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2022-06-04 14:27:07
Offline Mode Anbu Guide
The NPC is by the Black Market Merchant. Basically 1 card = Will put you in "Offline Mode" completing your daily missions and will last until 5:00 Server time. (daily reset time) There is a list of Dailies to do at the merchant and it will give you 1 card per mission completed. Once you've completed the mission it should add the ticket(s) to your bag.
General Discussion
2023-11-06 01:57:14
support/control ninja for a team
I started my server really late so I don't have Madara Edo yet.Personally though I am using Orochimaru GNW in my pos 2/3 spots depending on my team I am using. And realistically if you do not have Madara at 4* then Orochi is the best choice in my eyes because I think 3* orochi is way better than Madara at 3*. It isn't stated in the actual game but most of the abilities that the Kage get from Orochimaru summons are based on the Breakthrough versions, lesser versions but still BT versions. If you can get Madara at 4* I think he does overall more damage. The weak spot on orochi is himself, you kill him all his Kages go * and if you cant survive to round 3(if he died on round 1) then it's Curtains if you cant manage to kill any of their team after that point. Unfortunately I don't have any experience with Obito GNW. I use Jiraiya a fair bit also, I think he has his own uses and it depends on what you want to really do with your team. I bounce around both of them but at the end of the day I prefer using Orochi GNW just because of the sheer potential he has if you keep him alive. Have a good day!
General Discussion
2022-06-16 19:39:30
Damage formula
Hello!The game really does a poor job explaining a lot of things. When you're reading Ninja's skills I recommend that you go to a website called Konoha Proxy. This website essentially tells you all the info about ninjas skills and abilities that the game doesn't. If you're looking for in depth on how stats work: Initiative = if your ninja has higher initiative than your enemy same position(move) ninja then your ninja will go first (I am saying this because you gotta know the meaning of positions in team, if your Pos2 ninja has 10000 initiative it will still go after enemy Pos1 ninja who has 5000 initiative) Initiative is very tricky but most of the time you will benefit from being faster than your enemy (makes for interrupting, immobiling , chaosing your enemy and dealing damage first) Your auto-barrier depends on your entire team initiative (so pos1+pos2+pos3+pos4 initiative = overall initiative which is compared vs your enemy and who has higher overall initiative will win the barrier) There is also an interesting rule that your Position 2 ninja will be faster than your/enemies Position 1 if it has 10000 MORE initiative (example: Position 2= 15000 , Position 1= 4999 , Pos2 goes before Pos1) (This rule also applies for Pos3>Pos2 and Pos4>Pos3, the rule for Pos3>Pos1 = 20000 more initiative but that is impossible for us to achieve) Critical = Increases %chance of Critical, decreases the %chances of receiving a critical from your enemy (this all depends on your own ninja critical vs your enemy ninja critical) This stats is very important for all ninjas also, especially for your main damage dealer which is mostly Pos1 ninja as it will make him crit much more often and we all know critical damage is much higher than normal one. Critical damage has nothing to do with "Critical" stats, it depends on Injury which we will talk about next! Injury = Increases CRITICAL DAMAGE, decreases the critical damage taken from your enemy. (same as critical also depends on your ninja injury vs enemy ninja injury) You see the massive criticals a higher power can deal to you ? Especially if they have a very stacked Position 1 ninja means they have very high Injury stats. Injury helps with damage a lot, especially considering that enemy back row ninjas mostly have low injuries therefore you can do massive critical damage to them. Some testing with Injury by people turns out that "Every 100 injury difference vs your enemy is 1% more critical damage" (Not official info) However based on this info we can say that "If you have 10000 injury on a ninja vs 5000 enemy injury you will do 50% more critical damage than you're supposed to" (which are quite high numbers actually taking into account that the 50% is calculated at the end of damage formula making it a big difference) Combo = Increases chances of combo, decreases chances of receiving a combo (This refers mostly to standard attacks, sadly this stats is useless when it comes to mysteries and the "must combo" standard attack) This stats personally I find the one that you can neglect the most except in some cases (for example: Jonin Minato, Kurama Naruto = ninjas who depend a lot on their standard attack causing a combo due to cooldown reduction so it can be very useful for them) Overall it doesn't have many uses as Critical/Injury do which is why the stats doesn't have as much significance. Control = Increases %chance of Controlling, decreases %chance of getting controlled (Refers to debuffs such as Immobile, Chaos, Sleep, Acupuncture) This stats can be extremely useful if you don't have a healer/debuff remover in a team and you are not immune (Example: Classic Lightning Main blitz team) Also can be extremely useful for helping you control (Example: using Masked Man / Susano Itachi this stat is a must) Negative side: useless on some ninjas (Example: Roshi, Utakata, 6 Tails Naruto) (There is new Kushina now to immobile them but they regain immunity in round 2 anyway so control can only reduce small chance of them being