Anniversary Event - Bonds Through the Years
Event Period: July 6th - July 17th
How to participate?
Participants must take a screenshot with their groupmates, keeping anniversary and festivities as a theme! (It's time to use one of the many Shape Shifting Cards you have.) The screenshot can be decorated, as long as it is original and isn't stolen nor copy-pasted from a past event. Along with the screenshot, participants must send a little story about their group. It can be a memory, how the group was formed, etc. It's up to you!
The story must be an original story ba
3 Entries will be chosen for the 3000 Coupon Reward and 2 Entries for the Consolation prize of 1000 Coupons
The winners
For 3000 coupons : 藍馬雪鳥, REMei and Iris!
For 1000 coupons : Alexyno and AsukaIshimaru!
Congratulations to everyone and thank you for participating!
My second group after our server merged together and me and my old friends transferred together in 1657 - Otsutsuki and make new friends and companions!! During this time I was a mere member who help my new friends alot from Group SA, 3v3, DB, TI, Do summon together, War etc. I enjoy helping also newbies that is why I was later promoted to senior this year from summon master. Over time our bond is getting stronger everyday the chat never dies because me and my groupmates were very talkative in Group chat and chat also never dies unless its sleep time! However, also, overtime many people stopped playing because of real life which is sad but life goes on because that is what it is. I missed those people who stopped coming here everytime because they're also my friends that I talked to and I helped to.Until now I am still fairly active in the game so I still help people and interact with them so to make new memories. Over all this group gave me both Happy, Sad, and eternal memory if the time comes I will finally have to stop in this game. Also Thanks to them I reached this far of my game milestone by creating bonds, powering up together! If your my groupmate and you read these; I will only have few words for yall! I Wuv you guys!!!
UID: 346719422443686
IGN: 장원영❤
In Game Name: Iris
UID: 200000090087544
My Server: S154 - Ninja Monkey
My Server Region: UK
It's not easy to write over and over about same thing. Especially not when situation didn't change as years passed by and you really do not want to sound pathetic. However, situation not changing in this case is...actually great?! But this time, I am not gonna focus on current group members - something else deserves bigger attention this time.
Let me start from beginning...
One server, several groups. As by all laws of nature - some war has to happen. Imagine server without drama....just boring. Anyway, some people quit and server started dying. Typical, right? When server merge happened, everything started blossoming. To be clear, when I say everything - I mean toxicity. New people, new groups, new drama, new war. People who were plundering me ended up being my group mates. Who would predict that. Competition was wild, I'm not gonna lie. This time, server actually survived until next merge...If for a second you though previous bad blood ended - think again. We all know that's not how it goes.
Somewhere and somehow in all that chaos and ego fights, people actually started opening up to each other and some bonds were created. Recommendation of other animes, mangas and movies, talks about real life and sharing difficulties, giving and getting advices, voicing until late night, meetings irl. Ego could make greatest enemies which could wish to cut each other throats (figuratively speaking)...or friends, some for a short period of life and some for really, really long. Or something which isn't either and weird in it's core, but exists?
Fast forward to 9th July 2022. Situation is next:
- 3 somewhat active groups
- around 15sh active players
- 0 bad blood
- some rivalry but on positive note between group mates
- some bonds for a longer time than predicted, against all chances
Currently - we are deadish group. Holding on with 5-7 players on war, helping each other when we have time and schedule allows. Not allowing other 2 groups to plunder our weaker members (when they actually ask for support). Flexing ofc - is group without some fake flex between members even group? Nope if you ask me. We are surviving and nothing much should or could be said in that matter.
Game being same for a while lead to many, MANY, players quitting. They just couldn't wait for changes anymore. Several of us left, doesn't seem like we are going anywhere ("my bad habits lead to....").
As for people who quit, they stayed bonded even to this date. Believe me when I say they left long time ago. Still, they went together to play several other games, kept talk over old discord server of group. No, they are no planning of coming back. Too much time passed. Maybe my path separated from theirs, but they do still walk over same one.
Realizing you have several common friends with them from rl even tho you never met, that you passed by them years ago on some festival, experiencing deja vu moment where you saw that person before (or heard voice?). Some started dating, some broke up, soon some weddings are gonna happen too (which is aweeeeeeeeeeee). Some ex-players I do meet sort of regularly (phone calls, text, walks) even tho we never played in same server or cluster. Seems like it's time to bring back late summer music sessions over Discord too (all hail #2018). All of this is weird, but on way you can't not to like it.
