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[ Events ] Events - Dec 22nd


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On 2016-12-23 16:39:46Show All Posts
we have a right to claim better stuff. We already know that other server having much better events th*.
This is just discrimination u know.
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On 2016-12-23 16:55:30Show All Posts
what i hate about this game is everything the price is getting higher and higher. and they discounts more but overall price went up sooo high compared to previous events. and also a lot of events they start to take only ingots NOT coupons anymore. even some missions... 60 instances.... 80 instances.... to complete. i dont think they did when the game came out. and every bonus rewards getting worse and worse every week while other servers are having great time and getting better and better. This is just treating us sooo *ty...
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On 2016-12-23 17:12:28Show All Posts
  • Neconis On 2016-12-23 17:04:48
  • 1. Overall price increase every week for the ninjas were at the moment compared to weeks ago on 150% orginal price but they are smart they come up with higher Discount % like 50% to trick ppl into thinking that they make a good deal in reality even with the 30-50% discount you pay the orginal price from weeks ago that is a scam for me. You must be rly dumb to fall for this one.

    2. Compared to other regions we get screwd since beginning so dont come with we are new and blabla we know we get screwd bc EU/US = alot of money so they obv try to milk us more but what is even worse is the fact that we dont even get the saem rewards as the other regions even if we pay more NO we get far worse rewards.

    3. I know we had this over and over in the past but i absolutly dont get why they went with the rigged system like recruit. We all know its 50-70 seal scrolls = 1 rare its not even fun anymroe to draw my seals because i know exactly when i get something thats a major flaw in the game i mean I personally love it if it is complet random if you can get smt even the unofficiel games did a better job than oasis here. I want that feeling back to have "LUCK" this game feels so scripted its just not fun anymore+ your prices are insane 200-250$ for 1 rare seal draw cmon but thats a other topic.

    4. Ppl will quit soon specially when Fairy Tail comes out and they just have to put no rigged systems and les say half prices on draws or smt and you get wreckd srsly. It dont take much at this point because most of us are burned out on older servers. Im on S1 and only GNW is fun at this point i cant imagine ppl on higher server with abd GNW to keep playing this game specially after those events (Christmas cmon).

    Well i could write even more but i guess im just pissed bc FT got delayd and you guys (oasis) screwd us pretty hard!!
I like about rigged system. lets say u put $ 20k but nothiing.
why do u play naruto online ? i will rather go for gambling that has chance to earn a huge money.
rigged system is good; it gives something back b/c u attempted but the probability from random side is too low that not noticable at all This post was last edited by jQuery17203899481... at 2016-12-23 17:14
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On 2016-12-23 17:20:21Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-23 17:24:43Show All Posts
  • Neconis On 2016-12-23 17:18:04
  • a rigged system would be good if the price would be lower you need 250$ to get a rare tahts WAY TO HIGH for msot of the palyerbase so "this rigged system" is very bad for most player. So what can those palyer do ahhhhh yeah wait for good events but as you can see on point 1 it wont get better for those player ohh no tehy increase the prices every week. LAst week Mifune was as expensiv as doing 60-70 seals youc all that a "Event"?
that's this company doing bad job. Nothing is wrong with rigged system you know.
if u played brazil serve, u would say that though?
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On 2016-12-24 01:01:57Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2016-12-23 17:38:58
  • Killer bee is bad, onoki is bad...? what...u lucky u pulled those, i had 20 scrolls i pulled Cee and Kisame...dont complain when u gamble ur chances at ninjas.
are i kidding me? dont judge me wrong.
i told u i pulled 240 seal scrolls not 20 seal.
definitely if i was normal i should have 4 rare but only 3
but out of all rares most worst ones i pulled
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On 2016-12-24 01:04:53Show All Posts
  • Kaigen On 2016-12-23 18:09:58
  • Killer Bee and Onoki are NOT bad. Onoki has the best utility and coverage of the field changers now and killer bee gets GREAT with more jinchiriki and the new hidan
compared to darui, mei, gaara, danzo, nya... that was super disappointment.
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On 2016-12-24 01:08:02Show All Posts
  • Kaigen On 2016-12-23 18:09:58
  • Killer Bee and Onoki are NOT bad. Onoki has the best utility and coverage of the field changers now and killer bee gets GREAT with more jinchiriki and the new hidan
and killer B, is gonna be free ninjas right?
why do i need to pull free ninjas in the future but also useless current meta....
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On 2016-12-24 01:09:16Show All Posts
  • Clazsic On 2016-12-23 18:18:18
  • please just quit this game, u dont seem to know what you are doing by saying all those ninjas bad. u dont know how to use them at all.

    be thankful u got bee. u re talking abt jinchuriki treasure one sec, and talking abt bee *s d other
LOL in the future i hope u get killer B which is going to be free ninja from reward and also currentlly uselessand quit the game? u do not know me and i do not know u so fk u FK u
This post was last edited by jQuery17203899481... at 2016-12-24 01:18
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-24 01:14:39Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 01:22:56Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 04:27:24Show All Posts
guys before * talking im *, prove me that u guys using onoki or killer B or chojuro that are useful as a main team. and i have good initiative (im average, faster than some of ppl) but still losing hard b/c i dont have good ninjas.
make sure i dont have any pains other than animal pain and no sage nartuo.
only i have f2p ninjas with onoki, killer B, and chojuro. dam if i pulled one of damage dealer like mei, gaara, darui i would be happy.
This post was last edited by jQuery17203899481... at 2016-12-24 04:29
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-24 04:31:54Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 04:42:55Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 04:46:15Show All Posts
  • ShinjiIkari On 2016-12-24 04:44:20
  • JQuery just stop discussing your strat problem here and go to strat forum. In this thread, we want to discuss about the events we are having now and how to change it. In general how to give better playing experience to players.

    For example the fishing event should be taken out or they need to do sth with the rewards because 100 points for 1 frag of neiji gnw is too unreasonable, then the rest is coin and low level refine rune. The whole thing is just garbage. Or how about the battle armor thread rebate. 20,000 ingot consumption for 20 seals rebate. It's just a joke if someone could say these events are even decent

    This post was last edited by 123***@facebook at 2016-12-24 04:48
LOL i was talking mostly about events today. HOwever, few guys tackled me that onoki chujuro blabla ninjas are good so i m just asking them prove me wrong that they have a good line up with them without sn or pains.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-24 04:47:43Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 04:55:59Show All Posts
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On 2016-12-24 08:39:29Show All Posts
my family does not even celebrate new year. if the new year event is greater than x mas, we would laugh.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-24 19:34:00Show All Posts
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2016-12-24 18:41:19
  • Idk I finished mine with a clone in like 30 min :)
    But you have to agree with me that 12 arena wins is alot better than 80 instances right?
Are u telling the truth?
u mean average to win a match is 2.5 min?
dont kidding me.
even strongest person in our sever will take more than that liar.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-26 13:52:33Show All Posts
  • Varz On 2016-12-26 05:04:50
  • IM happy china has imposed a new law for online gaming about RNG and probabilities. This law will be in effect may 2017 and all games that have any RNG will have to post on the official website the % of getting any item from any event/box/wheel. So this game will 100% change when we get to that point because when people will know the odds of a certain item they wont gamble as much on it.
what if they only do that for chinese server ?;.... how u know that they will do that in NA server? EVERY SERVER IS DIFFERENT !!!!! it is not illegal not to do it in NA. And we know the NA DEV are the GREEDIEST
Quicky Post

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