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[ Events ] Risks vs Rewards for New Plunder?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-07 19:53:00Show All Posts
  • MarioMD On 2017-01-07 19:06:50
  • Which seems to be entirely my problem. There seems to be little to no downside to choosing to plunder and the little downside there is, is easily mitigated. Without any consequence why would anyone of moderate power choose anything but plunder with Coupons as a potential prize? Especially with Ingots (not coupons) needing to be spent to accept additional SS rank missions.

    Likewise I don't think the "assistance" mechanic was well thought out, unless the person assisting you is straight up more powerful than the plunderer they will win, with the attacker getting a full heal between each round, and your most powerful group members being limited on the number of assists they could give. Make the damage * or a 2v1 if you want assistance to be meaningful.

    In the old system at least higher level group members could provide unlimited *s and my group's lower leveled players weren't just fodder after I assisted a handful of people. I am really not liking the new convoy/plunder system at all. I felt the old one promoted more teamwork, group play, and actually let me provide token defense for my lower level members. .
    I think either more risk needs to be added to plunder (loose coupons not coins, if you are going to let them loot coupons as well as coins) or more ways need to be added to allow for defence of lower level group members to promote group play be it allow for unlimited assistances (with only the first X getting coin rewards) or allow 2v1 or 3v1 battles or at least don't give plunderers full heals between each member.

    This post was last edited by MarioMD at 2017-1-7 19:11
sorry bro but that really makes no sense, it would just force players into insta spending their cupons....
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 01:34:02Show All Posts
  • nh111 On 2017-01-08 15:48:53
  • have them go into negative coupon debt?
now you're just being * really got no ideea what programing is and how it got any ideea what adding minus to programing would do????you will get 5 bugs for every 2 steps taken
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-09 01:38:43Show All Posts
I am sorry if I offended anybody, but please guys i got 1 request...Before coming and complaining about 1 thing, find a solution yourselves, and after you do that, try to imagine what your solution would mean, all the factors that it will change, or else you would risk to be considered 10 year olds that just like to complain because....well because that's how 10 years old are
Quicky Post

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