It's just crazy how human relations can go up and down (and all of it just started over pixels and some random game). Odd feeling being here after 5.5 years and still seeing how it develops and vanishes, get's stronger and weaker while time keeps marching on.
I tried not to sound pathetic. Yes, I know I didn't manage. Deal with it, I already did.
As for all OGs of this game I know.....meeting irl when?
Hoping one summer this could be all of us and more lol. Beach party it is (what else in melting July could be?!)
In my group there are a warm leader, a tsundere senior, another lazy senior, two cute sisters and two juniors: one naïve and one friendly. We are different but we’re the same, that is my feeling when we chat. The fun thing is half of the topics are off game. The topic can be the manga/anime we have just watched, what we often do during New Year holiday, what we have for dinner and recently is how the Covid pandemic and petrol price affect our lives.
We are together through the good and the bad, both in game and real life. Whenever I feel sorrow or hopeless or stressful, they are always there to hear my stories, comfort me and give me advices. Somehow they know how to make me smile all the time. Just simply a few words “Don’t worry, I’m here” they can put my mind at ease in instant no matter I get sick, bullied by others or meet bad guys (sometimes I think they are my counselors, not just my friends). I really hope our friendship can last as long as it can be and we will have chance to meet in the real life one day! Must be super fun I’m sure of it.
Two more weeks I will have played this game for 5 years and joined this group almost half a decade! That is amazing honestly, must ask for a medal ‘Diligent member’ or something like that lol.
• UID: 200000101821739
• Server: S427
• Name: REMei
• Region: HK
Welcome to S363-DarkBujuus‘ Summer Festival 2022!
Grab some drinks and
snacks, enjoy the music and the scenic view of the sunset over Konoha
Cliff – come, and celebrate our 5th year of playing
together with us!
Over the years S363-DarkBijuus have been through a lot of change:
The group has seen quite a few merges with other groups since it was founded in early 2017, as servers had been merged and clustered together a couple or three times: S363-Jinchuurikis, S363-NightRaid, S393-Akatsuki, S366-Akatsuki, S318-Shadows, S372-ArcticMonkey – even after some back and forth, we all came together in the end.
Some people left the
group to join others to become our rivals instead, or they stopped
playing the game altogether, but quite a few new group mates joined
us along the way as well and they were welcomed with arms wide open.
Group chat has always been mostly pretty laid-back, but sometimes there’s friendly banter, jokes but also deep conversation, too.
We saw quite a row of different, dedicated Leaders and Seniors join hands before S363-Masterr became our current Leader, and the heart and soul of our group defined itself anew as it adjusted to the ever changing dynamics.
Even the name
changed from ‘Jinchuurikis’ to ‘DarkBijuus’ to make the new
members from the merge with ‘Shadows’ feel more welcome.
Yet one thing never
changed: the teamwork, the friendliness and readiness to help each
other, which resulted in the deep-seated friendships we forged over
the years, sometimes even true love...
In summer 2018 a few of our ‘core members’ had an irl group meeting, some just joined via voice call on discord because they couldn’t make the trip to celebrate with us.
For early 2019 we had been planning a second irl group meeting, but sadly the first lockdown foiled our plans…
Yet postponed is not
abandoned, right?
On our group discord we don’t only relay event information or GNW related stuff, in winter 2020 and throughout 2021 some of us sometimes congregated in the evenings after daily events ended in Naruto Online for ‘game nights’, ‘movie nights’ or ‘reading sessions’ in voice chat, providing in dedicated channels with recommendations for music, games, good reads, movies to watch, or pictures of delicious food to tide over the global situation and stay connected even more-- even with some of the players who quit the game but never really left the group, neither on discord nor in game.
They are still part
of DarkBijuus regardless of how long they have been offline.
And some even come back occasionally, log into their old accounts after months or even years just to say ‘hi’ and be welcomed by familiar or new, but friendly names alike.
Our Leader
S363-Masterr, Senior S393-Venom and S309-Chocojaffa even joined this
very group picture just to share this moment together, not even
interested in the contest itself – simply here with us to spend
time together and be part of this.
So here we are, in
summer 2022, one of the two biggest/most active groups of this
server, and still playing this game together and having fun,
everyday, for the past 5 years -- Has it really been that long
already? Half a decade! Imagine that.
Isn’t that worth celebrating with us?
Story written, picture taken and edited by S363-AsukaIshimaru
Important annotation:
Should this entry win any prize, please split the reward equally between these group members who you can see present in the picture above, who provided their required information. Thank you kindly!
