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[ Player Guide ] 【8 inner gates Guide】, stats, databa<x>se


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On 2016-11-10 22:29:00Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi, this is Nova from S15.

So how do you like the new 8 inner gates system?

In this guide, I will first provide numerical data and then explain the strategy.

I collected the data from CN naruto online and made the following tables.

The Data
(or you can skip to conclusion if you don't want to read the numbers.)

1. Upgrade

You can upgrade a chakra by synthesizing other chakras. The EXP is based on the quality.

The highest quality is Red.
and here is the proof.

2. The Exp

A chakra requires a certain amount of EXP to be upgraded, based on the quality and current level.
The max level is 11.
EXP for each level

3. The Stats:

Each chakra provides a certain amount of stats, based on the type, quality, and current level.
CICC: control, injury, Crit, Combo (also including initiative if applicable)
DR: damage reduction

For example. your purple lv1 attack chakra provides 49 attack. If you upgrade it to lv2, it will be 49+19=68 attack. lv3 will be 49+19+19=87 attack.

For your convenient, I also calculated the maximum stats at level 11.

4. The Ratio:

For *ytic reason, I also calculated the EXP/Stats ratio. In other words, how much EXP do you need to increase the stat by 1 unit.
The lower, the better.

I used Att/Nin for example. Other stats would be similar since the denominator is always a fixed number.

As we can observe, blue and purple has the lowest EXP/Stats ratio. Which means for the same amount of coins u spend, purple and blue chakra will generate the highest outcome.

Orange and Red chakras have a much higher potential. But in the early game, try to invest on Purple chakra first. Orange and Red chakras are not really important at the beginning.

The Strategy

There are 8 slots. (or 7 currently, since the death gate is "not open yet")
So which chakras you should choose?

Tier 1: (The Must Have)

Att/Nin, Defense, Resistance, HP, Initiative
You can choose Att or Nin based on the ninja u are using. Or you can just take both.

Keep in mind that Initiative chakra only obtainable from the exchange. (20000 points, costs about 70m)

Tier 2: (The good options)

Combo, Crit, Control, HP recovery, damage reduction
For dps ninjas, Combo and Crit will be very helpful.
For control ninjas, Control gives you a stable chance to apply conditions on targets.
HP recovery and dmg reduction, well,not very effective but still better than nothing.

Tier 3: (The useless)

Injury, att/nin penetr4tion.
based on the info from CN server, these stats don't work at all. Correct me if you have proof.

BTW, in CN server people only need 1 set chakras for the entire team.
We need a set for each ninja, which means 4 sets in total.
The Inconvenience

(Thanks to player Kage Sound for pointing out this issue)

Unlike gears or magatamas, Chakras are tied to move order instead of each character.

For example, Your current move 1 ninja is Fire main and move 2 ninja is Iruka. You gave high-level ninjutsu chakra to your main and high level ninjutsu chakra to your main. However, chakras are tied to the order, not the character. Therefore, if you switch their order, like put your main at move 2 and Iruka at move 1, their equipped chakras will be exchanged. This is extremely annoying when you need to adjust your formation. I Wish OG can fix this issue.

I Hope this guide can be helpful.
Let me know if you see any error

Good Luck

This post was last edited by Nova15 at 2016-11-11 20:51
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On 2016-11-11 00:21:58Show this Author Only
Thanks for the guide this seems almost exactly like the Eight Gates system that Unlimited Ninja used. Luckly this one is cheaper.
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On 2016-11-11 00:33:45Show this Author Only
thx for the guide bro
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On 2016-11-11 00:54:56Show this Author Only
Thanks for the guide, small addition would be that attack/ninjutsu *ion seems to affect your dmg atm tho at higher lvls the increase is probably insignificant compared to the other ones.
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On 2016-11-11 13:47:22Show this Author Only
Amazing Guide Thx for the Info You should also add that depending on the Ninja Poisition(Move 1, 2 etc.) the runes tend to change to the corresponding ninja that move is on did tested it earlier I put majority of my Attk Runes on Iruka and moved him around and they all ended up on my Main character.:dizzy:
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On 2016-11-11 14:04:50Show this Author Only
Oooh, very useful information. Thanks for this! I made the mistake of investing too much into the orange and red chakras I received instead of the purple ones which resulted in not being able to fully imbed all my ninjas with enough chakras after 35mil coins used.
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On 2016-11-11 14:17:53Show this Author Only
One small question here:
How do we unlock the 8th slot ?

also, the initiative chakra, in only in shop as perple and quite expensive. Do you know if anyone got higher quality of this initiative chakra type? orange or red tier?

Awesome guide btw. Very useful informations and suggestions given clearly to help anyone understand all about it.
This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-11-11 14:22
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On 2016-11-11 16:22:23Show this Author Only
I'm still not sure about this whole thing. can you recommend to me a chakra set for the empress build? I can't figure out what they should have. I don't really have any good chakras yet, but i'll keep a log on what i'll need just for reference.
In case you aren't familiar with the empress build, i'll go over the ninjas here:
Wind MC

of course, i'd appreciate any help as long as it makes sense. I just want to get these gates over with so i can get back to paying off equip lvls.
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On 2016-11-11 20:54:37Show this Author Only
  • Kage Sound On 2016-11-11 13:47:22
  • Amazing Guide Thx for the Info You should also add that depending on the Ninja Poisition(Move 1, 2 etc.) the runes tend to change to the corresponding ninja that move is on did tested it earlier I put majority of my Attk Runes on Iruka and moved him around and they all ended up on my Main character.:dizzy:
Thx for this info. This is annoying, hope OG can fix it.

