This is a pretty basic DPH Team for MB. Using Mifune to lead on T2 to remove buffs & start a combo to tag & immobilise. Danzo is there to gain the additional chakra & to Izanagi DPH if/when required.
I run this team myself, its very much a blitz orientated team, its a nice counter to those immortal Earth & Fire teams you see out there. You lead with Main's Mystery T1, when he generates the 20 Chakra, queue up DPH, who'll then trigger your combo. Finally trigger Deidara for further damage on the ignited ninja.
I admit, I'm not a particular fan of this line up, but it works well. Root of the Warrior provides an element of protection, just watch out of the likes of Han or Masked Man. Using Sealing Slash 1st to accu, then Yo Hidan & tigger his mystery with the 20 Chakra generated from Calm Mind. T2 use Roshi.
Something for those with a flare for the rarer teams. I'm currently in testing phase with this one, so far the result aren't too bad. T1 Ay, then Main to shield & generate 20 Chakra to unleash DPH to start the combo. Swap around DPH & Minato if you want a higher priority interupt.
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