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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 33
On 2017-01-12 22:59:28Show All Posts
I have to say hats of to the devs, I thought another catastrophe like the December events would not happen again ,but yeah we are. This month has just been back to back failures all except the holy grail of all of your * events "Lucky Board" aka your saving grace. My hats of to the dumb Jiraiya you provided us, really appreciate it, nah it was a utter disrespect to all players really. You spit in our faces with this dumb ninjas you provide us . "He is really good now, he does a measly 14 dmg" omg the best ninja in my life. While other servers, yes I am bringing other servers get konan as a monthly event, you continue to spit in our faces with utter disrespect and *. You have got out 2.0 congrats and yet we are still sitting on this * shops. Look i see your plan, we all see it all. You are trying to milk konan and the pains. Just release the * shop updates stop trying to be a money hungry company. The events for this week are just utter *, you continue to shove these events down our throats but i got news for you , we all went to school. We can do simple math, we can research, we can read. You can take your events, go back to the drawing board and rethink your life.
Quicky Post

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