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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-26 17:54:58Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-26 17:52:14
  • Hi Narulith,

    I have some suggestions, but I posted them on this thread: . Could you have a look and tell me what you think?
did u not read what all the mods have said on the previous pages or u just dumb????
They say there is nothing about other version of this game allowed to discuss on this forum. Anything about other version is going to get deleted. What I say here is anything

And btw we have the same thing as the German version has. Go back to the first page, u gonna see a link lead you to a page about the event
This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-26 17:57
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On 2016-12-26 17:58:02Show this Author Only
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-26 17:54:58
  • did u not read what all the mods have said on the previous pages or u just dumb????
    They say there is nothing about other version of this game allowed to discuss on this forum. Anything about other version is going to get deleted. What I say here is anything

    And btw we have the same thing as the German version has. Go back to the first page, u gonna see a link lead you to a page about the event
    This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-26 17:57
Hey, thank you for the concern, but specifically if you read my whole post clearly, I did not discuss about the german version of the game. I merely suggested something and posted the source of my ideas. I could delete the part where I quoted my idea from, but that doesn't change my point of the post. It doesn't matter if the post is deleted as long as the point is delivered to the team.
They do have the event details, but they do not announce it for all 7 days, unless I am mistaken?
This post was last edited by jhq*** at 2016-12-26 17:59
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On 2016-12-26 17:58:52Show this Author Only

Please be careful with what you say.
Suggestions about events are welcome, and I understand the need to voice your opinion on the current ones we have.
No moderator wants to enforce the forum rules, and I'm well aware that players are also in a difficult position here.
I will do my part by forwarding the feedback from you guys to the developers, and I sincerely apologise for any discomfort you have felt so far.
However, rules are rules. If your post has been deleted, please take that as a warning even if you do not receive one via a private message or a response to your post.
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On 2016-12-26 18:01:03Show this Author Only
  • Yuusuke On 2016-12-26 17:58:52
  • Hello,

    Please be careful with what you say.
    Suggestions about events are welcome, and I understand the need to voice your opinion on the current ones we have.
    No moderator wants to enforce the forum rules, and I'm well aware that players are also in a difficult position here.
    I will do my part by forwarding the feedback from you guys to the developers, and I sincerely apologise for any discomfort you have felt so far.
    However, rules are rules. If your post has been deleted, please take that as a warning even if you do not receive one via a private message or a response to your post.
Thank you!
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On 2016-12-26 18:53:53Show this Author Only
Yupi Choza in event, tomorrow what? Hiruzen and 7 day of event minato xD i hope so lol ^^
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On 2016-12-26 19:07:41Show this Author Only
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On 2016-12-26 20:13:26Show this Author Only
Okay, to stop with pure export of salt and unproductive criticism/just screaming for how bad events are, i will try a new approach to why we are unsatisfied with these events. This will be a lengthy post by all reckonings, so it might not be for those weak of heart.

Goldfish Fishing - It is overpriced. Simply put you need 8000 points to get GNW Neji - a paper net usually nets between 3 and 4 points, so we will go with 3,5 as average. With power of simple math, we come to the number of nets needed for GNW Neji to 2285,7 (2286) and being how this event has been going on for two weeks, one needs to farm 163 nets a day - which in turn, if every sweep gives you a net, you need 1630 stamina - players only get about 440 stamina in a day of full inactivity. Solution: Even if price was dropped to 5th of it's current price to 20, people would still need 1600 points for him, or 457 nets, or 33 nets a day - which is again a hard thing to accomplish, yet doable, unlike the current price.

Battle Armor Panic Buy - I am not too fond of threads, so i did not spend on it. There are many questions concerning threads that i have, but they are not for this thread/topic. Overall, being how overpriced threads are, having a discount for them is not a bad thing. One suggestion i would provide tho, is that spending ingots shouldn't be connected to only this event, but overall all events in a week.

