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[ Events ] Tobi nerf CELEBRATION thread.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-01 20:23:11Show All Posts
  • Qolem On 2017-01-01 07:49:32
  • Only issue I ever had with Tobi was his chase's damage and dodge, but tbh, those are just his traits. Almost nobody uses him on higher levels, due to a big roster of better ninjas, that nobody wants no nerf. That's irrelevant though XD

    Skilled players will be still able to make his chase wreck havoc :D

    Revive itself is never a problem to me, but that might be due to the fact that Shurado 1HKO's ressurected Tobi.

    I believe that skillbooks will bring back knockdown on Tobi's mystery, that's when he gets as good as he is now :D
Half of the top 10 (lowest being 49k power) people on my server (Server 2) are still running Tobi and Fire Main combo. My server is also running a fairly heavy CC meta right now, with Fire main (with seal), Ao, Tobi and a 4th (Normally another buffer for Tobi, like Mei, Onoki, or Danzo). The main reason Tobi is still so over used is you normally can't afford to waste a CC on him. This means any team with Tobi in slot 1 gets a free pass in round 2. Even sealing someone else on the team to shorten the combo won't stop the crazy damage Tobi does thanks to the Fire Main's Ignite buff/debuff. I should also point out that the Fire Main's Ignite buff/debuff passive gets nurfed in 2.0 as well (or so I believe). This was another factor that made Tobi's already good damage output even better.

Tobi will still be usable, just not overpowered to the point that everyone needs to run him to stand a chance (or as some said above, spend crazy money for the rarer ninja).
Quicky Post

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