only
  • denciomorales On 2017-01-25 21:56:06
  • why would you say minato is not worth 40k? did you ever see minato on every event? as far as we all know Minato is a super rare ninja. and he is worth having. Would it be better that we all accept whats in here now and move forward instead of complaining? it is up to us either that we buy what is on the events or not. Either we spend or not. That is the liberty that we have :).
lol dude do you even seen how weak is minato there is leteraly no ones who had minato and use it bcz is useless ninja in that patch and late better ninja will come out so is rly pointless to buy it,and thye know oassis minato is weak ninja but why not put it 40k since there is allways some *s out who will buy it
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On 2017-01-26 07:01:15Show this Author Only
Maybe a lot of people bought him at 20k ingots and thats why they've decided they can go ahead and charge 40k
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On 2017-01-26 07:16:51Show this Author Only
Tbh the Minato idea isn't bad. It would just be better if it were a recharge vs spending. Sure hes like a consolation prize but spending all that towards things such as tactics or magatamas and BA doesn't seem worth it to me. Not without a BA rebate or discounted items
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On 2017-01-26 07:28:37Show this Author Only
I'm curious if there's a spending *ysis at Oasis for each of these events. I'm sure no one is recharging specifically to get Konan anymore (maybe a small number of people want to 5 star her for some dream Susano Sasuke team) or recharging to play another tedious RNG wheel full of Coins (at least it's not Ramen!) It seems at odds with how often we see her (/them) in events.

I've just searched my bank statement on my disposable income account for the word "Naruto" (I don't recommend anyone do this) and found that I've spent $1,800 on this game since November, and even I see weeks like this as a break to spend that money on other things instead. If you want to make money off events, make them fun or satisfying. If I wanted a gambling addiction I'd go to an online casino, if I want to pathologically build ninja teams until I'm on the street I'll go here - but I can't build ninjas by converting 20 ingots into 30,000 coin "rewards". I may have mental/impulse control issues that makes me spend this much on a bunch of pixels, but I'm not *.

As for Minato, a guaranteed way to get him is nice, but coupled with an $800 USD entry requirement for a gimmicky ninja (and if we've learned our lesson from Hiruzen, who started at $600 USD, then $400 USD, then as a fragment giveaway in every event afterwards) it'd be wise to hold fire and wait for him to come down, or just grab his frags up until the point you intended to spend, and top him up later when he inevitably comes down in price. I understand that it's not a "40k ingot for 1 Minato" transaction, you get him as a bonus for spending that much... but there's actually no incentive to spend that high in this event cycle. If you're spending full price for things in the permanent ingot shop, it feels bad, especially knowing that the sage treasure event will give you 30-40% off exactly the same item, and spending on the 30,000 coin wheel feels even worse, knowing that the Lucky board is a much better way to spend 20. Maybe the mission boxes will be nice, but 40k nice? Remains to be seen!

Additionally, trust is pretty shaky right now (what with the Hiruzen going down so quickly after buying him, and all of these mid event-cycle recharge events coming up with no warning/retroactive good will to people who recharged on the Thursday and were punished for doing so) and willingness to spend is going down. If you want to get it back, you have to make an event worth spending on and acknowledge the mistake - stop telling people that you can't do anything to help them if they recharged, and stop this 20 ingot for X coin transaction (with no incidental redeemable point bonus) - for me, seeing coins or ramen on a spend event is an instant "no".

tl;dr: event bad, trust failing. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-1-26 07:33
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On 2017-01-26 07:30:41Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-26 07:28:37
  • I'm curious if there's a spending *ysis at Oasis for each of these events. I'm sure no one is recharging specifically to get Konan anymore (maybe a small number of people want to 5 star her for some dream Susano Sasuke team) or recharging to play another tedious RNG wheel full of Coins (at least it's not Ramen!) It seems at odds with how often we see her (/them) in events.