Wheel of Forture - now, this is community favorite event to complain about, and it is obvious why. Returns are so diminishing, it is hardly ever worth the chances to spin, especially given the ninja in it, but now to go into more detail.
Ninja - this should be a crowning point of this event, no ? Something that should make people want to spin this wheel in fools hope of getting a ninja, but ninja given is one of the worst, so in return many people are unwilling to spin the wheel. Solution: Many ninja's from new Kage treasure would of done the job, especially if they were the rare ones.
Seal Fragment - This is simply a rip off, no two ways about it. If you spin a wheel enough times to get 10 seal fragments, you've practicly spent 200 ignots to get a scroll that costs 125. I understand how you might think that previous reward - of a full seal scroll is too much, but 1 seal fragment is simply something that makes people don't want to spin the wheel as well as ninja. Solution: i think all of community would agree that giving us a 1 week seal scroll is good, a more balanced solution (between what community wants and what i presume devs are willing to give) would be 5 seal fragments
Summoning Scroll - I personally think that this is okay reward.
Coins - Please no, no one wants to spin a wheel in order to get 30k coins, if it was 300k some would still feel the same, as it being a waste of ingots to get coins. Solution: Replace the reward, 20 coupons, or something else entirely would be appreciated.
Coupons - I personally believe this is an okay reward too.
Vouchers - These would be okay, if probability of getting one would be higher, like this, it seems like a bait. Checking previous events for rewards that weren't vouchers, all i got to say is - please do not return 500 cultivation to the wheel. While it is something that cannot be obtained in a shop, but rather just in survival, i believe we have more than enough of them. Solution: replacing reward with something more enticing for a player.
Purification - Getting 2x of them is okayish, barely above 20 ingots that are needed to be spent in order to spin the wheel, but okay never the less.
Ninja/Ninja Pack - While another ninja, or a pack of fragments for a ninja is an awesome reward, it follows what i said about Ninja above. Solution: give more enticing ninja's, something people would be happy to fish for.

Santa's Mobilization - Good free event, nothing bad about how it works. Giving Hashirama outside of pulls is nice too, as is Jiraya Sage Mode. Pain is outdated, but even so, it is better than Animal Path Pain we got in the wheel. Suggestion: there is one thing that rubbed me the wrong way in this event and that's the number of fragments one can get as a f2p. 7-8 Hashirama frags, 29ish Pain frags and 17,5 Jiraya frags. Please, please please, even number of fragments. I mentioned this before, but for example 10 Hashirama frags, 40 Pain frags, 20 Jiraya frags - even numbers, so people know, in 7 more f2p events they can get Hashirama, in 1 more event they can get that Pain, in 3 more events they can get Jiraya, etc.

Wishing Lantern - Good free event, best event this week, one thing that many complained about and i agree with them is that you only get highest reward. For example, i personally want those 3x medium refine runes, so i need to time my lantern and not offer any support, nor send out requests to recieve them. Solution: Provide all rewards. Not counting the last reward - that everyone get anyway, combining all previous rewards would net us: 65k coins, 10 coupons, 5 purification runes, 3x medium refine runes and 3x low refine runes, as well as 11 Hidan frags. Not much, yet would of made community happier.

Daily Special - Not seeing all the days, i can't speak with full knowledge, but from what i saw thus far it isn't promising. Rewards beyond that of ninja's are okay i presume, but, i am yet to see a person who got excited to see magatama's or scrolls on discount, being how that discount is usually 10%. Yes, i know vouchers count on them too, but than again, i am yet to hear anyone on my server spent a voucher on those. As for ninja's, well some of them thus far are overpriced, like Konan, other's are completely unneeded like Choza. I mean why add Choza in a month when Choji GNW is a monthly reward ? Solution: Standardize prices of ninja's across all events, so when a discount event like this happens, people actually feel like they got a discount.

