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re: ranked arena


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  • Registered: 2017-09-07
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On 2023-03-12 12:54:16Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Re: Ranked arena

"How often it is either will depend entirely upon the individual player's skill and relative power stats. The best suggestion I can give you is to visit the strategy section in this forum or on the official discord and we can give you some help making a better team for the mode, if you are having issues."

Mod, how can you say it's really dependent on skill? Initiative stat? Fine. But it's mainly dependent on ninja. You can't make a better team if you don't have the ninja and all you face are people with the best. The worst thing about arena is the queue times. Remove the matching criteria that is determined by win-loss streaks and rank.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-03-12 18:55:50Show this Author Only

Even tho I disagree with Tachibana a lot this time she is right. I don't understand why you think that everybody should hit 6paths rank in arena.

It's game mode / event like any other. If you are not strong enaugh to be top1 Spacetime,top3 Sage World, 6paths in Decisive Bonds OR Ranked Arena then that's just how it is, get stronger toward your goal or accept that idk Jonin rank is where your general power level belongs.

Ranked Arena as a game mode is easy to climb in general cuz of how winning streak works BUT in 2023 it's more of a time struggle vs queue times than enemies that I can agree with you.

As for skill then imo

1) Initiative obviously helps a lot and can win you fights vs stronger enemy ninja teams.

2) Ninjas you have / Ability to make good teams -> There are many broken arena ninjas right now that people don't even think of using that can clap Shisui Susano who is nothing special in arena.

3) Execution of your setup, with some heavy control or nuke dmg teams knowing what you are doing it's possible to cheese your way up.

This post was last edited by Keyflash on 2023-03-12 19:02:46.
  • Registered: 2017-09-07
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On 2023-03-16 07:27:58Show this Author Only
  • Keyflash On 2023-03-12 18:55:50
  • Even tho I disagree with Tachibana a lot this time she is right. I don't understand why you think that everybody should hit 6paths rank in arena.

    It's game mode / event like any other. If you are not strong enaugh to be top1 Spacetime,top3 Sage World, 6paths in Decisive Bonds OR Ranked Arena then that's just how it is, get stronger toward your goal or accept that idk Jonin rank is where your general power level belongs.

    Ranked Arena as a game mode is easy to climb in general cuz of how winning streak works BUT in 2023 it's more of a time struggle vs queue times than enemies that I can agree with you.

    As for skill then imo

    1) Initiative obviously helps a lot and can win you fights vs stronger enemy ninja teams.

    2) Ninjas you have / Ability to make good teams -> There are many broken arena ninjas right now that people don't even think of using that can clap Shisui Susano who is nothing special in arena.

    3) Execution of your setup, with some heavy control or nuke dmg teams knowing what you are doing it's possible to cheese your way up.

its a free game mode one of the few that should be "equal" that lets you into zenith a chance to get coupons. give some examples of ninja that clap shisui bt pain asura bt

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-03-17 23:15:18Show this Author Only
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2023-03-16 07:27:58
  • its a free game mode one of the few that should be "equal" that lets you into zenith a chance to get coupons. give some examples of ninja that clap shisui bt pain asura bt

Arena removes power advantage and thats it.

There is no information about that it is supposed to make f2p guy with no ninjas be able to compete with someone that has every ninja in the game especially those locked by 3000$ so your logic fails literally from beginning. Your "should be" is just wishful thinking that has nothing to do with reality. If you want equal ground go play Chess instead of Gacha games

Zenith Arena could be rare timed event with out stup1d arena lock that I can agree with but everything else what you say doesn't make any sense to me.

As for tips before I give example I really don't understand why people think that with lower initiative and garbo ninja they should be able to compete with Shisui or Pain. You are supposed to compete as f2p vs other f2p players and lose to others - simple as that. Also if you don't have meta f2p ninja that I will use in my example just don't waste my time and accept your account is mediocre not deserving 6 path ranking cuz if you want to compete with some out dated garbage like Shark Kisame then I'm sorry it's not happening.

Now CAN you cheese wins against p2w ninjas YES and here is best option how since I won't bother making here 10 teams list with description about every single one of them. You can see some youtube channels like EggBoy that has very good f2p teams for arena.

1) Suit Sai BT with lions chakra lock + NY Hashirama with his standard lock - get those 2 ninjas going, build around them with best pos1 ninja you have, main character depending what your P1 needs and you clap every clown that relies on GNW Orochimaru or Shisui / Pain that won't be able to do single standard or mystery till round 3.

Every f2p should have BT ETR Madara or Naruto so slap that with those 2 above and you will climb arena for sure if you know how to execute the team

Im talking here from p2w perspective, those lions are the most annoying thing that was added since release of the game maybe outside of zetsu clones cheese.

This post was last edited by Keyflash on 2023-03-17 23:20:24.
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