    I've just searched my bank statement on my disposable income account for the word "Naruto" (I don't recommend anyone do this) and found that I've spent $1,800 on this game since November, and even I see weeks like this as a break to spend that money on other things instead. If you want to make money off events, make them fun or satisfying. If I wanted a gambling addiction I'd go to an online casino, if I want to pathologically build ninja teams until I'm on the street I'll go here - but I can't build ninjas by converting 20 ingots into 30,000 coin "rewards". I may have mental/impulse control issues that makes me spend this much on a bunch of pixels, but I'm not *.

    As for Minato, a guaranteed way to get him is nice, but coupled with an $800 USD entry requirement for a gimmicky ninja (and if we've learned our lesson from Hiruzen, who started at $600 USD, then $400 USD, then as a fragment giveaway in every event afterwards) it'd be wise to hold fire and wait for him to come down, or just grab his frags up until the point you intended to spend, and top him up later when he inevitably comes down in price. I understand that it's not a "40k ingot for 1 Minato" transaction, you get him as a bonus for spending that much... but there's actually no incentive to spend that high in this event cycle. If you're spending full price for things in the permanent ingot shop, it feels bad, especially knowing that the sage treasure event will give you 30-40% off exactly the same item, and spending on the 30,000 coin wheel feels even worse, knowing that the Lucky board is a much better way to spend 20. Maybe the mission boxes will be nice, but 40k nice? Remains to be seen!

    Additionally, trust is pretty shaky right now (what with the Hiruzen going down so quickly after buying him, and all of these mid event-cycle recharge events coming up with no warning/retroactive good will to people who recharged on the Thursday and were punished for doing so) and willingness to spend is going down. If you want to get it back, you have to make an event worth spending on and acknowledge the mistake - stop telling people that you can't do anything to help them if they recharged, and stop this 20 ingot for X coin transaction (with no incidental redeemable point bonus) - for me, seeing coins or ramen on a spend event is an instant "no".

    tl;dr: event bad, trust failing. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-1-26 07:33
When I was mod, I *ysed the pricing in my report.
But is there now?
That remains to be seen.
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On 2017-01-26 08:10:08Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-01-25 23:13:44
  • Hi ex-mod,

    Although I could see your point that a certain new players might enjoy the idea or d chance of getting Konan, there are still other factors you missed out.

    A wise person once told me, if you want to satisfy the majority, you put yourself in the shoes of a sane player, a normal player.

    In recent weeks (back to back events), we have seen Konan around a few times. A sane player who are willing to spend, will already have gotten them to at least 3*, or maybe almost 3*, regardless this is a 80 frag konan it doesnt matter. Let's say majority of players are at 3* and would like to get it to 4* or 5*. But once you release Konan in shops (which you should already do in 2.0), sane players could focus their resources (coupons/ingots) elsewhere.
    Thus, I wonder how many of these new players that will enjoy the benefit of having a Konan there are u talking about? Are they from the servers who just opened recently? Are they your majority of players you need to satisfy over the old-timers who had been loyal with u?

    You also mentioned "we should be grateful that they provided us events and discounts."

