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[ Player Guide ] Ninja Backpack Full Fragment Ninjas Limit


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2023-01-03 08:31:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

I just stumbled upon a small problem today when redeeming the 2 days sign-in reward for Konan. I couldn't claim her because my "backpack" was full.


So of course I went to my item backpack and opened some packs to clear it up, but it didn't work

I got a suggestion to actually look into my ninja fragment refine and refine some ninjas, which actually worked. I don't know if this is a new feature/bug, but it seems that there is an actual limit there and we have to clear it from time to time. I personally totally forgot about that feature and had a ton of ninja fragments piling up there. Here is what I'm talking about:


The picture on the left side is my original one before refining.

I believe the limit and "backpack full" refers to the amount of ninjas you have in there and not the amount of fragments, but I am not 100% sure.

I wasn't counting mine exactly because I just tested it without thinking about the info so I already refined some ninjas before counting

I would say I had around 100 ninjas, the amount of fragments I would guess in total 30000

Take that info with a grain of salt and just remember to refine your not-used ninja fragments from time to time.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 822
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On 2023-01-07 02:09:56Show All Posts
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2023-01-05 04:16:54
  • i c u r ready for that Ao BT

Haha I think most of those are from Infinite Illusion packs

Quicky Post

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