2016-11-05 10:50:23
No nesssicarly there are strong and weak players on every server os if you have 30k power ever though player B might only have 2500 power you still still play and level pu to 30000 pwoer thats like saying play A with 0 pwoer will never catch up or get closer to getting stronger against player B on the same server with 30k power.
Not realy a agrument nothing a good server can handle look at 99% of online games where peopel play form aroudn the world and there is no lag issues.
Yes, but would you like to be player B? Let's say you are both F2P player, would you like to get stomped on all the way until level cap? Also, there will still be a huge difference between you and player A.
At level cap, he can have higher refines and higher magatamas than you just because he started first. Also, he will definitely have more ninjas than you as well.
From level 1 to 85 (current cap), it would probably take months for you to reach level cap. Would you play to get stomped for months?
Also, lag is an issue. Even with a good server, you will still experience lag. Even if it doesn't have any lag, does the player has a good connection? :D
Server merge are coming soon too. This post was last edited by Narbsy at 2016-11-5 11:21