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[ Events ] BUGs Discovery Contest!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 11:11:32Show this Author Only
  • Indo-Ninja On 2017-01-05 23:54:40
  • Server ID: S-134 Tatami
    Character's Name: Midnight Blade (IndoNinjutsu)
    UID: 200000089027179
    Bug Location: ARENA
    How did it happen? When i fought in The Arena, orochimaru died and after one round, he never ressurect.
    Bug Description: Normally Orochimaru ressurect automatically after one round when he died.

    Second Bug : Tobi's mask when he stand in battle in the ARENA, can only be seen half of it. Normally full

    I report TWO BUGS, i've earned TWO REWARDS.
    Thank you.

Orochimaru was changed to only rez if you have a Sound ninja with him. I'd go read the skill updates for all the ninja.
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On 2017-01-06 11:14:03Show this Author Only
  • luggage On 2017-01-06 00:44:31
  • Server ID: S183 Land of Wind
    Character's Name: luggage
    UID: 200000091488111
    Bug Location: Benefit Hall -> Resource Recovery
    How did it happen?: For some reason it shows Daily Practice Reward and Weekly Practice Reward twice.
    Print screen(s): (p.s. i've hidden my email id)
This is the same on the German server.. So probably was copied over.
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On 2017-01-06 11:16:45Show this Author Only
  • Masarkae On 2017-01-06 01:47:35
  • Server ID: S7:Neji
    Character's Name: Masarkae
    UID: 200000083201704
    Bug Location: Guy
    How did it happen? Update to skills.
    Bug Description: Guy's second passive reads, "When Guy is in battlefield, guy will heal himself by 15% in proportion to the Ninjutsu damage caused by your field." He is not healing when Ninjutsu damage is performed. Bug or am I not understanding the passive?
    Print screen(s):
Yeah it should be Taijutsu not ninjutsu, they indicated this on the ninja skills konoha page 1 update.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 11:20:44Show this Author Only
  • VenomSpartan On 2017-01-06 02:39:56
  • Server ID: 14 Hinata
    Character's Name: Lelouch
    Bug Location: Team Instance
    the rewards go off but there chances do not when ur in a team, so if your in a team you can cycle though your members and get like 15 items or just infinite some were saying. some people are saying something about you get it a week or something idk. Update some people are saying it maybe just doesnt show freind runs. This post was last edited by VenomSpartan at 2017-1-6 02:47
you get 5 friend runs, and 5 normal runs a day. for up to 20 normal runs a week. I think they were talking about their friend runs that they just did all at once.
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On 2017-01-06 11:25:10Show this Author Only
Server ID:S1
Character's Name: AhMazeIn
Bug Location: Recruit
How did it happen?
Bug Description:When you highlight over the treasure, it says fragment after the ninja now.
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 11:29:21Show this Author Only
hot spring dosent work

in q my main and my alt for over 10 mins we didnt match up
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On 2017-01-06 12:17:58Show this Author Only
Server ID: S2
Character's Name: JushinUchiha
Bug Location: Question Tab
How did it happen? when i clicked on ? mark tab
Bug Description: tried to submit a complaint in cust service tab and the entire thing is in german
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 12:19:33Show this Author Only
Server ID: S241
Character's Name: ChibiTanuki
UID: 200000093069515
Bug Location: Convoy - apply for support
How did it happen?: I requested for support in convoy.
Bug Description: The language translated is wrong. Angefordert is neither English or a language understood by SEA
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 12:32:28Show this Author Only
Server ID: S214 Substitution
Character's Name: Alisha
UID: 200000092289895
Bug Location: Todays Events
How did it happen? Rushed job
Bug Description: Spelling error
Print screen(s):

Guess we better be on the look out for those Ambuhs... :lol :lol :lol
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On 2017-01-06 13:00:26Show this Author Only
Hellow ~

I won't go read all the page to know if it was already said, but there is it :

Server ID: S184:Forest of Death Character's Name: Shkar
UID: 200000091620733

#1 :Bug Location: In mail
How did it happen? : It was just there.
Bug Description: In the mail reception of the recompense for nintail, there was a weird langage thing. See the printscreen. And before you tell me "it has nothing to do with the new version!!!", I will tell you that it wasn't there before this update, so it's definitively it's fault.
Print screen(s):

#2 :Bug Location: In Events, for team instance, in the event's rules.
How did it happen? : I suppose they forgot to change it...
Bug Description: The rules for team instance changed (now we can do 5 a days and there is 20 times max a week and 5 weekly friendship thingy), but the old rules still appears.
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This post was last edited by vrv*** at 2017-1-6 13:47
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On 2017-01-06 13:13:06Show this Author Only
Just because...... Ranked Arena have no one in there... lol

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On 2017-01-06 13:30:43Show this Author Only
Server: S173: Land Of Waves
Character's Name: Kaede
UID: 200000091051582

Bug Location: World map
Bug Description: Treasure map says "Five-Seal Barrier", world map says "Five-Seal Result".
Print screen(s):

Bug Location: Strong Approaching reward pop-up
Bug Description: After finishing one round of SA, it says "Belohnung" instead of "Rewards".
Sorry I didn't get the chance to print screen this one. This post was last edited by Kaede at 2017-1-6 13:31
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On 2017-01-06 13:56:19Show this Author Only
Now, we are friday, so I should not already cry on things that happens on the week-end... BUT!!!