7 Days of Welfare - Same notice as above. Without seeing full 7 days of it, what i write might be changed, but overall picture is formed, for better or worse. Recharging for this event is not very tempting to be completely honest. Recharging 500 nets you 50 more coupons, 1 gingerbread and 20000 coins. 2000 recharge gives you 2 more gingerbreads, 5 purification runes and 50000 coins. Last Recharge, a full 100euro's/dollars ones give you 5 more gingerbreads, 20% discount voucher and 2 seal scrolls. So, for a 100 bucks one gets 50 coupons, 5 purification runes, 2 seal scrolls, 20% discount voucher and 8 gingerbreads. Free side of this event has seen mixed success/approval from my server at least. Day one was horrendous, 80 instances to complete for 25 coupons and lee fragments, needing to spend 4 pots and disregarding everything else in a day. Day two was amazing, practically being a free event that everyone completed and got 30 coupons, lee fragments, some coins and a stamina pot. Day three was good, worse than day two, but immeasurably better than day 1. Day 4 was okayish - thus far day one was the worst, all tho a f2p needed to spend some coupons to get it, it wasn't undoable. Day 5 ... oh gosh, i really do not see why do you guys push Tendo treasure on us this hard, if it was Kage or Sage Naruto treasure, it would of been better, like this, people rightly fear/think that you want to milk us for our money rather than making us spend it happily. Solution: Personally think you value gingerbread a lot more than it is actually worth to us as players. Free side of the event should of been rescaled so as to give less advantage to people that do spend. Example would be 2/4/6/8 ranked battles. I won't really comment on sealed scroll ones, as they are not worth it however you look at it.

Final thoughts. Wanting to make money off of a game is completely natural, it is a business, it supports jobs, so monetizing a game is nothing revolutionary. What i personally believe is that there is no need to alienate your player base by putting a high value on imaginary currency (ingots), and from my humble view, value of ingots compared to money is disproprtianate. Balance needs to be struck, as if ingots are worth a lot more it creates a bigger gap between spenders and those who cannot afford to spend on a game, but it shouldn't be reached in a manner like this, providing lackluster rewards for events or part of events being completely unreachable/unreasonable. There will always be those that complain about events. There is no way to make everyone happy, but over 50 pages of complaints, all through they are sometimes poorly worded or on other times right off the bat insults should serve as a kind of pointer that players are expecting more. Maybe we wouldn't, maybe if we didn't know what other servers were getting for rewards we would be content, but we do know, and it seems, we all - spenders and not spenders alike - wish for better rewards. Spenders want events that they feel are worth their money, and power of free events should match it in turn. Final suggestion: please try giving us better rewards for a month, on par with BR, and you will, i am almost certain, see more money being spent on a game as well as less people complaining about events in general.

This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:21 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:24 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 20:58:23Show this Author Only
1-This is not a new game as much as NA team and mods try to make it sound like it is,it a port from China, they get base codes for this and do small tweaks and translation(bad job at that look at ninja got better...). There still Chinese characters in the game as prof of that.

2-They don't want us comparing server because you would see we are paying more for way less and how badly there screw us...You can do the math,numbers don't lie...

3-Events some say don't complain because there 8 event well it kind of short... and really bad quality.There someone that said you cant always get good events but it the Holidays events so they are suppose to be good or great events.

4-When fairy tail game come out and they start losing players it will be there fault( also the reason they are trying to milk us hard)...

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On 2016-12-26 22:11:03Show this Author Only
  • Zoruto On 2016-12-26 20:13:26
  • Okay, to stop with pure export of salt and unproductive criticism/just screaming for how bad events are, i will try a new approach to why we are unsatisfied with these events. This will be a lengthy post by all reckonings, so it might not be for those weak of heart.

    Goldfish Fishing - It is overpriced. Simply put you need 8000 points to get GNW Neji - a paper net usually nets between 3 and 4 points, so we will go with 3,5 as average. With power of simple math, we come to the number of nets needed for GNW Neji to 2285,7 (2286) and being how this event has been going on for two weeks, one needs to farm 163 nets a day - which in turn, if every sweep gives you a net, you need 1630 stamina - players only get about 440 stamina in a day of full inactivity. Solution: Even if price was dropped to 5th of it's current price to 20, people would still need 1600 points for him, or 457 nets, or 33 nets a day - which is again a hard thing to accomplish, yet doable, unlike the current price.

