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[ Events ] Events - Dec 29th


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On 2016-12-29 11:16:16Show All Posts
Gotta say the events are much better this week, I am really looking forward to Lucky Board and New Year's Festivities. I seen that New Year's Festivities had sailor sakura frags, which is good. That just helps me get closer to unlocking her, but why is sannin jiraiya next months free ninja? I am 79 and almost have him 4 starred. I would think most people already have him. This is the only thing I am upset about. I thought it would go through all the GNW ninja's before going to random ninjas like this. It's fine though 2.0 is coming out and we are getting better events, maybe I can get Jiraya 5 starred. This post was last edited by Koncept at 2016-12-29 11:18
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On 2016-12-29 11:30:46Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-12-29 11:23:54
  • Lucky board : Danzo 25, Shikamaru 12, Curse Hidan 60
    Wululululululululululululu This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-12-29 10:28
DANZO!!!! Finally! Do you have a screenshot?
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On 2016-12-29 11:46:35Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 11:40:39
  • Numerous players are seriously trying to push their luck.
    If you continue, I will not hesitate to lower the hammer.
    This isn't feedback. You may not like the monthly sign-in ninja this time, but I fail to see how the other sign-in ninjas were all that useful, aside from GNW Kiba and GNW Kankuro. This post was last edited by Yuusuke at 2016-12-29 13:43
I am not happy but not mad Jiraya will be next months long in ninja, but I think the problem isn't that the ninja will be useful, but more that it won't be a new ninja and we get that sweet sweet 50 coupons. As said by multiple people yeah he isn't great, but free is free. This will help new players get him early and older users 4-5 star him or get more refine fragments. This post was last edited by Koncept at 2016-12-29 11:47
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On 2016-12-29 11:49:07Show All Posts
  • God Cess On 2016-12-29 11:47:43
  • tenten was never free sign in tho, i think he was referring to free gnw ninjas
Wasn't GNW Kankuro a monthly sign in? If so he is really good and so is GNW Choji.
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On 2016-12-29 11:58:35Show All Posts
  • freshcookiez On 2016-12-29 11:53:56
  • Is no one going to mention that the shop is getting updated soon? That is so hype honestly.
I haven't heard this? Is it getting updated in the 2.0 update and which shops are getting updated? Please give me my waifu Konan!
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-29 11:59:39Show All Posts
  • Yamikaze On 2016-12-29 11:57:54
  • calm down guys lol this event is not that bad and also not to good this week is more better then 2 last week
    hidan cursed is op u know if u have killer bee and main lightning i hope cursed hidan is not expensive so f2p also can get him
Someone in the earlier post said he will be 60 points per fragment in Lucky board shop. So sorry but he will be expensive if that guy was correct.
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On 2016-12-29 12:06:38Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 11:59:59
  • Hello,

    About the shop update, it will be a surprise!
    I cannot divulge information about this, unfortunately.
I see what your doing... I feel like your telling me we are getting Konan by saying "surprise", but you aren't allowed the leak information directly. I will just go ahead and save all the points I get from here on out. :P
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On 2016-12-29 12:16:05Show All Posts
  • Kouka On 2016-12-29 12:11:00
  • This is why you should save up around 20k cp and wait for lucky board to comeback with competitive ninja.
    Also the reward from lucky board box are : Deidara, Kisame, GNW Neji and Hashirama.
Hope within 75 lucky box openings I can get Hashirama, or Konan if she is in the lucky box. I forgot which box she was inside.
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On 2016-12-29 12:21:39Show All Posts
  • Reflexblitz On 2016-12-29 12:18:29
  • I did the math on hidan can i be guaranteed he will be only an event ninja for this period of time if i purchase him and he not gonna be added to treasure in a week or when 2.0 comes oh and for lucky dice am i correctly remember that 1 dice gives 10 points ?
    This post was last edited by Reflexblitz at 2016-12-29 12:19
Pretty sure dice give you 5 or 10 points per roll just depends on the side of the board you land on.
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On 2016-12-29 13:30:48Show All Posts
Anyone have any screenshots of the event rewards? Also has anyone done the math yet for the amount of ingots/coupons needed to get Danzo?
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On 2016-12-29 13:52:08Show All Posts
  • Deletum On 2016-12-29 13:31:22
  • .

Do you know who all is in the lucky board reward shop? I heard that is cursed hidan, shikimaru, danzo, and sage naruto do you know if that is true or not? I know the first 3 are in there just wanting to know if sage naruto is in there.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-29 14:02:53Show All Posts
  • Reflexblitz On 2016-12-29 14:00:43
  • yeah i thought i remembered they always gave 10 points i would have spent a bit over 10k for it but not close to 20
I thought it was always 5 points for the lower half of the board and 10 points for the top half of the board? I will have to go watch videos on youtube to be sure.
Quicky Post

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