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2017-07-24 19:15:07
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2019-06-19 04:56:59
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2019-06-19 04:56:58
Server Merge Requests - Week of June 3rd
1.Server ID: S45 Chiyo (merged with S38 and S53) 2. Server Region: UK 3. Server Age: ~3 years (merge just over 1 year, 2 months ago) 4. Time taken to kill World Boss: ~6-10mins depending on who shows up 5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: Lvl 100, ~320mil 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3-4 (this week 2 of us were on X-Server GNW, Senju Clan and Phoenix) 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20: AVG Top 5: 484K, AVG Top 10: 399K, AVG Top 20: 326K
Fucking nicknam
2019-06-30 21:50:18
need lineup and BP help please any main
Should add, the above setup is fantastic with a Hinata GNW instead of regular, * all your best equip for initiative move 1 but if you have decent injury and crit on your second best gear, stack Hinata GNW with it and watch her chew holes in teams
2019-02-07 10:20:22
need lineup and BP help please any main
Ino GNW, Shikamaru (normal), Hinata, Fire Main is a Team you c*e. Run secret ninjutsu boost passive on Fire Main and Clone. Ino. FM. Clone Shika. Hinata. x X. x. x Fireball Jutsu, HF-LF Chase, Dog of Hell summon (or crow summon, LF-Repulse chase works too). Up to you if you prefer to run bomb blast or sleep Standard. It’s great CC, if you find yourself playing against a lot of immunity teams like lightning Main, change Main mystery to immobile/buff removal. C*so stay Fire and run Kurenai, Hinata and Sasuke. If you can, work on getting Iruka, and some Jinchuriki like Roshi, Sage Naruto and Gaara Kazekage (or regular) to change to Earth or Wind Main,
2019-02-07 10:20:22
Need some help with line-up
Asuma WB, Kurenai (work on breakthrough), Hinata (either regular or GNW) works ok with Lightning main, though you should look to get Iruka, he’s great. 2,2,1,1,3 and bull summon. C*so swap Asuma for Sasuke suit, in which case switch to lightning enhance and basically try to do as much damage with GNW Hinata round 1 as you can, clean up round 2 with main mystery
2018-10-24 20:42:35
Which is the Best Main?
1v1 4.0 is a slightly different kettle of fish.while fire Main is strong, Wind has a turn 1 debuff, immunity + shields passive and the most outright damaging self combo (10 hit), self buffs and potentially double move and clone chaff or blind as options. While lightning Main has hitting power turn 1 and fire CC.
General Discussion
2018-08-08 17:56:46
Need help better lineup ninja
If you find your getting really bored and want a complete change up, you’ve got the Kushimaru, Jinpachi + Mangetsu/Edo Sasori (don’t see him listed but I’m guessing you have him if you have both of those two as you must have pulled him a few times by then) and either Earth Main or Lightning Main. Earth Main go for the buffed while shielded passive and double move mystery. Lightning Main go Root of Warrior, Sealing slash mystery and pop Kushimaru first, Jinpachi 3rd and Mangetsu/Sasori 4th Mangetsu grants your Mist ninja a first hit auto-dodge for first two rounds (so useful with Earth Main to mitigate some CC) and a clone to block some attacks Sasori Edo removes debuffs, grants double move to Edo units and selected other, and is basically Iruka for Edo Tensei (shield and nin/atk boost) so he is better for damage output
Raizel Di Cadiz
2018-07-28 09:43:47
Need help better lineup ninja
If you’ve got decent equipment/initiative, can give Wind + Kushina RH + Minato 4th Hokage + Gaara a go, it’s doing ok in moderate - high power brackets in space time and SWB and is a good team for GNW as you can support other Wind teams (and you would enjoy having a team mate’s Bee 7 swords buff your Kushina). Preference would be to run Kushina in Move 1, Minato move 2 for most people, but it works ok the other way around as well. If your power is decent, Wind Main can run Wind Dance passive and stack you desired hitter above them in the same row with Sand mystery to strip buffs off of your opponents , if your Power is low can run Flower Guard instead to (hopefully) be able to use Dance of Impetus mystery and get double use out of Minato turn 2 and 3 Also works if you swap Gaara for Kurenai and you run Wind Enhance, or just go with good old Iruka. The extra Resistance from Minato 4th makes for great heal and shield from Kurenai mystery and shield from Iruka so remember to place Iruka last so Minato passive goes off first. Kushina RH with a buff or 2 and a healer in team is frankly devastating long game, so definitely worth paying attention to.
Raizel Di Cadiz
2018-07-28 09:43:47
Event cycle - 26th of July
Am I missing something, what is ‘Great Key’ used for?
⚙ Lexa
2018-08-01 18:51:19
First Pos
Different strokes for different folks. That team above has a lot more staying power than the Darui blitz team, so sure, turn 1 it might not destroy a ninja, but Any 4th is going to ruin someone’s day enough that you’ll likely destroy them turn 2 with Ay 3rd. I would change one thing though, and that’s move Sami to move 2, it’s more likely you will be able to use her to interrupt that way. Simply move both her and Ay 3rd forwards 1 square so she is standing in 2nd move above Ay 4th Move 3. (I’ve run the above with Wind Main in Matsuri a few times and it’s surprisingly devastating and hard to shift for those teams reliant on chase CC to keep you interrupted. It’s a bit weak against Masked Man / Susano’o Itachi though as they can just chaos Ay 4th before he can pop his mystery and in the case of Masked Man, can’t interrupt with Samui . With Earth Main shields and the shield atk buff it’s even harder to shift. Only advantage with Wind Main is extra shields and immune to debuffs for Samui, followed by Dance of Impetus to pop all three mysteries again on round 2 and repeat Ay 3rd round 3. And yes, if you don’t need to interrupt someone round 1 with Samui, use her to ‘laser target designate’ a ninja for Ay 4th to destroy by tagging them.
2018-07-12 21:55:26
Clothing release celebration
<cont. from above> The final serve. Sanae had been waiting all match for this moment, sure that her trump card would be a one-shot advantage, a move easily second guessed if used again. Hinata stepped back, suddenly three extra Sanae's appearing in front her before the net, ready to aid. They heaved, hurling Hinata up, much higher into the air. Sanae's original body neatly passes the ball up high. Twin lion heads of burning chakra spring up around Hinata's hands. The final air palm sends the ball down so hard and so fast it buries it deep into the sand more than a metre beneath the Cloud Captain's feet. Konoha wins, 2 sets to 1, final set score 15-13. The crowd erupts in cheers. The Kumogakure kunoichi just stare in disbelief for a moment. There is an audible '*' as Sanae dismisses her clones. The red-haired captain of Kunogakure steps forwards to the net, hand outstretched. "Not bad Konoha. Can't touch the ball with Shadow Clones, nothing in the rules says you can't touch your team mate. Respect. Sorry about what we said earlier, you guys really can play." Sanae smiles as she takes her opponent's hand and gives it a shake. "Apology accepted." "That was nice." Hinata adds as she sidles up next to her. Sanae gives her a congratulatory hug, squeezing her tight. The difference in her attitude speaks volumes, happily standing tall without a care in the world. "I knew you'd come through. For Konoha." "For Naruto." she replies with a smile. Sanae just laughs, loud and proud. -END-
Emperor Lone
2018-07-20 00:00:54
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