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[ Updates ] Server Maintenance Updates - Dec 22nd


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-22 19:16:19Show All Posts
The event is for both f2p and p2w but you know what *? THE PRICE
Every 3* rare ninja has been at 3-4k coupon for all the other time, except for sage naruto because he's meta and all rounded as *. Why the hell did they pushed mifune to 6k?
And if you think this is a F2P complain, they go f ur self cuz i am not f2p, and even kaizer who is a heavy spender complain about it.
Oashiet, can you just leave things normal and not screw things up? For example if danzo darui mei bee etc is normal price like e.v.e.r.y. o.t.h.e.r r.a.r.e then people will actually recharge more. But if somehow you put them like * 7k cp then screw u I'm not falling for that. Why dont you make it benefit both the player base and the company eh? :lol
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