    Battle Armor Panic Buy - I am not too fond of threads, so i did not spend on it. There are many questions concerning threads that i have, but they are not for this thread/topic. Overall, being how overpriced threads are, having a discount for them is not a bad thing. One suggestion i would provide tho, is that spending ingots shouldn't be connected to only this event, but overall all events in a week.

    Wheel of Forture - now, this is community favorite event to complain about, and it is obvious why. Returns are so diminishing, it is hardly ever worth the chances to spin, especially given the ninja in it, but now to go into more detail.
    Ninja - this should be a crowning point of this event, no ? Something that should make people want to spin this wheel in fools hope of getting a ninja, but ninja given is one of the worst, so in return many people are unwilling to spin the wheel. Solution: Many ninja's from new Kage treasure would of done the job, especially if they were the rare ones.
    Seal Fragment - This is simply a rip off, no two ways about it. If you spin a wheel enough times to get 10 seal fragments, you've practicly spent 200 ignots to get a scroll that costs 125. I understand how you might think that previous reward - of a full seal scroll is too much, but 1 seal fragment is simply something that makes people don't want to spin the wheel as well as ninja. Solution: i think all of community would agree that giving us a 1 week seal scroll is good, a more balanced solution (between what community wants and what i presume devs are willing to give) would be 5 seal fragments
    Summoning Scroll - I personally think that this is okay reward.
    Coins - Please no, no one wants to spin a wheel in order to get 30k coins, if it was 300k some would still feel the same, as it being a waste of ingots to get coins. Solution: Replace the reward, 20 coupons, or something else entirely would be appreciated.
    Coupons - I personally believe this is an okay reward too.
    Vouchers - These would be okay, if probability of getting one would be higher, like this, it seems like a bait. Checking previous events for rewards that weren't vouchers, all i got to say is - please do not return 500 cultivation to the wheel. While it is something that cannot be obtained in a shop, but rather just in survival, i believe we have more than enough of them. Solution: replacing reward with something more enticing for a player.
    Purification - Getting 2x of them is okayish, barely above 20 ingots that are needed to be spent in order to spin the wheel, but okay never the less.
    Ninja/Ninja Pack - While another ninja, or a pack of fragments for a ninja is an awesome reward, it follows what i said about Ninja above. Solution: give more enticing ninja's, something people would be happy to fish for.

    Santa's Mobilization - Good free event, nothing bad about how it works. Giving Hashirama outside of pulls is nice too, as is Jiraya Sage Mode. Pain is outdated, but even so, it is better than Animal Path Pain we got in the wheel. Suggestion: there is one thing that rubbed me the wrong way in this event and that's the number of fragments one can get as a f2p. 7-8 Hashirama frags, 29ish Pain frags and 17,5 Jiraya frags. Please, please please, even number of fragments. I mentioned this before, but for example 10 Hashirama frags, 40 Pain frags, 20 Jiraya frags - even numbers, so people know, in 7 more f2p events they can get Hashirama, in 1 more event they can get that Pain, in 3 more events they can get Jiraya, etc.

    Wishing Lantern - Good free event, best event this week, one thing that many complained about and i agree with them is that you only get highest reward. For example, i personally want those 3x medium refine runes, so i need to time my lantern and not offer any support, nor send out requests to recieve them. Solution: Provide all rewards. Not counting the last reward - that everyone get anyway, combining all previous rewards would net us: 65k coins, 10 coupons, 5 purification runes, 3x medium refine runes and 3x low refine runes, as well as 11 Hidan frags. Not much, yet would of made community happier.

    Daily Special - Not seeing all the days, i can't speak with full knowledge, but from what i saw thus far it isn't promising. Rewards beyond that of ninja's are okay i presume, but, i am yet to see a person who got excited to see magatama's or scrolls on discount, being how that discount is usually 10%. Yes, i know vouchers count on them too, but than again, i am yet to hear anyone on my server spent a voucher on those. As for ninja's, well some of them thus far are overpriced, like Konan, other's are completely unneeded like Choza. I mean why add Choza in a month when Choji GNW is a monthly reward ? Solution: Standardize prices of ninja's across all events, so when a discount event like this happens, people actually feel like they got a discount.