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On 2016-11-11 20:58:34Show this Author Only
  • Sourav On 2016-11-11 14:17:53
  • One small question here:
    How do we unlock the 8th slot ?

    also, the initiative chakra, in only in shop as perple and quite expensive. Do you know if anyone got higher quality of this initiative chakra type? orange or red tier?

    Awesome guide btw. Very useful informations and suggestions given clearly to help anyone understand all about it.
    This post was last edited by Sourav at 2016-11-11 14:22
according to the official notes, the 8th slot is "not open yet"

To the best of my knowledge, the purple initiative chakra is from shop only, and it is the highest quality you can get "for free". They may sell orange initiative chakra during an event.
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On 2016-11-11 21:03:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-11 16:22:23
  • I'm still not sure about this whole thing. can you recommend to me a chakra set for the empress build? I can't figure out what they should have. I don't really have any good chakras yet, but i'll keep a log on what i'll need just for reference.
    In case you aren't familiar with the empress build, i'll go over the ninjas here:
    Wind MC

    of course, i'd appreciate any help as long as it makes sense. I just want to get these gates over with so i can get back to paying off equip lvls.
Empress build is an early game formation heavily rely on your main.
I would recommend Initiative, HP, Attack, Ninjutsu, Defence, Resistance, and crit.
(If you don't have Initiative yet, you c*e dmg reduction or combo)

You don't really need "good" chakras, blue and purple are good enough at the beginning.
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On 2016-11-11 21:09:10Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-11 00:54:56
  • Thanks for the guide, small addition would be that attack/ninjutsu *ion seems to affect your dmg atm tho at higher lvls the increase is probably insignificant compared to the other ones.
This is an experiment by a CN player. (You need google translator if you can't read Chinese)
According to the result, the *ions are extremely insignificant. The injury didn't work at all.
Therefore, I wouldn't recommend any of those
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On 2016-11-11 21:28:11Show this Author Only
  • Nova15 On 2016-11-11 21:09:10
  • http://*
    This is an experiment by a CN player. (You need google translator if you can't read Chinese)
    According to the result, the *ions are extremely insignificant. The injury didn't work at all.
    Therefore, I wouldn't recommend any of those
So to summarise this do any of the secondary stats other than init actually do anything?
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On 2016-11-11 21:35:00Show this Author Only
  • Belerephon On 2016-11-11 21:28:11
  • So to summarise this do any of the secondary stats other than init actually do anything?
combo, crit and control works well.

dmg reduction, not significant but still works, according to the experiment.

HP recovery: you can see, it works

character -> detail and you can read their descriptions.
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On 2016-11-12 19:25:47Show this Author Only
  • Nova15 On 2016-11-11 21:03:51
  • Empress build is an early game formation heavily rely on your main.
    I would recommend Initiative, HP, Attack, Ninjutsu, Defence, Resistance, and crit.
    (If you don't have Initiative yet, you c*e dmg reduction or combo)

    You don't really need "good" chakras, blue and purple are good enough at the beginning.
Thanks for the reply.

I don't know about early formations and whatnot, but it seems to work pretty well at higher lvls. I'm lvl 77 and currently ranked 3rd in both power and level. The only thing i can say is that this lineup *s in the later stages of the ninja exam. Other than that, it seems to be very reliable.

so Judging by your chakra recommendations, this would be ideal when i reach lvl 80 since the 7th gate opens by then. I have most chakras on this team right now in the blue stages. it'll probably take a long time to get initiative for all 4 of my ninjas (that's a whopping 80,000 points, i believe?). i've probably spent roughly 4m on this so far and i think i almost reached 1,000 points... but thanks for the advice, i'll see what i can do :)

Edit: one more question... you mentioned DR and Combo until i get Initiative. should i do all 4 ninjas the same stat boost or do like 1 combo, 1 DR, 1 another and so on? i figure being the same on every ninja on your team might be what i'm reading here, but i'll ask anyway.
Edit 2: and yes, i almost have enough of those chakras you mentioned for all 4 ninjas. i'll have to try more tomorrow :p This post was last edited by aya*** at 2016-11-12 19:51
This post was last edited by aya*** at 2016-11-12 19:52
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On 2016-11-14 15:50:47Show this Author Only
How do I sell runes ?
Or, how do I get rid of yellow runes ? They seem to eat everything and refuse to be synthesized.
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On 2016-11-14 21:45:38Show this Author Only
I havn't used any points to buy runes with and i've got a red one & few yellow
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On 2016-11-15 02:24:28Show this Author Only
If Guy sensei taught us anything it is that we do NOT want to unlock the 8th gate. j/k lol
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On 2016-11-15 03:05:44Show this Author Only
  • lexsan On 2016-11-14 15:50:47
  • How do I sell runes ?
    Or, how do I get rid of yellow runes ? They seem to eat everything and refuse to be synthesized.
yellow runes are priority when synthesized because they are the "orange" tier. i would hold on to those until you can decide what the perfect setup for your team is. and you may end up changing it again in the future.
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On 2016-11-15 04:52:56Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-11-15 03:05:44
  • yellow runes are priority when synthesized because they are the "orange" tier. i would hold on to those until you can decide what the perfect setup for your team is. and you may end up changing it again in the future.
No, I figured it out.
Purple can eat purple, and yellow can eat yellow and purple.
So I will just hold on to them until something comes along to get rid of it.
I'm not using hp recovery runes, seriously...
Quicky Post

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