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[ Events ] LOL wut Tendo treasure pull for Gingerbread?


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On 2016-12-26 14:26:20Show this Author Only
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 14:09:01
  • No you players are not reading reasons why topics lock

    Players are NOT to spread misinformation or compare other versions of Naruto Online. Telling player to not pull treasure because future treasure (with ninjas maybe being the different or not included from other versions) are coming soon is both of that things.

    And do not talk of CLones or any sort since it is the MISINFORMATION you should be careful of
I'm not sure how you think giving advice is misinformation. It is merely an opinion. People ask for advice, because they want to know what people's opinions are on the topic.
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On 2016-12-26 14:29:28Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-26 14:26:20
  • I'm not sure how you think giving advice is misinformation. It is merely an opinion. People ask for advice, because they want to know what people's opinions are on the topic.
ADvice is like "how to beat exam 95" or "what works with the lightningmain?"

advice is not "these exact ninja releases with this abilities in this treasure in this many months so do not pull from that treasure" That is the misinformation
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On 2016-12-26 14:33:21Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 14:24:26
  • lol, you guys sound like a bunch of children. All of this aside you are really getting mad at the mods when they have no control over events, development etc...other then relaying feedback. Which I am sure they do. It's not about being a "White Knight" for the mods. They don't need any ones protection because you can't do * to them. (And yes that is a challenge.) Its about stating a fact.

    I hate these events as much as the next guy. In fact I'm pissed because I was about to drop a couple of stacks on this game for Christmas, thinking the events would be good. I was mistaken. But I'm not gonna get mad at a mod who is only doing their job. They have limited information to work off of, but they do have rules to enforce.
You. I like you. ;P Seriously, though, you said that well.
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On 2016-12-26 14:37:00Show this Author Only
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 14:29:28
  • ADvice is like "how to beat exam 95" or "what works with the lightningmain?"

    advice is not "these exact ninja releases with this abilities in this treasure in this many months so do not pull from that treasure" That is the misinformation
who is saying wait for a treasure that isn't out yet? people are saying tendo ninjas don't hold a candle to kage ninjas. its a waste to pull from tendo right now, because kage is already here, its not months away. the one spreading misinformation is you.
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On 2016-12-26 14:43:51Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 14:24:26
  • lol, you guys sound like a bunch of children. All of this aside you are really getting mad at the mods when they have no control over events, development etc...other then relaying feedback. Which I am sure they do. It's not about being a "White Knight" for the mods. They don't need any ones protection because you can't do * to them. (And yes that is a challenge.) Its about stating a fact.

    I hate these events as much as the next guy. In fact I'm pissed because I was about to drop a couple of stacks on this game for Christmas, thinking the events would be good. I was mistaken. But I'm not gonna get mad at a mod who is only doing their job. They have limited information to work off of, but they do have rules to enforce.
You're right, for the most part. Many of the mods here are "volunteers", in that they have no direct connection to Oasis.
Stop harassing them and be civil. If you're displeased, word your displeasure and criticism into something constructive. Take a few jabs at the mods, sure, but don't just slander them 24/7.

The only person that I think has pull with Oasis (other than Naruto-EN himself) is a certain kpop-adoring supermoderator... Go take it up with him and pm him and bother him. Others are just doing what they're told to do.
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On 2016-12-26 14:46:03Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 14:24:26
  • lol, you guys sound like a bunch of children. All of this aside you are really getting mad at the mods when they have no control over events, development etc...other then relaying feedback. Which I am sure they do. It's not about being a "White Knight" for the mods. They don't need any ones protection because you can't do * to them. (And yes that is a challenge.) Its about stating a fact.

    I hate these events as much as the next guy. In fact I'm pissed because I was about to drop a couple of stacks on this game for Christmas, thinking the events would be good. I was mistaken. But I'm not gonna get mad at a mod who is only doing their job. They have limited information to work off of, but they do have rules to enforce.
I think people are upset at the mods for deleting posts complaining/voicing their views on things they dislike (you conveniently left that part out btw). To laugh at someone and call them children over legitimate concerns of free speech and their voices being squashed.. how arrogant and belittling. And what do you mean by challenge? Do you think someone is trying to shoot them? Ok tough guy. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2016-12-26 14:49 This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2016-12-26 14:59 This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-1-29 17:13
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On 2016-12-26 14:54:03Show this Author Only
not expecting lots of free stuffs at this time of the year from a pay to win browser game especially since it christmas but i must say it caught me off guard and was not expecting them to be this bold in milking cash even in christmas lol. they want money and they want it badly
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On 2016-12-26 15:00:20Show this Author Only
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 14:29:28
  • ADvice is like "how to beat exam 95" or "what works with the lightningmain?"

