Views: 3313 | Replies: 12
[ Bugs ] i have a problem with Weekly practice .


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 20:03:45Show All Posts
Same problem both missions of S can't be completed looseing 1 seal scroll and 600k Exp

i know 100% u can finish all mission since my brother plays S100 and he finished 5 normal and 2 S missions
Lets hope Moderators know about this bug and compensate the players for this missunderstanding

S62 TatsuyaFujitora
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 20:11:16Show All Posts
i reply to the msg again since i just confirmed with him he finished the 2 x S missions before the normal ones and now there are no normal ones that apear so he either finished 2 S then 5 normal or finished 2 S and 3 normal he doesn't remember .

Can a moderator pls confirm that we have to finish the 2 S first ?
Quicky Post

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