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2022-07-22 10:47:44
Bugs and Issues Report - Official Thread
In themed arena, the "Failed to connect to the Cross-Server system. Refresh the game and try again" message appears after every other fight and I can no longer join. If I use the mini client's Clear up system and Reparied (sic), I can join fights again, but I have to constantly run this. Also when I try to do normal arena, it says that I'm still in themed. I perform the ipconfig /dnsflush command and the client behaves the same after every themed fight.
Bugs & Support
Ginger Monster
2023-08-10 08:19:47
Breakthrough Pills/Breakthrough Pill Fragments
Thank you for your response. I am not asking for the breakthrough pills or the fragments to be put back into the refine rebate. I understand the need to update that event. I'm simply asking that we be able to have (an)other source(s) to redeem them. We can add them to the training grounds packs as options with the bond scrolls there or we can add them to the grocery. They can be added as another shop items in events like Colored Banner Gift or Konoha Outlets.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-11-27 09:23:05
New Event Cycle - 30th of September
Quoted for truth. We usually get brand new content in our region when many people, especially spenders, quit or stop recharging for a while.
2021-10-04 07:25:10
Kimimaru destroyed
He may be one of my favorite ninjas in the game. He gives a fighting chance against 10t madaras and sb kisames. The ninja that breaks things and still does imho is kushina mean habanero.
General Discussion
2020-10-31 05:56:45
Celebrating Naruto’s Halloween - Halloween Event!
Spooky Story: Server: 1094 UID: 300051388577306 I kept my eyes shut tight to fight against the light. My head was pounding and I was struggling against some restraints. Not sure how I got here, but up until a a few seconds ago, I don't remember a thing. I felt my body absentmindedly tugging back and forth on top of some narrow table. I didn't blackout or sleepwalk myself into a situation did I? "He's up," declared some voice from somewhere in the room. I searched for where the voice came from. There were dim lights right above me, but the rest of the room was still dark. When my eyes adjusted, I was able to find the source of that voice. Some guy in a red and black cloak wiping down a jacked up weapon. That weapon had three curved forks on a pole and chain. The forks red, white bandages wrapped around the lower part of the pole. Another guy with wild red eyes and the weirdest pupils I'd have ever seen ignored him to address me. "You know why you're here." "No! You wanna let me out?!" I couldn't help but shout as I continued to fruitlessly wrestle my way out of the restraints. I was growing more scared by the moment, but at the same time, I was becoming more and more irritated. "That wasn't a question. Nevertheless, while Hidan completes his ritual, you'll be reminded of your crime." His eyes spun and suddenly I felt my body tense and my eyes shut tight. When the tension went away, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself looking down an unfamiliar street. Then, I caught sight of myself, or my 'other' self, walking with an elderly woman in the middle of the night. My other self and the woman had the street to themselves, but I don't know why I was able to see another me. Was I dead and I'm stuck in some dream? Is this a memory? I pushed the questions aside and kept looking. Apparently, I was good friends with this old woman. I kept viewing the scene when suddenly I saw my 'other' self push this old woman down. She fell with a sickening thud and cried out. I started to run towards the scene to stop what was happening as shoving someone isn't something I'd do. What happened next stopped me in my tracks for a few minutes though. My other self bent down to the woman and struck her a few times before he took something from her purse. I got out of my shock and daze and ran towards the woman. When I approached her, I could see her eyes still open and blood pouring out the back of her head. She had a few gashes to her face, where she had been struck. I tried to study her face to see if I recognized her from anywhere and realized she is not anyone I know. Is this what those cloud-cloaked bástards were on about? They were wrong, I'd never hurt or kill anyone. I noticed my other self never ran from the scene. Instead, he kept a look of contempt upon his face as he stared at the woman full unaware I was there. Curious, I looked at what he took from the lady. Oh wow, I recognize that and yeah I definitely know who she was. Knowing the instability of the nine-tails inside me, I realized that it was definitely possible that I blacked out. But to go so far as to hurt or kill someone? Suddenly, I was gasping for air with my eyes wide opened. I was back on the narrow table in that dark room. The guy with the crazy weapon stabbed-himself. Holy crap! And when he did, I felt an incredible amount of pain in my stomach. The pain intensified for a few seconds before it felt dulled. I felt myself growing colder and sleepier. * ^ * ^ * ^ * ^ A man with long dark hair, dark eyes walked into the room and stopped to stare at the narrow table and the body on it for a long while. "Kakuzu had the wrong information for the bounty. He wasn't our guy. This innocent man is Naruto, a well respected member of his community. The actual perpetrator was his doppelgánger, Menma. Konan won't be happy as the victim isn't dead either. This man is dead for nothing. That old woman was Tsunade going without her usual youth jutsu. And we all know Tsunade, she's already healed. At any rate, Menma is in custody. He claims Tsunade owed him the first hokage's necklace due to a major gambling loss and she's owed him for quite some time." The dark haired main stared at the blond victim laying on the table and allowed remorse to show on his face and in his eyes. He continued to look before he finally stated, "Well Hidan, you killed the wrong man. And while it would be easy for me to break this to Konan, I strongly prefer you take this one. Now go see Konan."
2020-11-07 01:34:31
What to do about features like Team Slots
Thank you for your response. Yes to both. I'd be interested in what the others have suggested (5 slots default) and two additional for Jonin medal holders. That said, supporting the game should still be made more attractive to more than a handful of people. Many of the perks in the Jonin medal should be improved. I say this even as a non-medal holder.
Bugs & Support
2020-09-16 17:24:42
OI! Bug in the exam??
There are only 10 rounds per battle. If you beat wave 1 in round four, you still only have 10 rounds for the second wave. That means at most you can go to 14 rounds. If you, for example went to round 9 during the first wave, you will only be able to go up to round 19 for the 2nd wave.
General Discussion
2020-09-09 04:20:07
Kimimaru * hate ninja
Shield stack. This is where earth main and other resistance or shield guys come in. Also, light main is super squishy imho.
General Discussion
2020-08-21 03:37:56
New ninja collection system explained (from what we know so far)
Thx Morpheus!
General Discussion
Dumbledore Calr
2020-08-19 17:25:46
Server gone?
This game is having a sorts of access issues. It's security related and you'll have to jump through a few hoops to get around them. Your server is still there meanwhile. Some players have posted workaround links. You can try to use the firefox browser or the mini client. For Firefox, it will ask you about TLS. It's a security compromise if you say yes, but it will let you play the game. For miniclient, you may have to remove the acct from mini client easy access and add it back. This works for me. People have posted other things in case this doesn't help. That said @game runners, get this fixed asap. This is on your end, not the players.
Bugs & Support
2020-08-02 12:35:16
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