    advice is not "these exact ninja releases with this abilities in this treasure in this many months so do not pull from that treasure" That is the misinformation
Take out the "this exact month" and it's legit as daiske agreed
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On 2016-12-26 15:03:57Show this Author Only
  • DraconusNex On 2016-12-26 14:43:51
  • You're right, for the most part. Many of the mods here are "volunteers", in that they have no direct connection to Oasis.
    Stop harassing them and be civil. If you're displeased, word your displeasure and criticism into something constructive. Take a few jabs at the mods, sure, but don't just slander them 24/7.

    The only person that I think has pull with Oasis (other than Naruto-EN himself) is a certain kpop-adoring supermoderator... Go take it up with him and pm him and bother him. Others are just doing what they're told to do.
Lmao isnt he in japan? Also why did the whole admin team in Chyna let this lonely man deal with everything up here? I know we're like on the opposite of the battlefield but cmon oasis xD
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On 2016-12-26 15:05:15Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 14:24:26
  • lol, you guys sound like a bunch of children. All of this aside you are really getting mad at the mods when they have no control over events, development etc...other then relaying feedback. Which I am sure they do. It's not about being a "White Knight" for the mods. They don't need any ones protection because you can't do * to them. (And yes that is a challenge.) Its about stating a fact.

    I hate these events as much as the next guy. In fact I'm pissed because I was about to drop a couple of stacks on this game for Christmas, thinking the events would be good. I was mistaken. But I'm not gonna get mad at a mod who is only doing their job. They have limited information to work off of, but they do have rules to enforce.
can we get mad at devs instead? lol
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On 2016-12-26 15:08:54Show this Author Only
Guys... I know this might sound really weird... but can't you just treat this situation as an opportunity to save money (p2w) and/or coupons (f2p)...

I mean, if we have bad events, we have more time to get coupons for good one. As much as I am displeased with those we have now, I just wait and collect coupons, hoping for next event to be something like Lucky Dice, or anything remotely as good as this.

One thing is that Mods are not directly connected to events, and the second that spreading hate on everything around us will not change absolutely ANYTHING.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 15:25:23Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-26 14:46:03
  • I think people are upset at the mods for deleting posts complaining/voicing their views on things they dislike (you conveniently left that part out btw). To laugh at someone and call them children over legitimate concerns of free speech and their voices being squashed.. how arrogant and belittling. And what do you mean by challenge? Do you think someone is trying to shoot them? Ok tough guy. This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2016-12-26 14:49 This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2016-12-26 14:59 This post was last edited by 189***@facebook at 2017-1-29 17:13
Thanks for proving my point, ace.

The admins delete posts that break the rules they have set for this forum. And no I didn't mean "shoot" anyone "tough guy." I meant there is nothing you -could- do to the mods even if you wanted to. So they don't need protecting.

I don't wish to flame or bash you. So I'm sorry if you took(/are taking currently from this post) what I said the wrong way. I don't think you are a child. I just wish you would try to look at the big picture here. These mods cannot do anything in regards to development other than report feedback. And they do this, I can assure you. As far as deleting posts go, as I mentioned before, part of their job is to enforce rules on these forums. In other words, if someone breaks them they can delete them. In fact they have the authority to delete anything they deem to break the ToS, which when left to open interpretation, means virtually anything.

Put yourself into their shoes for just one moment. Developers do some bad events and it's the mods who have to face the fire and pitchfork mobs of P2W and F2P (Depending on the cir*stances.) Sure I wish they would handle * differently sometimes, but ultimately I cannot judge them for how they defend themselves from all the hatred. And quite frankly, neither can you.

The defense rests it's case.
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On 2016-12-26 15:29:35Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 15:25:23
  • Thanks for proving my point, ace.

    The admins delete posts that break the rules they have set for this forum. And no I didn't mean "shoot" anyone "tough guy." I meant there is nothing you -could- do to the mods even if you wanted to. So they don't need protecting.

