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[ Events ] Tobi nerf CELEBRATION thread.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-01 06:30:08Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-01-01 05:56:00
  • I am really surprised people are actually happy about Tobi nerf. What's gone is his ressurect, not dodge afaik. He also gives 20 chakra each round instead of resurrecting, so that's something to be afraid of too. Only bad thing is his mystery doesn't knockdown anymore, but appearently his chase's damage also stays, which was main reason people wanted him nerfed.

    If I made any mistakes in my statements, please correct me
The main reason I wanted to Tobi nerfed was his resurrect and his mystery, so I'm extremely happy.

Now that his mystery no longer ties into his chase, players can't depend on Tobi to be their combo starter and must have somebody else to fill that slot. This, by itself, makes it a little more difficult to direct Tobi's chase.

And most importantly, he no longer revives. The most infuriating thing about a Tobi, for me, is when I've cc'ed him, he's sitting there useless, and I kill him. He comes back with 40% health, all debuffs removed, ready to fk your * up with his mystery+chase.

His resurrect gives him a deceptive amount of health, and with it gone I'm confident I'll see some unique teams. This post was last edited by DraconusNex at 2016-12-31 17:34
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-02 06:35:53Show All Posts
  • Overmain On 2017-01-02 01:55:21
  • Maybe i will change to light or wind ;P :@
Sooner or later, you'll have a signature for every main!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-02 11:04:58Show All Posts
  • KokutoNM On 2017-01-02 10:08:27
  • i'm actually confused as to why ppl are even happy about that? there are ninjas way stronger than him than deals a lot in the whole team, tobi has only 1 target. He can be annoying but i don't feel like he's that much of a problem
There are plenty of ninja that are stronger than Tobi. He's definitely not the best ninja, by far.

He just had a whole slew of gimmicks that made him annoying and difficult to deal with. He can dodge, revive, hit like a truck, and start combos. That's more than most other character has in their bag of tricks.

Because of that, and how easy it is to 5 star him, he becomes a constant in many teams and is hard to deal with. It's not a huge problem, but when 17/17 matches in Survival Trials has a Tobi in it, you develop a special hatred for the character.

Not to mention that several Fire mains in my server just copy and paste the same team. With some effort, you can deal with it, but god does it * the fun out of the game.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-03 04:13:26Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2017-01-03 03:57:00
  • It's ok to nerf him but just don't make him completely worthless like CN and DE did. I still have a picture of TW version after Tobi nerfed. If you want the pic for proof just inbox me because I can't post it here.
    In that picture Tobi's revive passive already changed to increase chakra but his mystery still cause knockdown. Which still make him useful but less annoying to some people.
    I don't know if NA can actually make a change and prove what they said is true, not all versions are the same.
    If any mod reading this, please consider forward this to ur team and discuss if you guys can keep Tobi's knockdown to make him still viable for most f2p. It's ok to take away his revive tho. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-3 02:58
Not sure if the devs/mods really listen, but I'm ok with that as well.

My main problem is the debuff clear associated with his revive, not his mystery
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-05 15:15:27Show All Posts
  • まだまだ On 2017-01-05 14:47:38
  • now you just have someone else start the combo and after they are ignited you can jutsu them and it will do a ton because of genjutsu mirror and you will always be able to do that since he gives 20 chakra now for it. Even with revive gone its still risky to focus him with the dodge. People can still use him to almost the same affect as before, just won't be your move 1 anymore.
Don't you get bored of following me around threads and attempting to prove me wrong? This is the 3rd or 4th thread you've done this.

Whatever you want to say now about why I'm happy for Tobi's nerf, I'm celebrating it, since, if you'll guide your short-sighted eyes to the title of thread, it's what this thread entails. Not entirely sure what you're doing.

Not to mention that whatever spiel you're going on about now to defend him, Tobi's far inferior to how he used to be, and will be removed from several teams.
Quicky Post

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