    7 Days of Welfare - Same notice as above. Without seeing full 7 days of it, what i write might be changed, but overall picture is formed, for better or worse. Recharging for this event is not very tempting to be completely honest. Recharging 500 nets you 50 more coupons, 1 gingerbread and 20000 coins. 2000 recharge gives you 2 more gingerbreads, 5 purification runes and 50000 coins. Last Recharge, a full 100euro's/dollars ones give you 5 more gingerbreads, 20% discount voucher and 2 seal scrolls. So, for a 100 bucks one gets 50 coupons, 5 purification runes, 2 seal scrolls, 20% discount voucher and 8 gingerbreads. Free side of this event has seen mixed success/approval from my server at least. Day one was horrendous, 80 instances to complete for 25 coupons and lee fragments, needing to spend 4 pots and disregarding everything else in a day. Day two was amazing, practically being a free event that everyone completed and got 30 coupons, lee fragments, some coins and a stamina pot. Day three was good, worse than day two, but immeasurably better than day 1. Day 4 was okayish - thus far day one was the worst, all tho a f2p needed to spend some coupons to get it, it wasn't undoable. Day 5 ... oh gosh, i really do not see why do you guys push Tendo treasure on us this hard, if it was Kage or Sage Naruto treasure, it would of been better, like this, people rightly fear/think that you want to milk us for our money rather than making us spend it happily. Solution: Personally think you value gingerbread a lot more than it is actually worth to us as players. Free side of the event should of been rescaled so as to give less advantage to people that do spend. Example would be 2/4/6/8 ranked battles. I won't really comment on sealed scroll ones, as they are not worth it however you look at it.

    Final thoughts. Wanting to make money off of a game is completely natural, it is a business, it supports jobs, so monetizing a game is nothing revolutionary. What i personally believe is that there is no need to alienate your player base by putting a high value on imaginary currency (ingots), and from my humble view, value of ingots compared to money is disproprtianate. Balance needs to be struck, as if ingots are worth a lot more it creates a bigger gap between spenders and those who cannot afford to spend on a game, but it shouldn't be reached in a manner like this, providing lackluster rewards for events or part of events being completely unreachable/unreasonable. There will always be those that complain about events. There is no way to make everyone happy, but over 50 pages of complaints, all through they are sometimes poorly worded or on other times right off the bat insults should serve as a kind of pointer that players are expecting more. Maybe we wouldn't, maybe if we didn't know what other servers were getting for rewards we would be content, but we do know, and it seems, we all - spenders and not spenders alike - wish for better rewards. Spenders want events that they feel are worth their money, and power of free events should match it in turn. Final suggestion: please try giving us better rewards for a month, on par with BR, and you will, i am almost certain, see more money being spent on a game as well as less people complaining about events in general.

    This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:21 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:24 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:50
Nice post with problems and ways to solve them. Thx, that is i wanted to hear. I'll transfer it to admins.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 22:40:39Show this Author Only
  • Narutlih On 2016-12-26 22:11:03
  • Nice post with problems and ways to solve them. Thx, that is i wanted to hear. I'll transfer it to admins.
Did you forward the suggestion about letting people know ahead in the Daily Special event to the admin? You know, the one thread that got deleted.
Another thing, can the ADMIN or SMOD give us their answer about the suggestions forwarded? If they don't answer how does the player know if they care or not?
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On 2016-12-26 22:42:50Show this Author Only
  • Narutlih On 2016-12-26 22:11:03
  • Nice post with problems and ways to solve them. Thx, that is i wanted to hear. I'll transfer it to admins.
No offence but all you say that and your patch always say how you take player feedback seriously yet events get more and more expensive so can we get a reply back from oasgames following this feedback for a change. Cause so far it seems like all your feedback just goes to a mailbox that never gets looked at since you wont reveal in what way you pass your feedback and so far it seems like our feedback had the opposite effect from making things better to making them worse. This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2016-12-26 22:44
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On 2016-12-26 22:58:41Show this Author Only
The conflict: Agon (same possibilities paying or not paying) vs PayforWin.

