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[ Strategy Share ] Wind Arena [Breeze Dancer] Road to Senniin build


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 12
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On 2016-08-07 22:24:51Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello, I just want to show you my Line-up witch allowed me to get Sennin rank in the Arena and Konohamaru reward.

-Wind Main Lvl 45+
-Kankuro 3*+
-Gaara 3*+
-Kabuto 2*+



This is simply as it looks. Gaara as a tank, Kankuro as main damage, Kabuto as a healer and Wind main as a Target Dummy.
You try to block opponent's Area Skill with your Gaara and try to use Kankuro's skill at turn 2. Basic combo is Turn 2 Kankuro, Turn 3 Main, Kankuro and Gaara or Kabuto skill. You need to remember, that sometimes is good to wait. For example, when you're fighting Lighting main, they can Paralyze your whole team at turn 2, you can th*e Dance of Impetus and follow with your combo, same, if enemy will use Neji/Hinata/Iruka and try to block your skills. In this situation let them do it and after that use Dance of Impetus.
You need to remember to place them in correct order, so Gaara's shield will apply on Kankuro's puppet.

If you have any question or you have something to add here, just write a message to me.

Thanks for reading.
This post was last edited by Shisui7 at 2016-8-7 22:26
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 12
  • Posts: 81
On 2016-08-07 23:56:32Show All Posts
  • KakeruTenshin On 2016-08-07 23:45:40
  • Could you give some tips to use that setup with a water main? looks like fun
Unfortunately not, I don't know enough about Water Main to write tips, but if you want some lineups, I've played against a Water team with Kidomaru, Water (Heal), Shizune and Kabuto. I just couldn't kill them, and after 10 rounds they had full hp.

My group friend played with my team (Gaara, Kankuro, Kabuto) with Water main, but I have no Idea if it worked for him.
Quicky Post

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