Hey guys!
This is a compilation of all Secret Scrolls, hopefully useful for newer players who want to see which scroll should they unlock first.
I don't know how often will I remember to update this one, if there's a new scroll missing, try searching the name here on forums because I usually do level 1>15 stats thread
Currently December 2022 there are 19 Secret Scrolls in total
Note: I don't know if it's my laptop resolution or a visual bug, but I can't see the combo rate stats so I can't give you that info. It's one of the less important stats anyway
Inner Focus: Intiative +708, Life Recovery +137
Stats = medium atk/nin/res/def/health, high critical/injury/control, 0 combo rate
Fighter: Intiative +708, Tai *ion +264
Stats = high health, medium atk/nin/def/res, medium critical/injury/control
Ninjutsu Master: Intiative +708, NIN *ion +287
Stats = high def/res, medium health/atk/nin, high injury, medium crit/control
Fenacity: Intiative +708, Critical Hit +806
Stats = high health, high atk/nin/def, 0 resistance, high critical, medium injury/control
Very good one and highly recommended
Inner Strength: Intiative +708, Life +946
Stats: 0 health, very high attack, high nin/def, low res, medium crit/injury/control
If you are using attack ba
Arcane Mastery: Intiative +814, NIN *ion +330
Stats: high health, high atk/nin/res, 0 defense, medium critical/injury/control
This one is high power gain
Burst: Intiative +814, Injury +837
Stats: high health, medium atk/def, low nin/res, very high critical/injury, 0 control
Amazing one for secondary stats crit/injury
Stoneskin: Intiative +814, Defense +347
Stats: 0 health, very high attack, high def/nin, low res, medium crit/injury/control
Good for attack
Stabbing: Intiative +814, Combo Rate +864
Stats: high health, low atk/def/nin/res, medium crit/control, high injury
Not really a priority honestly, not the best one
Ninjutsu Burst: Intiative +814, Ninjutsu +400
Stats: medium health, very high attack, high nin/res, 0 defense, medium crit/injury/control
Decent one, high power gain from the high attack and ninjutsu stats
Ninjutsu Shield: Intiative +814, Resistance +347
Stats: 0 health, very high attack, high nin/res, low def, high injury, medium control, 0 crit
Decent but there are better ones, high resistance gain overall which is good for shield ninjas
Confusion Jutsu: Intiative +814, Control +790
Stats: medium health, high atk/def/res, 0 ninjutsu, medium crit, high injury, 0 control
I wouldn't recommend prioritizing this one
Recovery Technique: Intiative +814, Life Recovery +157
Stats: medium health, high attack/def/nin, 0 res, high critical, medium injury/control
Life recovery is a bad stats and not really important, it does offer good atk/critical gains though
Fatal Strike: Intiative +814, Attack +400
Stats: High health/atk/nin/res, 0 defense, medium crit/injury/contrl
It's alright, if you want that primary stats gain
Lethal Strike: Intiative +814, Critical Hit +886
Stats: medium health, high atk/def/res, 0 ninjutsu, medium crit, high injury, 0 control
Ok, not the best but it offers high secondary stats crit and injury
Impale Capability: Intiative +814, Nin *ion +330
Stats: medium healh, high atk/def/nin, 0 resistance, high crit, medium injury/control
Physical Charge: Intiative +814, Tai *ion +330
Stats: medium health, high atk/res, medium def/nin, medium crit/injury/control
This one is balanced generally, gives all stats but not high amounts
Defense Enhancement:Intiative +814, Defense +347
Stats: high health, high atk/def, medium nin/res, high crit, medium injury, 0 control
If you need defense this is the one for you
Resistance Enhancement: Intiative +814, Resistance +347
Stats: 0 health, very high attack, high nin/res, medium def, medium crit/injury/control
Amazing guide, thanks!
Is there a chance to keep it updated so we can compare all scrolls? there are like 3 new scrolls since
Tenkz.io from our discord team has actually made an up to date guide with all the secret scrolls if you want to check it out
Tenkz.io from our discord team has actually made an up to date guide with all the secret scrolls if you want to check it out
Amazingg brooo, I wanna join Discord please
Amazingg brooo, I wanna join Discord please
Hey! Here's the invite li
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