In Naruto Online we can find a ground of the game designed on Agon, and that is the good part of this game i guess.

There's a new game, everyday created by events and new options, based on marketing. That's the bad of this game, that becomes simply a PayforWin (so nothing of special and too expensive.. with the same money - to get several powerful ninjas - you can get 1 ps4 and several complete games).

This week the marketing acted during an important holiday, so everyone noticed the "payforwin".

I think that Riot lesson ("you pay only for little shortcuts or a skin, not for your potential in game") may be intercepted by new game designers, and more by the creators of game important like this one could be.. Or this one will become a mobile game that will close in 1 year.

Hoping that the PayforWin will decrease soon, and remembering that not all world is China (so you had to adapt your strategy for West World game Market),
i send best rewards
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On 2016-12-26 23:19:06Show this Author Only
I have to agree with a previous comment I saw with over 50 pages of almost all complaints you must be able to see that your playbase isn't joking about not spending money and considering not playing this game at all. Show us something to say we messed up we dont want you going to play the fairy tail game cause obviously you will lose some players to that game so lessen the * by giving us something to stay for something to invest into to make us say I spent so much on that last event I cant quit playing now
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On 2016-12-26 23:24:32Show this Author Only
  • Zoruto On 2016-12-26 20:13:26
  • Okay, to stop with pure export of salt and unproductive criticism/just screaming for how bad events are, i will try a new approach to why we are unsatisfied with these events. This will be a lengthy post by all reckonings, so it might not be for those weak of heart.

    Goldfish Fishing - It is overpriced. Simply put you need 8000 points to get GNW Neji - a paper net usually nets between 3 and 4 points, so we will go with 3,5 as average. With power of simple math, we come to the number of nets needed for GNW Neji to 2285,7 (2286) and being how this event has been going on for two weeks, one needs to farm 163 nets a day - which in turn, if every sweep gives you a net, you need 1630 stamina - players only get about 440 stamina in a day of full inactivity. Solution: Even if price was dropped to 5th of it's current price to 20, people would still need 1600 points for him, or 457 nets, or 33 nets a day - which is again a hard thing to accomplish, yet doable, unlike the current price.

    Battle Armor Panic Buy - I am not too fond of threads, so i did not spend on it. There are many questions concerning threads that i have, but they are not for this thread/topic. Overall, being how overpriced threads are, having a discount for them is not a bad thing. One suggestion i would provide tho, is that spending ingots shouldn't be connected to only this event, but overall all events in a week.

    Wheel of Forture - now, this is community favorite event to complain about, and it is obvious why. Returns are so diminishing, it is hardly ever worth the chances to spin, especially given the ninja in it, but now to go into more detail.
    Ninja - this should be a crowning point of this event, no ? Something that should make people want to spin this wheel in fools hope of getting a ninja, but ninja given is one of the worst, so in return many people are unwilling to spin the wheel. Solution: Many ninja's from new Kage treasure would of done the job, especially if they were the rare ones.
    Seal Fragment - This is simply a rip off, no two ways about it. If you spin a wheel enough times to get 10 seal fragments, you've practicly spent 200 ignots to get a scroll that costs 125. I understand how you might think that previous reward - of a full seal scroll is too much, but 1 seal fragment is simply something that makes people don't want to spin the wheel as well as ninja. Solution: i think all of community would agree that giving us a 1 week seal scroll is good, a more balanced solution (between what community wants and what i presume devs are willing to give) would be 5 seal fragments
    Summoning Scroll - I personally think that this is okay reward.
    Coins - Please no, no one wants to spin a wheel in order to get 30k coins, if it was 300k some would still feel the same, as it being a waste of ingots to get coins. Solution: Replace the reward, 20 coupons, or something else entirely would be appreciated.
    Coupons - I personally believe this is an okay reward too.
    Vouchers - These would be okay, if probability of getting one would be higher, like this, it seems like a bait. Checking previous events for rewards that weren't vouchers, all i got to say is - please do not return 500 cultivation to the wheel. While it is something that cannot be obtained in a shop, but rather just in survival, i believe we have more than enough of them. Solution: replacing reward with something more enticing for a player.
    Purification - Getting 2x of them is okayish, barely above 20 ingots that are needed to be spent in order to spin the wheel, but okay never the less.
    Ninja/Ninja Pack - While another ninja, or a pack of fragments for a ninja is an awesome reward, it follows what i said about Ninja above. Solution: give more enticing ninja's, something people would be happy to fish for.