Server ID: S184:Forest of Death Character's Name: Shkar
UID: 200000091620733

#3 :

Bug Location: Events, Team instance. Also, monthly event.
How did it happen? : *ity
Bug Description: In the monthly event, we need to do 3 team instance a day. That includes the 7, so tomorrow, wich will be a saturday. Except that if you look at the Dates for Team Instance, it say it only happen Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri. Not saturday or sunday. So it's either *ity, or there will actually be Team instance next saturday and it's just not written. If so, add it...
Print screen(s):

#4 :
Bug Location: In Hot Topics, Limited packs, Event period
How did it happen? : I suppose they made a mistake...
Bug Description: The event period is probably not supposed to be that...
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 14:27:48Show this Author Only
Well, there was something messed up with a couple announcements, like the letters were mixed up and had a whole bunch of numbers for some reason. Also, arena I can never find anyone. Me and my friend were in the same queue for 20 minutes and nothing, not sure what it is but you guys should fix that. Oh, some words are also in another language. Like I believe the sage lands are in japanese.

Server: S279 Mogei Shuriken
IGN: Katsukii
This post was last edited by rom*** at 2017-1-6 14:30
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On 2017-01-06 14:32:06Show this Author Only
Server ID: 195:Mount Myoboku
Character's Name: SuzuHirose
UID: 200000083759853
Bug Location: Wind Main Talent
How did it happen?
Bug Description: Talent Super *y Harem Jutsu not apply for each round, only first round
Print screen(s): This post was last edited by iceiceicez at 2017-1-6 14:40
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-06 15:00:16Show this Author Only
Server ID: 110 JinpachiCharacter's Name: GranzonUID: 20000008910482
Bug#1: Jonin Medal Language BugBug Location: Benefit Hall TabHow did it happen?: No idea, just saw it happenedBug Description: The language on Jonin Medal Claim coupons are in other language.Print screen(s):
Bug#2: Group Skill Timer BugBug Location: Group TabHow did it happen?: No idea, just happened to stumble upon itBug Description: The timer that usually runs during group skill upgrades on group tab disappeared.
Print screen(s):
Bug#3: Costume Fragment Indicator BugBug Location: Battle Armor Tab -> Clothing -> SynthesizeHow did it happen?: Just playing around and saw that the fragment indicator disappeared.Bug Description: The fragment indicator of clothing disappeared. Before it should has something like 40/50 fragments or something.
Print screen(s):
Bug#4: Tendo Treasure DescriptionBug Location: Recruit Tab -> Hover your mouse on Tendo TreasureHow did it happen?: This happened for a long time, never get fixed. Additionally, the word "Fragments" are added after 2.0 update for each ninja in each treasure boxes as wellBug Description: Sasori 100 Puppets does not belong in Tendo Treasure (You can't get him there). Also, the word Fragments are added to the end of each ninja's name. It might cause confusing assumptions to players.
Print screen(s):
Bug#5: Limited Packs Event Period bugBug Location: Hot Topics -> Limited Packs -> Event PeriodHow did it happen?: Found it by random, causes unknownBug Description: The Event Period of Limited Packs are extremely confusing and does not make any sense.
Print screen(s):

Bug#6: Chiyo's Description TypoBug Location: Ninja -> Hover your mouse on ChiyoHow did it happen?: Found it by random, causes unknownBug Description: Capitalization typo on Chiyo's description: Correct = generate, Incorrect = geneRate
Print screen(s):
Bug#7: Time Schedule Notification BugBug Location: Left Side of the screen during certain eventsHow did it happen?: Found it by random, causes unknownBug Description: It says Team Instance started at 18:00 despite the fact that it is passed that time. Usually, it would notified players that Team Instances are available to join/play.
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This post was last edited by LEEEEROY at 2017-1-6 15:57 This post was last edited by LEEEEROY at 2017-1-6 16:09 This post was last edited by LEEEEROY at 2017-1-6 21:24
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On 2017-01-06 16:29:10Show this Author Only
tactic update page not working, the spring is not working.
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On 2017-01-06 16:48:54Show this Author Only
Server ID: 319
Character's Name: KazutoKagura
UID: 104297685413215210148
Bug Location: Share to Facebook rewards (Community Event, Wonderful Sharing)
How did it happen?: Cant claim stamina potions
Bug Description: Im a genin yet i can't claim the arena grade:student reward
Print screen(s): %5BURL=

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On 2017-01-06 17:05:45Show this Author Only
Server ID: 20 Kabuto
Character's Name: UzumakiNaruka
UID: 1029498413766412@facebook
Bug Location:Main interface
How did it happen?
I wanted to do Wanted missions and didnt se them anywhere
Bug Description:
I did 5 wanted mission for weekly kakashi handbook day before, and today i wanted to do it for daily, but i didnt seen them anywhere on my mission list or inside daily kakshihandbook,i have to go manualy to gai npc to do my 5 missions
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This post was last edited by UzumakiNaruka at 2017-1-6 10:14 This post was last edited by UzumakiNaruka at 2017-1-6 10:15
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On 2017-01-06 17:09:36Show this Author Only
Server ID: S241
Character's Name: ChibiTanuki
UID: 200000093069515
Bug Location: Timed Events
How did it happen?: N/A
Bug Description: The order of timed events were mixed
Print screen(s)
Quicky Post

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