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[ Events ] Risks vs Rewards for New Plunder?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 22:36:53Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-01-08 22:16:19
  • you can get 4 SS mission a day make it 120 coupon so that isn't a problem
    also the higher power you get the harder it is to be raised so something like a bonus 3k cp/month for the top players wouldn't widen the gap that much
That would cost 30 ingots, does plunder 3 SS cost ingots?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 13:55:59Show All Posts
  • Michelle Utoniu On 2017-01-09 13:34:18
  • Sorry to disagree with ya... or rather kinda agree...
    If it were to be set so the Runners could 2v1 it'd have to be rebalanced, say have the partner in 2v1 nerfed like a secondary ranked battle team -25% etc. It would give a fighting chance without making them potentially unplunderable as 2 full lvl 70's against a 80 could too often lead to the *s winning, but with a slight minor handicapped you give the * a fighting chance without them having too high of a win margin.

    As for getting plundered throughout the day outside of the mission... If your smart about how you play it shouldn't be an issue. sure you need to be a bit of a scardy cat but would you as a lone genin wander a warring state with a bounty on your head and expect not to be attacked? It's not perfect but it could be much worse. This post was last edited by Rikanisu at 2017-1-9 13:35
Due to the way * works thou, at the very best it will be enough to * some of the SS in the group safely, the top X player of your group providing * to the to 3X of the group, including between themselves.
Therefore, the plunderer would still have almost free reign on S, just a limited SS pool to somewhat diminish their income, that would actually be far more balanced. It won't exactly do to make plunderer plunder all the SS from the weakest players after all(even with *), instead, something that make them plunder a few SS from the weakest and then S from the strongish would make more sense.

Of course, if there is a more lax * limit, then full 2v1 would be a problem.

Whether or not two weaker team can take out a stronger one depend on team compo as much as relative power. Generally speaking, you can reach a bigger gap with more control style teams on the weaker side, because between two teams, it would be roughly possible to fully cc one team and grind him down. As far as full frontal assault team goes, strength plays a much bigger part. There are ptws that c*most wipe me out by end of turn 2 and I can barely damage one of his char pass half way by end of battle(thou my mysteries are AoE, so it's usually like 20-55% damage on everything), and I'm a 85 with up to 40k power. I seriously doubt he'd have any issue killing two lv 80s if they don't completely cc him to death.
I really don't expect most people to start making */convoy specific teams so they can 2v1 more effectively.
Quicky Post

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