    Santa's Mobilization - Good free event, nothing bad about how it works. Giving Hashirama outside of pulls is nice too, as is Jiraya Sage Mode. Pain is outdated, but even so, it is better than Animal Path Pain we got in the wheel. Suggestion: there is one thing that rubbed me the wrong way in this event and that's the number of fragments one can get as a f2p. 7-8 Hashirama frags, 29ish Pain frags and 17,5 Jiraya frags. Please, please please, even number of fragments. I mentioned this before, but for example 10 Hashirama frags, 40 Pain frags, 20 Jiraya frags - even numbers, so people know, in 7 more f2p events they can get Hashirama, in 1 more event they can get that Pain, in 3 more events they can get Jiraya, etc.

    Wishing Lantern - Good free event, best event this week, one thing that many complained about and i agree with them is that you only get highest reward. For example, i personally want those 3x medium refine runes, so i need to time my lantern and not offer any support, nor send out requests to recieve them. Solution: Provide all rewards. Not counting the last reward - that everyone get anyway, combining all previous rewards would net us: 65k coins, 10 coupons, 5 purification runes, 3x medium refine runes and 3x low refine runes, as well as 11 Hidan frags. Not much, yet would of made community happier.

    Daily Special - Not seeing all the days, i can't speak with full knowledge, but from what i saw thus far it isn't promising. Rewards beyond that of ninja's are okay i presume, but, i am yet to see a person who got excited to see magatama's or scrolls on discount, being how that discount is usually 10%. Yes, i know vouchers count on them too, but than again, i am yet to hear anyone on my server spent a voucher on those. As for ninja's, well some of them thus far are overpriced, like Konan, other's are completely unneeded like Choza. I mean why add Choza in a month when Choji GNW is a monthly reward ? Solution: Standardize prices of ninja's across all events, so when a discount event like this happens, people actually feel like they got a discount.

    7 Days of Welfare - Same notice as above. Without seeing full 7 days of it, what i write might be changed, but overall picture is formed, for better or worse. Recharging for this event is not very tempting to be completely honest. Recharging 500 nets you 50 more coupons, 1 gingerbread and 20000 coins. 2000 recharge gives you 2 more gingerbreads, 5 purification runes and 50000 coins. Last Recharge, a full 100euro's/dollars ones give you 5 more gingerbreads, 20% discount voucher and 2 seal scrolls. So, for a 100 bucks one gets 50 coupons, 5 purification runes, 2 seal scrolls, 20% discount voucher and 8 gingerbreads. Free side of this event has seen mixed success/approval from my server at least. Day one was horrendous, 80 instances to complete for 25 coupons and lee fragments, needing to spend 4 pots and disregarding everything else in a day. Day two was amazing, practically being a free event that everyone completed and got 30 coupons, lee fragments, some coins and a stamina pot. Day three was good, worse than day two, but immeasurably better than day 1. Day 4 was okayish - thus far day one was the worst, all tho a f2p needed to spend some coupons to get it, it wasn't undoable. Day 5 ... oh gosh, i really do not see why do you guys push Tendo treasure on us this hard, if it was Kage or Sage Naruto treasure, it would of been better, like this, people rightly fear/think that you want to milk us for our money rather than making us spend it happily. Solution: Personally think you value gingerbread a lot more than it is actually worth to us as players. Free side of the event should of been rescaled so as to give less advantage to people that do spend. Example would be 2/4/6/8 ranked battles. I won't really comment on sealed scroll ones, as they are not worth it however you look at it.

