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[ Events ] Events - Dec 29th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-29 13:21:05Show All Posts
Well I like the game and so does a ton of ppl on my server (s61) but a lot of us (top power) are quitting. We're currently looking for something new to play. The #1 reason why we're leaving is because of Oasis' greed. Look at the event that just took place. WE HAD TO SPEND INGOTS in hopes to get a 50% voucher. Absolutely disgusting display by this company and it's truly a real shame. Now they want to give us another recycled ninja as our login event. When we do get something free it something ridiculous like 1 meatball or a lvl 1 magatama, something no one has had use for since about 50 levels ago. This post was last edited by 114***@facebook at 2016-12-29 13:23
Quicky Post

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