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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 1
  • Posts: 12
On 2017-01-06 04:46:08Show All Posts
don't know if anyone counted them. AniMari S 13
Pool at home doesn't work, wanted missions is out of view, arena matching sistem isn't compleat, many happened to sit in there long while until get some rival, 2 "weekly practice rewards" in "resource recovery" that's in benefit hall, "the arena shop" Coins- already have 0 (don't show amount of coins anymore what u have)
oh and can u take off that "said" word in all chat's, that messes around with brain. :D

Sorry if all this list is bit messed up but i hope u understand all what i was trying to tipe. :)

This post was last edited by Lauska at 2017-1-7 08:28
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