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[ Events ] Risks vs Rewards for New Plunder?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-07 18:58:03Show All Posts
150 Coupons and all you have to do is hide for the rest of the day.... Kind of a no brainer to me. They don't even stop you from being able to hide. Just spend all your time in your group base, and you don't even have the risk of losing anything. I'm not even sure you would run into people that try and attack you out side of Konoha, cause they are most likely don't something else.

Only warning I'll give... Don't do Anko's Quiz while red. They can start a fight with you mid question, and you lose all credit for said question. Other then that, no way to lose more then your coins... and that is only if you temp fate by standing in the middle of town.
Quicky Post

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