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[ Events ] Events - Dec 15th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-15 15:49:59Show All Posts
  • Beji On 2016-12-15 15:29:07
  • I don't want to rock the boat or sound critical but could we please remove this following statement from every game update?

    "We have received feedback from our ninjas and we decided to use it to create a better gaming experience for all of you, this way, from today onwards, there will be events with more attractive prizes and collectibles! Your opinions are what give us strength to improve. We are working hard to bring you all a Naruto Online you desire and enjoy playing!"

    The fact that it is used every time makes me as a player feel as if it is nothing more than a header. As far as headers go there are far more attractive ones to use. Those are just my two cents. And sorry for bringing it up, I've just been getting increasingly more frustrated at seeing it as the weeks have gone on. I in no way wish to step on anyone's toes, so please just take it under advi*t.
lol. by now it should be pretty obvious that most of these posts are following a "template" and no one bothers to proof read it before positing it up. For e.g. I've made comments about how the maintenance time should be 10AM - 12PM and not 12AM,yet every single week the same old mistake is posted up again and again.
Quicky Post

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