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[ Player Guide ] Buffs Info thread


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-30 04:37:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Let's talk a bit about buffs in general:




Removable Buffs:

Removable buffs are the ones that can be removed by ninjas such as Han , Masked Man , Shisui, Wind Main dust mystery, Anbu Itachi etc. (and obviously these buffs are inferior due to that fact)

These buffs usually have written something like "lasts for * rounds" which is easiest way to recognize a removable buff.

Here are some examples:

1. GNW Hinata mystery (same goes for normal Hinata mystery)

The evasion rate increase can be removed however the extra standard attacks aren't removed in this one (which is pretty weird actually)


2. Mangetsu passive

Yes this is a removable buff, if you use Masked Man in round 1 on a ninja that has this buff he won't be dodging in round 2.


3. Iruka buff

Same goes for all of these same buffs (Edo Sasori, Killer Bee, Konan)


4. Lightning Main mystery

Same as Hinata mystery, the crit rate buff and immunity get removed, however the 2 bonus attacks remain.


5. Main Character Enhacements

Every Main Character enhacement buff is removable.


Non-removable Buffs:

Non-removable ones are the ones that still remain even after those ninjas "remove" them.

Of course they are way more superior and reliable.

Easiest way to recognize these buffs is if it says something like "as long as this unit is alive" "as long as you have a shield/full hp" or if it simply doesn't state any number of rounds for it lasting.

Also Barriers are considered non-removable buffs, the buffs from barriers are there as long as a barrier is there.

Some examples:

1. Barrier


2. Madara/Konan passives


3. Lightning Main leech

Same goes for Fire Main Ninjutsu Urge.


4. Lightning Main Heart Flux

Same goes for Ay 3rd and Angel Konan passives.


5. WB Asuma buff

Same goes for Earth Main shield buff.


Not-stacking Buffs

Not-stacking buffs are the ones that won't work both at same time (for example you use 2x ninjas that give 30% which should be 60% more but in reality you only get 30% because they don't stack) .

First off none of same ninja buffs will stack (so in bond arena-GNW if you use 2-3x konan, 2-3x edo sasori , 2-3x killer bee for example only 1 will buff, however all 2-3 shields will work which can still be good) .

Another obvious not-stacking ones are barriers (only 1 barrier can be on field and that's the one that will buff your ninjas, other barrier buffs will disappear if they aren't on field).

Now for some reason Iruka and Killer Bee buffs don't stack with each other (so you shouldn't be using them together unless you want for the shields.)

WB Asuma + Earth Main DO stack (they sound similar but one is for full hp, other is for shields which is what separates them).

Normal Konan + Edo Sasori DO stack (good for Edo Deidara)

That would be all for now, if you have any questions or feel I missed out something please let me know! Hope you found it helpful.

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-04-30 04:37:04.
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On 2018-04-30 05:36:24Show this Author Only

About the Non-Stacking buffs part, From what I've seen, having triple (or double) lightning mains with anbu corps seems to stack, at least the leech part does not sure about the damage portion. Might be wrong but thats what I thought

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On 2018-04-30 18:58:41Show this Author Only
  • SSirus On 2018-04-30 05:36:24
  • About the Non-Stacking buffs part, From what I've seen, having triple (or double) lightning mains with anbu corps seems to stack, at least the leech part does not sure about the damage portion. Might be wrong but thats what I thought

Yes , yes you are right, the leech from FM and LM do stack actually !

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On 2018-05-01 08:11:12Show this Author Only

So does that mean if I use Chojo, Manga, Water Main, and Mei. Chojo won't get the buffs from water main water enhance, Chojo passive to increase damage, and Mei's barrier.

Means he will have an atk power of 94% extra, or am I wrong somewhere.

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On 2018-05-01 23:51:32Show this Author Only
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2018-05-01 08:11:12
  • So does that mean if I use Chojo, Manga, Water Main, and Mei. Chojo won't get the buffs from water main water enhance, Chojo passive to increase damage, and Mei's barrier.

    Means he will have an atk power of 94% extra, or am I wrong somewhere.

He will get all the buffs from that team, however keep in mind that Water Main enhance is only 3 units so it will be 3 random since that team is all 4 Water

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On 2018-05-02 01:04:10Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-05-01 23:51:32
  • He will get all the buffs from that team, however keep in mind that Water Main enhance is only 3 units so it will be 3 random since that team is all 4 Water

I realized that. Just was wondering.

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On 2018-05-02 01:08:12Show this Author Only

Question. What type of buffs does the sound 5 have on them? Are they removable, like if I use Mifune or Itachi Anbu on Kimi. Will is def and res buff be removed?

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On 2018-05-02 01:57:09Show this Author Only
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2018-05-02 01:08:12
  • Question. What type of buffs does the sound 5 have on them? Are they removable, like if I use Mifune or Itachi Anbu on Kimi. Will is def and res buff be removed?

Its like konan or raikage 3rd passiv, it can't get removed

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On 2018-05-02 13:31:08Show this Author Only

i have a question, if i'm doing bonds and using fire main ninjutsu urge, other team lighting main anbu tactic

will the ninja that has standart atk & nin like hidan dpb for example, will he leech double ?

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On 2018-05-02 18:01:05Show this Author Only
  • motteeeee On 2018-05-02 13:31:08
  • i have a question, if i'm doing bonds and using fire main ninjutsu urge, other team lighting main anbu tactic

    will the ninja that has standart atk & nin like hidan dpb for example, will he leech double ?