immobile if versus Kushina) By player info the rule for this stat is "Every 1000 control stat difference = 10%" Which means if your ninja has 15000 and your enemy 4999 it will be practically impossible for him to control you. Damage Types: You asked about skills that do Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, so in short if the skill has TAI tag it will scale off of the taijutsu stat, same for NIN, and skills that have both I think it will take into the factor of the highest one of the two, or grabs scaling from both at a lesser rate, essentially doing mixed damage. Defense = Tai resistance Resistance = Nin Resistance How to Increase the stats: -Refines (All stat - only 1 ninja) -Purify (All stat - only 1 ninja) -8 Gates (All stat - only 1 ninja) -Ninja Tools (All except Initiative - all ninjas) -Mount Myoboku Cultivation (All stats - all ninjas) -Summon Cultivation (All stats - all ninjas) -Battle Armor Rank (All stats - all ninjas) -Clothings (All ninjas) -Treasured Tools (only 3 Secondary Stats - 1 ninja) -Charms (Depends on Cave Runes, All stat - 1 ninja) -Cave Runes (All stat - 1 ninja) -Bond Home system (All stats - all ninja) Side Note: So as you can see these stats working together basically formulate together to create your own teams base damages depending on the stats. In short I do not think that skills really have base line stats they will always scale and create their damage based on these stats. I'm not 100% sure on this, but the skills that say they do damage, or cause heavy damage. Those skills definitely hit harder. As well as skills that say they ignore defense/resistance. Regardless I hope this information has answered your questions and has helped you better understand the combat mechanics of the game. Good luck! :) ** Information quoted from ICE* **
General Discussion
2022-06-04 08:04:57
Nagato Edo Tensei & Gengetsu Interactions
Okay, thank you very much for clarifying that and for the reply. Have a good day.
2022-05-23 11:27:46
Edo Minato Lineup Help Please (Will change any main)
Yeah it is unfortunate and on the same side I also think Edo Tensei Hashi can break his barrier too for some reason, think I seen it happen a few times. I appreciate the info on the pos 1 ninjas. Since I was planning to do a tsuko I was looking into Obito most likely but I would have to get the 4* like you said which can take some time. Pain seems like a good option then since it's just ready to use out the gate At 3*. I think i'll just hold the coupons and plan on getting pain and orochi or spend on power for the time being and hold out until the tsuko. Thanks a ton!
2023-05-11 16:09:34
Edo Minato Lineup Help Please (Will change any main)
Thanks for the reply! In your opinion what are the better paid ninjas to go for? I saved a bunch of coupons so far but I am planning to delve into a tsuko event around January, obviously If I did that I'd have one of the big 3 pos 1 ninjas so I guess that's my answer but didn't know if there was certain options that were just better. Haven't kept up with the meta really and all the tier lists I find appear to be outdated pretty bad. I'll look into the fuku for december though the coupons are burning a hole in my pocket haha but one more month for a big fuku would be worth it.
2023-05-11 16:09:34
Edo Minato Lineup Help Please (Will change any main)
I see, I played when Minato was god tier so I assumed it was the same story. My counter question, what pos 1 ninjas are the go tos now? I have around 85k coupons saved , since then gained to 100k power. So realistically I can go for about any ninja. Thanks for the time to answer my question! I will definitely try this out for the time being since its what I have right now. Also picked up Toad Chant Jiraiya. Thanks in advance ! I also noticed that even without using Red Seal Barrier, Jiraiya still CC locks minato from using his. Which in my case I guess isn't that big a deal since I can't proc minatos mystery round 1 with BT just unlucky with it like 2k protections lol. But very much interested in what ninja my next step should be, pretty relieved to hear he isnt really top tier anymore though considering i've felt he hasn't been as strong in many fights when I do get him going. Outside of obvious choices I guess I know 6p Naruto is probably still in a good spot or Edo Madara. Next Fuku looks like rage obito is in there too but I don't think he would be a good fit either.
2023-05-11 16:09:34
Any Veteran Players Have Power Up Advice?
Hello Thanks for your reply! to be honest I just have fun in general playing the game, I understand the monetization of this game is pretty insane but the other games I play really dont have a cash entry as much as this game so I dont mind spending money on the game in the long run. At this time I really am most likely going to spend some kind of money on the game I just wanted to make sure that I was getting the most out of doing it instead of falling into one of the many traps this game presents when spending currency. We really dont have that many interesting naruto games in general and this one has a really fun gameplay loop I feel. For any sane person though not playing the game is an understandable recommendation. :P
General Discussion
2021-11-27 15:37:40
Any Veteran Players Have Power Up Advice?
It does! Thanks for the reply. I'll wait around for the froggy event then. I appreciate the info helps alot.
General Discussion
2021-11-27 15:37:40
Edo Minato Lineup Help Please (Will change any main)
I'll keep an eye on the forum for sure, thank you for taking the time to post! I will try this formation and pos 1 minato instead of Kimmi. I really appreciate it.
2023-05-11 16:09:34