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[ Strategy Share ] Wind Arena [Breeze Dancer] Road to Senniin build


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
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On 2016-08-08 00:05:16Show All Posts
For the Fire main variant, it's basically the same bullcrap.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 9
  • Posts: 350
On 2016-08-08 05:38:20Show All Posts
  • ProtoZero On 2016-08-08 01:54:42
  • played against this team quite afew times. Super annoying since my team couldnt combo anyone...

    Gaara cant be combo'd
    then kankuro puppet...

    Then again, another team to make it to sennin. Seems like it's also flooding the field with clones and puppet like my own team. Maybe clones are getting too strong?
Nah clones are weak to AOE. They're good in arena just to absorb hits, a tactical usage.

I actually have been able to beat this team repeatedly using the same one in the screenshot. It's just kind of fifty-fifty because I have to correctly predict what the opponent is going to do.

The battle goes like this...

- Anticipate the silence, Gaara begins using his sand barrier to buff everyone's damage, respond after with Kabuto puppets
- Round 2, Chidori the crap out of Naruto which reflects a combo disabler but still usually triggers Shikamaru to disable Naruto afterwards (already reflected one debuff) and interrupts his Rasengan. Without Naruto the team's damage that turn is pretty paltry. This can get screwed if Kankuro uses his ability instead.
- Round 3, I either have Chidori again thanks to murdering a clone with it or I don't. Most likely not so follow up by resolving Bone Forest against whoever didn't cast a jutsu last turn (usually Kankuro). Shikamaru's shadow is reflected this time but it still interrupts the cast. Tank whatever damage happens, Kabuto is usually out of clones at this point.
- Round 4, I'm either losing horribly or in a great position here. Staying on top of Naruto and Kankuro, Chidori combo to Immobile which is followed up by Shikamaru's jutsu which causes up to 2000 damage and Ignition debuff on the target. If this fires off I'm usually awarded with someone being dead. Summon more clones with Kabuto.
- Round 5 and on... I have 100 chakra and plenty of clones to kill. Depending on which mysteries are up, chain cast the shika-combos to keep people stunned and unable to use their jutsu or attack. Kabuto healing like a champ this whole time and buffing Kimimaro's defense/resistance every turn.
Quicky Post

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