Just a thought I had after beating Difficult Strong Approaching for the last time this week in regards to the Common materials just stacking up in my inventory as rewards from different events.
It would be a really nice feature to be able to synthesize those low-level materials into something actually useful, rather than having them just sit in the inventory and only be able to sell them for 10 coins each. Even at an exchange rate of 10 to 1, it would let us actually use the rewards from those challenges, and wouldn't cut into the profit made by people buying materials, as it would take a very long time to do, so everyone wanting to spend money would continue to do so.
So something like 10 Common cloth synthesize to 1 Medium cloth, and 10 Medium cloth synthesize to 1 Advanced cloth; and likewise for thread.
Really great way to keep everyone interested in the events, but still cater to the people who no longer benefit from the rewards provided.