    I don't wish to flame or bash you. So I'm sorry if you took(/are taking currently from this post) what I said the wrong way. I don't think you are a child. I just wish you would try to look at the big picture here. These mods cannot do anything in regards to development other than report feedback. And they do this, I can assure you. As far as deleting posts go, as I mentioned before, part of their job is to enforce rules on these forums. In other words, if someone breaks them they can delete them. In fact they have the authority to delete anything they deem to break the ToS, which when left to open interpretation, means virtually anything.

    Put yourself into their shoes for just one moment. Developers do some bad events and it's the mods who have to face the fire and pitchfork mobs of P2W and F2P (Depending on the cir*stances.) Sure I wish they would handle * differently sometimes, but ultimately I cannot judge them for how they defend themselves from all the hatred. And quite frankly, neither can you.

    The defense rests it's case.
This is put the very best in thread. YES there are limits to decisions that can be made, especially in what events are schedule. please dont be mad at the mods (or developers!) there are many things they cannot help and have the hands tied. All are doing their best, it is a promise

Thank you friend Beji for making this clear of all understandings
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On 2016-12-26 15:32:49Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2016-12-26 15:08:54
  • Guys... I know this might sound really weird... but can't you just treat this situation as an opportunity to save money (p2w) and/or coupons (f2p)...

    I mean, if we have bad events, we have more time to get coupons for good one. As much as I am displeased with those we have now, I just wait and collect coupons, hoping for next event to be something like Lucky Dice, or anything remotely as good as this.

    One thing is that Mods are not directly connected to events, and the second that spreading hate on everything around us will not change absolutely ANYTHING.
People r displeased because they though they have the chance to spend on christmas but now they have to continue waiting xD
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On 2016-12-26 15:39:46Show this Author Only
  • OG-Trülféz On 2016-12-26 15:29:35
  • This is put the very best in thread. YES there are limits to decisions that can be made, especially in what events are schedule. please dont be mad at the mods (or developers!) there are many things they cannot help and have the hands tied. All are doing their best, it is a promise

    Thank you friend Beji for making this clear of all understandings
at mods i can understand they just following orders from higher ups, at developers nope, they're the ones who make the events, unless you prove to me tencent has influence over here too(which i doubt it) cuz usually tencent only does the approval, doesnt follow close up on what's going on, to break it down for ya, devs organize the events, show to their higher ups for approval, and that's it.
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On 2016-12-26 15:44:35Show this Author Only
  • Beji On 2016-12-26 14:24:26
  • lol, you guys sound like a bunch of children. All of this aside you are really getting mad at the mods when they have no control over events, development etc...other then relaying feedback. Which I am sure they do. It's not about being a "White Knight" for the mods. They don't need any ones protection because you can't do * to them. (And yes that is a challenge.) Its about stating a fact.

    I hate these events as much as the next guy. In fact I'm pissed because I was about to drop a couple of stacks on this game for Christmas, thinking the events would be good. I was mistaken. But I'm not gonna get mad at a mod who is only doing their job. They have limited information to work off of, but they do have rules to enforce.
You're right, they are just like us and don't have control over *. All they can do is what they're told to do like lock, down, delete threads and b*ers.
My suggestion thread got downed because according to them stating fact and criticize are considered brought negative, you can read my thread by checking my profile. I also inbox and asked for reasons and the answered was "go read the general forum rules". I did and reply to him that I don't see my thread violated any rules, no reply from our dear mod. And later that day I got banned and received an answer after 10 hours since I pmed : "While I agree with you on the event being not that good, pointing it out in a thread will only lead to more negativity".
Oh ok but why don't pm me and tell me the word "*" can't be use to describe how bad the event is, I'd have find another word. Nah, straight up down it was better because that will show me who is the boss.

After that the delete threads problem didn't stop until so many threads got downed and players raging about their action, they did brought up downed threads but locked it away shortly after. Ask people like DraconusRex, that was exactly what happened to his thread.
They may forward our feedback, so? Things won't change, like you said they don't have control over it. Tell me if fishing event get improve since the last time? They don't get to decide that. So why should I have respect for human puppet who got paid to do that?
I maybe wrong about them, but atm this is what I think and it's just me, I don't mean to spread hate toward the mod team. We're getting off topic, this is not about mod but if anyone who has different point of view on this matter and want to enlighten me please do it via inbox.
This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-12-26 14:47
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On 2016-12-26 16:19:49Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-12-26 15:44:35
  • You're right, they are just like us and don't have control over *. All they can do is what they're told to do like lock, down, delete threads and b*ers.
    My suggestion thread got downed because according to them stating fact and criticize are considered brought negative, you can read my thread by checking my profile. I also inbox and asked for reasons and the answered was "go read the general forum rules". I did and reply to him that I don't see my thread violated any rules, no reply from our dear mod. And later that day I got banned and received an answer after 10 hours since I pmed : "While I agree with you on the event being not that good, pointing it out in a thread will only lead to more negativity".
    Oh ok but why don't pm me and tell me the word "*" can't be use to describe how bad the event is, I'd have find another word. Nah, straight up down it was better because that will show me who is the boss.

