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[ Events ] Events - Dec 29th


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On 2016-12-29 12:16:23Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 12:16:00
  • Hello,

    Akatsuki ninjas are in Seal Treasure.
    You can see their names in the Designated Ninja list.
get.... him?
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On 2016-12-29 12:20:47Show All Posts
Just wanted to say Jiraiya Sannin War is a very crucial piece of my ranked team for Hashirama SN and Iruka.

Thank you Oasis for giving me the opportunity to 5* him.
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On 2016-12-29 12:23:47Show All Posts
  • VidulaSaix On 2016-12-29 12:21:32
  • This is the type of comment I was talking about a few pages ago Yuusuke. You guys are asking for feedback, but are now saying you'll punish people for giving feedback? That particular comment wasn't anything malicious like previous ones have been. This topic is meant to discuss the events for this week, and regardless of if some of us have come to an agreement earlier in the topic it should not mean that others are unable to express their opinions of a specific part of the event.
He's no longer giving feedback about the sign-in rewards, he's giving feedback about Oasis themselves, to which they don't want to hear particularly.

Content over personal insults plz.
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On 2016-12-29 12:33:17Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-29 12:36:39Show All Posts
  • LawZeffByron On 2016-12-29 12:35:53
  • This should really stop... most of these comments are just spam now.
Get 'em!!!
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On 2016-12-29 12:39:21Show All Posts
  • Almost Mighty On 2016-12-29 12:36:48
  • He isn't just asking people to stop tho, he flat out said he is going to start Punishing people to stop it... that's what I disagree with. But I'm done with the Conversation I voiced my Opinion.
He asked them to stop, and they didn't. There IS a line that should NOT be crossed by mods or admins. This isn't that line.
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On 2016-12-29 12:41:59Show All Posts
As a player who has played the game for over 5 months I can promise you this isn't the worst thing that will ever happen to you.
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On 2016-12-29 12:46:55Show All Posts
There is indeed a new years event
refer to point 5
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On 2016-12-29 12:57:20Show All Posts
  • AnimeAnimo On 2016-12-29 12:56:21
  • make another way for use to get exp please;P
There will be many ways toe arn EXP in 2.0. Do not fret.
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On 2016-12-29 12:58:41Show All Posts
  • Reflexblitz On 2016-12-29 12:56:54
  • Hey mods I have asked 3 times now im gonna assume that the reason i havent been answered is because hidan will be added to kage treasure soon but could you answer my question cause ive forgotten how many point do you get per dice roll :o
Many people have answered your question.

The mods do not know or cannot tell you whether or not Hidan will be added to kage. Chances are, no they won't.

However for your lucky board question, the answer is 5 points per roll base.
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On 2016-12-29 13:08:30Show All Posts
  • On 2016-12-29 13:03:25
  • Bumping this because my question got lost in the spam :L
Yes feedback was received and considered.

Does that mean it'll be different? That remains to be seen.
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On 2016-12-29 13:15:25Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 13:11:42
  • Be a good friend, and gift him to me for Christmas, yo.
Confirmed fact, Yuu gets paid 80k coupons a week
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On 2016-12-29 13:19:23Show All Posts
Jiraiya's a rare ninja. We're getting him free now
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On 2016-12-29 13:24:54Show All Posts
Or maybe it is still planned, and maybe there's a new ninja in the shop right now, who knows? :) could always check
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On 2016-12-29 13:32:11Show All Posts
  • VidulaSaix On 2016-12-29 13:31:19
  • Moon, we already get him free in Elite Instance Clearance Rewards and you know this.
Jiraiya is considered a rare ninja for his rarity in Seal treasure. I do know that.
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On 2016-12-29 13:36:59Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2016-12-29 13:35:12
  • >Igaf
    >I dont know who yuu is
yuu is Yuusuke the News forum Moderator
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On 2016-12-29 13:39:35Show All Posts
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-29 13:38:21
  • Ever heard of jokes? :D
Are you implying you're a joke? OH! Snap! Sorry xD
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On 2016-12-29 13:46:09Show All Posts
Trump's a TV star, whatchu mean politics
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On 2016-12-29 13:47:25Show All Posts
Hate to say it, but the price for lucky board has not increased over time, though it does feel that way.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-29 13:54:50Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2016-12-29 13:53:40
  • @Yuusuke but its 400USD.. I thought u can spend that amount to get really good stuff too with that amount of money?
other Super-Rare ninja have been sold at 400$ also, why should one of the most broken ninjas in the game be sold for less.
Quicky Post

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