Server: UK S315-Stone Fist
UID: 200000097074070
Server: UK S363-Third Mizukage
IGN: AsukaIshimaru
UID: 200000099141120
Server: UK S372-Third Tsuchikage
IGN: Mask
UID: 200000099521007
Server: UK S396-Final Battle
IGN: Hisano
UID: 200000100450876
Welcome to S363-DarkBujuus‘ Summer Festival 2022!
Grab some drinks and
snacks, enjoy the music and the scenic view of the sunset over Konoha
Cliff – come, and celebrate our 5th year of playing
together with us!
Over the years S363-DarkBijuus have been through a lot of change:
The group has seen quite a few merges with other groups since it was founded in early 2017, as servers had been merged and clustered together a couple or three times: S363-Jinchuurikis, S363-NightRaid, S393-Akatsuki, S366-Akatsuki, S318-Shadows, S372-ArcticMonkey – even after some back and forth, we all came together in the end.
Some people left the
group to join others to become our rivals instead, or they stopped
playing the game altogether, but quite a few new group mates joined
us along the way as well and they were welcomed with arms wide open.
Group chat has always been mostly pretty laid-back, but sometimes there’s friendly banter, jokes but also deep conversation, too.
We saw quite a row of different, dedicated Leaders and Seniors join hands before S363-Masterr became our current Leader, and the heart and soul of our group defined itself anew as it adjusted to the ever changing dynamics.
Even the name
changed from ‘Jinchuurikis’ to ‘DarkBijuus’ to make the new
members from the merge with ‘Shadows’ feel more welcome.
Yet one thing never
changed: the teamwork, the friendliness and readiness to help each
other, which resulted in the deep-seated friendships we forged over
the years, sometimes even true love...
In summer 2018 a few of our ‘core members’ had an irl group meeting, some just joined via voice call on discord because they couldn’t make the trip to celebrate with us.
For early 2019 we had been planning a second irl group meeting, but sadly the first lockdown foiled our plans…
Yet postponed is not
abandoned, right?
On our group discord we don’t only relay event information or GNW related stuff, in winter 2020 and throughout 2021 some of us sometimes congregated in the evenings after daily events ended in Naruto Online for ‘game nights’, ‘movie nights’ or ‘reading sessions’ in voice chat, providing in dedicated channels with recommendations for music, games, good reads, movies to watch, or pictures of delicious food to tide over the global situation and stay connected even more-- even with some of the players who quit the game but never really left the group, neither on discord nor in game.
They are still part
of DarkBijuus regardless of how long they have been offline.
And some even come back occasionally, log into their old accounts after months or even years just to say ‘hi’ and be welcomed by familiar or new, but friendly names alike.
Our Leader
S363-Masterr, Senior S393-Venom and S309-Chocojaffa even joined this
very group picture just to share this moment together, not even
interested in the contest itself – simply here with us to spend
time together and be part of this.
So here we are, in
summer 2022, one of the two biggest/most active groups of this
server, and still playing this game together and having fun,
everyday, for the past 5 years -- Has it really been that long
already? Half a decade! Imagine that.
Isn’t that worth celebrating with us?
Story written, picture taken and edited by S363-AsukaIshimaru
Important annotation:
Should this entry win any prize, please split the reward equally between these group members who you can see present in the picture above, who provided their required information. Thank you kindly!
Server: UK S315-Stone Fist
UID: 200000097074070
Server: UK S363-Third Mizukage
IGN: AsukaIshimaru
UID: 200000099141120
Server: UK S372-Third Tsuchikage
IGN: Mask
UID: 200000099521007
Server: UK S396-Final Battle
IGN: Hisano
UID: 200000100450876
Hi , welcome to moegisus group the strongest group in our culster Well I don't know from where i should start but maybe cause i was not with those people since first day in the server but i am so happy to be able to a friend with them well it is actually not a Normal friendship i feel like we are a family , and in this family everyone help each other , no one left behind never never never , we all love each other , we helped eachother in increasing our battle power day after day by sharing our ideas, information and strategies , we started by being very active and do everything in the game and never miss anything thing but some slowly started to lose interest and some already quited but there are still some people playing and that's the best thing about this game is to play with your friends and also there is new commers to the game so it will be a good thing to make new bonds with them , and like any Normal relationship between freinds not always full of great moments we fought and we argued but we back like nothing happened after solving this problems , we shared alot of good memories that we will never forget , so i am happy that i am being a part of this great family although i came late in this but like they always say " come late better than Never " anyway those words is few but it is meaningful but at the end i wanna thank them all and i hope we all keep being freinds until the end and also hope meet everyone of them in real life and share tea or coffee with them
UID: 200000080978975
IGN: Alexyno
SERVER AND REGION: s-1508 Rising Strike ( UK )
Hello! Here are some of the members in our care-free group . We have our picture taken here at Tenchi Bridge as I believe it symbolizes how we connected when our servers had merged as it had given us a way (a bridge you can say
) to endlessly enjoy each other's presence and company. As you can see from our individual server tags, we are from different servers but we came together to live in harmony and peace while having fun talking about various kinds of topic that we find interesting. We've coordinated and decided to dress up as all the New Year and Rinne Festival themed ninjas currently in-game for quite the festive mood to celebrate the
6th Anniversary of Naruto Online!