    Final thoughts. Wanting to make money off of a game is completely natural, it is a business, it supports jobs, so monetizing a game is nothing revolutionary. What i personally believe is that there is no need to alienate your player base by putting a high value on imaginary currency (ingots), and from my humble view, value of ingots compared to money is disproprtianate. Balance needs to be struck, as if ingots are worth a lot more it creates a bigger gap between spenders and those who cannot afford to spend on a game, but it shouldn't be reached in a manner like this, providing lackluster rewards for events or part of events being completely unreachable/unreasonable. There will always be those that complain about events. There is no way to make everyone happy, but over 50 pages of complaints, all through they are sometimes poorly worded or on other times right off the bat insults should serve as a kind of pointer that players are expecting more. Maybe we wouldn't, maybe if we didn't know what other servers were getting for rewards we would be content, but we do know, and it seems, we all - spenders and not spenders alike - wish for better rewards. Spenders want events that they feel are worth their money, and power of free events should match it in turn. Final suggestion: please try giving us better rewards for a month, on par with BR, and you will, i am almost certain, see more money being spent on a game as well as less people complaining about events in general.

    This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:21 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:24 This post was last edited by zod*** at 2016-12-26 20:50
This is very well-said. I could do similar approach in the future when conveying my opinion.

In addition, I would like to give advice to the team behind the events, to not have the mindset of "It is better than nothing that we are now giving something" attitude, here referring to the recharge event. During non-event we do not get any rebate, during the event only then we got something back for recharging.

Because as players we make our major decisions based on how value for money will our investment is going to be and given the Internet is knowledge, we are pretty smart in comparing and doing our research especially when one spend money on. We know that 2.0 is coming and we know what to expect, and these smart players are the players that are going to stay for long (more commitment), rather than the casual players who had no idea on whats happening or whats going to happen.

Instead, I will suggest the team to focus more on how to make us feel irresistible and recharge or spend during a particular event. Let us have a choice to spend smartly.
P.S: dont know if its relevant, I once played a game which tracked how much u have spent in that game, and the higher u spent, the higher your VIP status is, the more benefits. Like a milestone.

I personally think this is one of the worst RC rebate event. Did you know that everyday if we recharge 50 ingots, we get at least 10 to 40 coupons (up to 80% return) from try your luck? As compared to rc 500 to get only 50 (10% return)? I don't want to even talk about the coins and the overvalued ginger bread.

AND, please be flexible, I understand u have your own timeline, but it's better to reevaluate and be flexible than force us to lose interest in the game.
My last game was Pokemon GO, I had so much expectation early and spent like nuts until one day I realised, that the developer's timeline does not match my patience and expectations. Regardless of how much I had spent in that game, I still leave the game anyway, it was like a domino's effect among other players as well not to mention the way they want to milk the players from egg incubators (which now they have given it out free). Please do not be like them. This post was last edited by Clazsic_s134 at 2016-12-27 00:06
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-27 01:13:40Show this Author Only
any info about tomorow daily special?
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On 2016-12-27 01:17:33Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-27 01:13:40
  • any info about tomorow daily special?
Choza Son prolly ;D
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On 2016-12-27 01:20:40Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-12-27 01:13:40
  • any info about tomorow daily special?
orochimaru konoha traitor
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On 2016-12-27 01:30:11Show this Author Only
  • corfinia@hotmai On 2016-12-27 01:20:40
  • orochimaru konoha traitor
Your funny . Yes i can totally see that.
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On 2016-12-27 02:14:43Show this Author Only
Have fun.
Actually they are not bad, the daily special at least. If it wasn't for the price of course.
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On 2016-12-27 02:34:51Show this Author Only
omg this game is crazy, why to spend seal to get few seal?
Quicky Post

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