    After that the delete threads problem didn't stop until so many threads got downed and players raging about their action, they did brought up downed threads but locked it away shortly after. Ask people like DraconusRex, that was exactly what happened to his thread.
    They may forward our feedback, so? Things won't change, like you said they don't have control over it. Tell me if fishing event get improve since the last time? They don't get to decide that. So why should I have respect for human puppet who got paid to do that?
    I maybe wrong about them, but atm this is what I think and it's just me, I don't mean to spread hate toward the mod team. We're getting off topic, this is not about mod but if anyone who has different point of view on this matter and want to enlighten me please do it via inbox.
    This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-12-26 14:47
You know they're just like you and me, so why disrespecting them (which mean disrespecting urself, me and every other user)?
If you wanna hate, hate the admin, daiske, etc why hating people who are just as suffering as u are?
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On 2016-12-26 16:34:10Show this Author Only
hey guys, we can make voice. NO MORE feedback and just chill and break from forum.
They will miss our voice one day ....
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On 2016-12-26 16:38:45Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-12-26 15:44:35
  • You're right, they are just like us and don't have control over *. All they can do is what they're told to do like lock, down, delete threads and b*ers.
    My suggestion thread got downed because according to them stating fact and criticize are considered brought negative, you can read my thread by checking my profile. I also inbox and asked for reasons and the answered was "go read the general forum rules". I did and reply to him that I don't see my thread violated any rules, no reply from our dear mod. And later that day I got banned and received an answer after 10 hours since I pmed : "While I agree with you on the event being not that good, pointing it out in a thread will only lead to more negativity".
    Oh ok but why don't pm me and tell me the word "*" can't be use to describe how bad the event is, I'd have find another word. Nah, straight up down it was better because that will show me who is the boss.

    After that the delete threads problem didn't stop until so many threads got downed and players raging about their action, they did brought up downed threads but locked it away shortly after. Ask people like DraconusRex, that was exactly what happened to his thread.
    They may forward our feedback, so? Things won't change, like you said they don't have control over it. Tell me if fishing event get improve since the last time? They don't get to decide that. So why should I have respect for human puppet who got paid to do that?
    I maybe wrong about them, but atm this is what I think and it's just me, I don't mean to spread hate toward the mod team. We're getting off topic, this is not about mod but if anyone who has different point of view on this matter and want to enlighten me please do it via inbox.
    This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-12-26 14:47
So for someone who questions why they should respect someone and think of them as human puppets, you have an odd meaning of not spreading hate towards the mod team.

Honestly though this Tendo pulls 300 pulls is bonkers.
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On 2016-12-26 16:41:08Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2016-12-26 15:08:54
  • Guys... I know this might sound really weird... but can't you just treat this situation as an opportunity to save money (p2w) and/or coupons (f2p)...

    I mean, if we have bad events, we have more time to get coupons for good one. As much as I am displeased with those we have now, I just wait and collect coupons, hoping for next event to be something like Lucky Dice, or anything remotely as good as this.

    One thing is that Mods are not directly connected to events, and the second that spreading hate on everything around us will not change absolutely ANYTHING.
OH really, so you're telling us that if suddenly everyone quits the game because they've simply had enough of these greedy ass * event with effortless thoughts on them. They not gonna change the way they approach on the development of the game together with the consumers?!

Its not just any event. its an ANUAL event along with SO MANY * EVENTS ALREADY? we've waited long enough and all we've been doing is give give and give and give and all they know is to take, take take, oh give us a few things but like you spend ingots to GET THIS DISCOUNT so u can SPEND MORE! and all those prices are like more UP MARKETED compared to the previous events. ITS SADDENING TO SEE A DISCOUNT EVENT when they up the prices of the ninjas to even BEGIN this event!
we're all getting fuking played and grow some fuking * OASIS and instead of blatantly doing all this please just fuking announce it like you announce people getting 1 advanced thread. LETS ALL CELEBRATE

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