In-Game Name: Blitz
Region: HK
Server: S343 - Blade Dance
UID: 200000098175914
Region: HK
Server Number: 1369
In-game Name: 藍馬雪鳥
UID: 300004908471724
To be honest, I didn’t really plan to join the event this time as I already shared my group’s journey during Christmas. My server is relatively stable, so groups didn’t change much over the past few months. But last time I decided to join the event quite late, so when I asked my friends to take the photos, it was late at night and a lot of members already went to sleep. Then when they woke up the next day and saw the chat history, and then the forum, they were a bit sad. So I promised that I’ll definitely invite the whole group in advance for photo taking when the next group photo event comes out, regardless of whatever it is. So here I am, posting a photo but having no idea what to write.
As you can see, the photo we took for “festivities” has quite a weird festival. In fact, it’s not a single festival. As there are 12 of us, to make things interesting, we did a lucky draw to assign each of us a random month of the year, and we’re to each transform into a ninja to represent a festival inside that month. The difficulty of the task depends on the month we got, but as long as we’re able to come up with a reasonable explanation for that transformation, it’s allowed, so there’s some interesting “festival” here.
We positioned ourselves according to the numbers on a clock, so it’s not hard to see the results. Here’s the festivals in order:
January - New Year
February - Valentine’s Day
March - Easter (me: well, she is wearing bunny ears…)
April - Water Festival
May - Labour Day
June - “Exam Festival” (cause “exams are as important as festivals”)
July - Firework Festival
August - Ghost Festival (in the east)
September - Mid-Autumn Festival
October - Halloween
November - Double 11 Shopping Festival (I was gonna go for Single’s Day, but that’s depressing for some so)
December - Christmas
We had much fun for several days discussing which festival to use and who to transform, as some members have interesting ideas while some would like inputs and opinions. And after all those, it seemed too short to just stood in a circle, transform and take a photo, especially since everyone carefully arranged their schedule to come together at that time. So we decided to play a game afterwards.
A game of Ninja Transformation Solitaire was quickly designed: we take turn in the clockwise direction, the ninja we transformed into has to be related to the previous order player’s ninja somehow. Of course, rules are lenient so we accept it as long as there’s a logical explanation. After a few cycles, some members started to make lengthy desc
We had a great time, and would have played for longer if it hadn’t been time for war, which we won. That doesn’t happen usually, so it was a nice conclusion of our day.
Now that I look at it, it seems that I have successfully written something that may have fitted the requirement of this event as a “memory”, so hope you like our little story.
Thanks for reading :)
Server: s1721
Region: HK
IGN: Tedsᴾᴴᴵᴸ テッド
UID: 356622780734975
We are the Black Bull Group a former Villain Group that was formed on April 28, 2021- a first day of the server that was full of events and surpirses along with the new players vying for the title-"The Most Powerful" ninja in the server.
I remembered the days that we were so full of energy back then, everyone was full of will of fire in doing daily tasks including group contribution and their donation because we want to be the strongest group among the existing group in our server. Yes, we became the strongest group which give us boost in clearing for plunder and convoy, winning the GNW and completely conquering the SAGE WAR-forbidden member attack.
But that memories was slowly vanished since everyone was never found day by day. They were already gone with 4 members left alone trying to continue the legacy of the group.
The server admin initiated a server merged, and able to recruit few of the members but still they stay for couple of weeks and then vanished again and again...
I knew we cannot devote our very time for playing since we have different priorities in life but I am so happy for any moment of time we became a true family, a true friend, a comrade in battle. That's the greatest treasure we got from the game-despite of differences, we were bonded like one true ninja.
For all of those who are gone-thank you very much and may the best luck of life always be with you.
For all of those who stay and played well-Congrats, you're one of the kind survivor who love the ninja way!
Long live "BLACK BULL"!
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