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[ Events ] Tobi nerf CELEBRATION thread.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 2
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On 2017-01-01 08:12:19Show All Posts
You guys seem to forget that he c*e his mystery in round 1 and it still cause high combo.
His standard, his mystery and his new passive give extra chakra for fire main with bomb team to nuke the enemy 1st round. Yea he got nerfed and became super hard to use but if you have the right team, he can come in handy.
But srsly tho, in term of annoying I don't think at the moment there is a ninja that can get pass Sage Naruto (not count super rare) Tobi is not even a problem anymore (I'm at lv 82)
Quicky Post

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