Yes those passives do stack and leech should be higher

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On 2018-05-02 18:03:05Show this Author Only
  • Hinu Hyuga On 2018-05-02 01:08:12
  • Question. What type of buffs does the sound 5 have on them? Are they removable, like if I use Mifune or Itachi Anbu on Kimi. Will is def and res buff be removed?

Those are scaling buffs and they are permanent and non-removable always

That's actually a great note I forgot to mention those.

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On 2018-05-02 21:48:16Show this Author Only

misses an important info:

removable buffs are active for the whole duration even if the ninja that granted them died.

non-removable buffs are active only as long as the ninja that grants them is alive.

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On 2018-05-03 01:04:23Show this Author Only
  • Garv On 2018-05-02 21:48:16
  • misses an important info:

    removable buffs are active for the whole duration even if the ninja that granted them died.

    non-removable buffs are active only as long as the ninja that grants them is alive.

Hello, Hashiramas passive broken , is non - removable even if Hashirama dies !!

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On 2018-05-03 02:10:13Show this Author Only

Speaking of people dying, which buffs are carried over if certain ninjas were revived? Example, Orochimaru has a buff that increments for every death on the battlefield. If say Orochimaru has a 30% buff from his passive but then dies, and revives, does he carry on that 30% buff or does it get reset? Same thing with pretty much every scaling ninja (E.g. Roshi, Hebihime, Kimimaru.. etc)

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On 2018-05-04 17:39:36Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2018-05-03 01:04:23
  • Hello, Hashiramas passive broken , is non - removable even if Hashirama dies !!

Once you skillbreak hashirama his passive ceases to be a removable buff and becomes a not removable buff (aka aura) as you pointed out. But exactly like every aura it is in effect as long as the ninja that emanates it is alive. If skillbroken hashi dies the aura effect is not anymore active. Just to explain better: if you fight a blitz team that is not able to remove buffs (like the old darui, wb asuma, iruka, mb blitz) and hashirama dies in round 1 if is not skillbroken then your team continues to have the buff for the following 4 rounds, if is skillbroken you lose it in round 1. You can try by yourself if is really so or not. Make a duel against somebody and use shark bomb in round 1, then wait for him to kill hashi skillbroken and use shark bomb again in round 2 and you'll see that works like i said because your shark bomb will land 20-30% less damage.

Did you really think that a single skillbreak made hashirama passive better than madara passive?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-05-04 17:59:34.
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On 2018-10-08 01:48:23Show this Author Only

Sorry to bump this thread, but i was reading your " Player Guide ] Buffs Stacking Detailed Info" (great Guide btw!), and i saw in that guide that Konan and Edo Sasori DO NOT stack!, but in this guide you said that they do. I am just hoping to get some clarification here, as i may choose to run both on the same team.

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On 2020-05-07 21:20:48Show this Author Only

I wanna ask something, as I found no more detailed info about this in other topics. I came here looking for an explanation on Iruka Y+1 passive, that states that 15% of nin is stacking each time until his action. My questions are:

1. Is this a non-removable buff, which dissapear from the battlefield when Iruka dies? Or is this a type of "scaling" for all the team?

2. If, for example, a ninja modifies the stats (i.e. Kushina [Red Hot-blooded habanero] ), he buffs +15% nin of base nin taken from that ninja, or from the actual stats?

3. Related to the above question: is iruka buffing 15% of himself's Nin to the other Konoha ninjas?

Thanks, it may clarify me wether to use Iruka or not in scaling teams already.

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On 2020-05-08 01:16:22Show this Author Only
  • ajedrecista On 2020-05-07 21:20:48
  • I wanna ask something, as I found no more detailed info about this in other topics. I came here looking for an explanation on Iruka Y+1 passive, that states that 15% of nin is stacking each time until his action. My questions are:

    1. Is this a non-removable buff, which dissapear from the battlefield when Iruka dies? Or is this a type of "scaling" for all the team?

    2. If, for example, a ninja modifies the stats (i.e. Kushina [Red Hot-blooded habanero] ), he buffs +15% nin of base nin taken from that ninja, or from the actual stats?

    3. Related to the above question: is iruka buffing 15% of himself's Nin to the other Konoha ninjas?

    Thanks, it may clarify me wether to use Iruka or not in scaling teams already.

1. it's considered an unremovable scale. The "scaling" will last on that ninja until that ninja dies, iruka's status of dead or alive doesnt affect the scale.

2. the scale is 15% of that ninja's base stat. So Kushina will get 15% scale from Kushina's base Attack and Ninjutsu, Iruka will get a 15% scale from his base attack and ninjutsu

3. i just answer above.

also... your description of iruka Y+1 passive is a bit wrong... it should be like this: before Iruka's first action each round, gives Konoha units a shield based on 25% of Iruka's resistance, while also increase their attack and ninjutsu by 15% (the attack and ninjutsu scale can stack to up to 5 times)

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On 2020-05-08 03:03:38Show this Author Only
  • YujinTakara On 2020-05-08 01:16:22
  • 1. it's considered an unremovable scale. The "scaling" will last on that ninja until that ninja dies, iruka's status of dead or alive doesnt affect the scale.

    2. the scale is 15% of that ninja's base stat. So Kushina will get 15% scale from Kushina's base Attack and Ninjutsu, Iruka will get a 15% scale from his base attack and ninjutsu

    3. i just answer above.

    also... your description of iruka Y+1 passive is a bit wrong... it should be like this: before Iruka's first action each round, gives Konoha units a shield based on 25% of Iruka's resistance, while also increase their attack and ninjutsu by 15% (the attack and ninjutsu scale can stack to up to 5 times)

Thank you so much for your answer! I come from an Spanish server, and the description is a bit poor. But now I'm fully satisfied :)

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