    I hope you know that the very fundamental thing that made Naruto Online one of the best FB game of the year and made most of my comrades to play and enjoy this game, is the fact that you provide new exciting things every weeks to keep us excited. That is your fundamental. The moment you shift your fundamental or changed your direction, we will notice it right immediately and re-consider our stance and trust on the future of this game.
    Right now we are making our voice heard giving you constant feedbacks and opinions because we have not given up on this game, but don't force us.
    I am sick of so many players/comrades, good people quitting the game and handing over accounts after another because they felt let down constantly so please, do something before its too late. Be more flexible and make the changes if you knew you are already straying from your path, your original fundamental that made this game so alive in the first place.
i understand the point you are saying. what i said is being a "Player" not as a part of this group. the point is neither any of us can make all the players, that includes me :) as pleased as anyone can be. But certainly they all have reasons on why they have this events and not the ones we wanted. But i believe that they are following a time frame, and all we can surely do is wait and save up. :)
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On 2017-01-26 08:14:37Show this Author Only
Looked through the other posts but it seems no one answered the question if they will or won't be a Chinese New Year event? I kinda skimmed so I may of missed the answer.
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On 2017-01-26 08:15:59Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2017-01-26 08:14:37
  • Looked through the other posts but it seems no one answered the question if they will or won't be a Chinese New Year event? I kinda skimmed so I may of missed the answer.
Doesn't seem like there is one tbh.
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On 2017-01-26 08:17:45Show this Author Only
It's midnight server time, weren't the events supposed to be up? I only see the Land of Lighting event.
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On 2017-01-26 08:20:03Show this Author Only
I have the same question as #228
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On 2017-01-26 08:23:46Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2017-01-26 08:15:59
  • Doesn't seem like there is one tbh.
Wow was really looking forward to trying to get the new Tenten, wonder how we get her since she is from my knowledge a Chinese New Year exclusive.
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On 2017-01-26 08:26:27Show this Author Only
I am shocked to find one of my very relevant post here deleted
I am more shocked that the mod post I quoted in that post is also deleted, likely as a result of my post.
I won't elaborate lest this get deleted too.
I think my nitpick skill just leveled up, for forcing the mods to delete their own post.

As a ftp, I've learned to ignore events that doesn't apply to me. I find the mentality of saying an event is bad because it is overpriced silly--if it is overpriced, just ignore it. The primary focus of any set of event is how many and how good are the events of "value". So think about the events as if that 40k event doesn't exist, how good are this set of events?

I am still annoyed by the still missing BA rebate, but that is promised in the short future so I can live with it. I have to say the monthly event is a great help in making that actually an issue, w/o the quite large amount of med thread I get from that, i won't even be bothered by the lack of the rebate as I wont be able to make use of it. In the grand scheme of things, it is a problem I like having, as compared to problems that are completely bad.

I like the early posting of event primarily because I now know there is no summon rebate, so I don't need to hold off the 20 pull for the monthly event any further. Well, that and the fact that the event are par for a ftp, I hardly care about the ptw portion of the event and politics surrounding that.
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On 2017-01-26 08:26:38Show this Author Only
20 ingots for 30k coins? No.
20 ingots for a seal fragment? No.
20 ingots for 500 cultivation runes? No.

There are serious trust issues at the moment.
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On 2017-01-26 08:28:56Show this Author Only
and as always they provided us with the update right on time. oh wait, that is a joke too. midnight and nothing. who would have guessed. not me or all the other players here waiting for the update. just waiting for the post saying there were some complications blablabla thank you for your support blablabla we take in account your suggestions and will give feedback blablabla.
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On 2017-01-26 08:37:45Show this Author Only
  • Koncept On 2017-01-26 08:23:46
  • Wow was really looking forward to trying to get the new Tenten, wonder how we get her since she is from my knowledge a Chinese New Year exclusive.
There's always next year. ;P
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On 2017-01-26 08:38:02Show this Author Only
  • Reiko-Danna On 2017-01-26 08:28:56
  • and as always they provided us with the update right on time. oh wait, that is a joke too. midnight and nothing. who would have guessed. not me or all the other players here waiting for the update. just waiting for the post saying there were some complications blablabla thank you for your support blablabla we take in account your suggestions and will give feedback blablabla.
Well, HK servers already have the events. If you have something else to do, go do it, because the event rewards aren't that special.
Especially "Sakura wheel". The rewards in there are totally trollish lol.
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On 2017-01-26 08:38:14Show this Author Only
Danzo literally costing 100 ingot per frag or 8k ingot has made me speechless. Like I have brought up so many times, the rates OAS is setting up is worrying. Just because he's rare and the first time he's up thus the pricing? I remember Cursed Hidan at 15k, that looks so good as compared to the current pricing of other new just released ninjas.
From here I will conclude that my spending on this game is done and limited. FYI I am in the top 3 ranked in my merged server. I have serious trust issue with the direction the game is going.
This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-1-26 08:40 This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2017-1-26 08:42
Quicky Post

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