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[ Events ] Risks vs Rewards for New Plunder?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-08 15:48:53Show All Posts
  • DrDoo On 2017-01-07 19:53:00
  • sorry bro but that really makes no sense, it would just force players into insta spending their cupons....
have them go into negative coupon debt?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 10:43:09Show All Posts
  • DrDoo On 2017-01-09 01:38:43
  • I am sorry if I offended anybody, but please guys i got 1 request...Before coming and complaining about 1 thing, find a solution yourselves, and after you do that, try to imagine what your solution would mean, all the factors that it will change, or else you would risk to be considered 10 year olds that just like to complain because....well because that's how 10 years old are
So instead of insulting people how about practice what you preach. People wanted a solution, I gave one, I didn't complain out it.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 15:42:49Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-01-09 14:38:59
  • Ptfff, how to fix this problem? Here is a solution :
    Remove ingot cost for SS mission convoy.
    Change plunder so only top 20 can do it or even top 10 is ok.

    To people who gonna say why top 20 get more reward than everyone else? Well, because there is reason for them to be top 20 maybe? They're better than you, they're richer than you, they're spending more time and effort into the game than you, etc...
Then how does one ever get to * it to the plunderers and claim the bounty?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-10 01:37:42Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-01-09 16:32:53
  • Umm pay more? Or just be active and hope someone from the top will become lazy and eventually fall off.
    You just can't expect others to stop growing so you can reach to the top easily. It may take 1 month, 2 months or even year for that to happen. But it's what it is, people who paid and people who put more effort into the game should be reward more than those who don't, that's how the game work. Every reward are placed behind ranking wall.
Umm, I'm rank 1 and I can see how the current setup there is no way for the victims or any group to take me down. Kouka I believe a system needs to be in place that makes it so there is a chance of actually being able to succeed or else there really is no downside to ever plunder. More reward vs more risk doesn't exist.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-10 03:05:13Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-01-10 02:39:07
  • That's exactly what I'm talking about. If they limit plunder to 20 or even 10 and everyone can get access to ss mission without any loss. There will be plenty of not so high in power but very strong in actual fight people doing convoy, that is plunderer downside. It's may not really a problem for you but for people who sit at rank 6 or below it's a problem. The higher level we get the higher chance for people to beat wider gap opponent.
    Also I did notice that a plunderer currently can only target victim within 15 level range. So if you are lv 85, you can only see lv 70 and above people. Try to close the gap even more, like 5 if you think it's not enough. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-10 01:53
I have no problem with the current system. I have issue with the aftermath of the plunder. When there is zero way for a person to feel threatened when that is exactly what the red letters are supposed to do.

Perhaps make it so players can team up against the plunderer after the missions are over. So they can do a 3 v 1 or something. Also making the risks of loss something actually meaningful. Also something should be done to prevent alt spam. If one loses they can't challenge them again for at least one minute.

Have a timer that doesn't reset unless they are outside their group hall. If they stay in there group hall to continue to plunder and avoid being out in the open field then the timer adds to the current one. It shouldn't reset daily. If the timer goes above X then Kakashi won't give missions or Anko won't give her exam. The cat won't let you into the rich fields and Guy won't give wanted missions to a "criminal" This post was last edited by Einherjar at 2017-1-10 03:08
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-10 03:05:50Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-01-10 02:39:07
  • That's exactly what I'm talking about. If they limit plunder to 20 or even 10 and everyone can get access to ss mission without any loss. There will be plenty of not so high in power but very strong in actual fight people doing convoy, that is plunderer downside. It's may not really a problem for you but for people who sit at rank 6 or below it's a problem. The higher level we get the higher chance for people to beat wider gap opponent.
    Also I did notice that a plunderer currently can only target victim within 15 level range. So if you are lv 85, you can only see lv 70 and above people. Try to close the gap even more, like 5 if you think it's not enough. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-10 01:53
There was a lag spike and I double posted. My bad.
Quicky Post

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