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[ Help ] DILEMMA: Is 15k fuku Rebate [4 stars Naruto 6P opportunity] a Good Deal


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On 2021-07-15 18:10:41Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Note: Only for those who are willing to listen xD

Dang it, the dilemma is so strong on this one. 15k fuku rebate with possible 4 star 6paths... (To all haters of 6p, I am sorry but I really liked him since the day his 3 star version i was released - one of my all time to get OPs)

To spend or not To spend (Only willing to spend at most 15k cps cause 30k is too much for me atm xD)


1. Guaranteed (or at the very least close to) 4 stars Naruto 6p (God of F2Ps). I already have 50/80. From this day forward he c*ready be used.

2. Fuku next month is unpredictable 25k, 30k, 45k, etc. (there is always a tiny possibility that 6paths could be replaced next fuku. No one can tell)

3. Lucky stars wheel: advance Refines + potions (good power ups)

4. Would still have some left over coupons. After 4 star, the real grind for poweritems will take place. hehehe


1. Currently having a decent early game team lineup even without 6paths. Might backfire when rushed.

2. Pos1 Treasured tool is suited for choji GNW (Shichiseiken) tho there is a reserved S fan. (S Benihisago and S Ropes are not yet available. Still thinking about what secondary attributes to stack for 6p/choji for the long run)

3. The Server is 3 months old. Xserver Events are not yet unlocked for some reason lols. Might backfire when rushed or not since at any moment xserver can be unlocked. After this fuku it may take 2+ months before the next opportunity comes.


1. 240+ adv vials and 140+ adv prot vials (Guessing the safe amount should be 300++ for full bt). Could barely half BT him or maybe get lucky (based on luck ofc - but could be a good start)

2. Not so sure if 15k power items fuku rebate is the best deal. A Bunch of refines + Keys + Charms for 15k but not much training potions and goodbye gold essence. pos1 is nearly 11k ini tho. It would take around 2 golds to up treasured tools for each traits.

3. Currently having lvl8, lvl8, lvl7 (w/ 100 wish credits), lvl7 (w/ 38 wish credits), lvl8 refinement respectively so the only option is Advance refines. Planning to jump to lvl10 each. Still An@lyzing LOL

4. Currently working on scarlet's Nature cultivation skills. Almost done with standard 2 hehe

This is one of the most exciting, funny and thrilling part of being an F2P. Risk of taking it all or risk of letting go of a good opportunity.

Note: I am sure mostly the F2Ps are the only ones who can really understand the struggle and the coupon incomes and whatnot. But Ingot users are also welcome to voice their opinions.

Even I, myself, am not immune to this kind of temptation. Good opportunity is rare. So deeper assessment is needed. To all who've been/who are in the same boat, feel free to voice your thoughts.

Anyways, I still have 1 week to decide. With or without comments I will still think about it real hard xD. I really wished they did not put naruto 6p on such a good event as lucky wheel. Darnit.

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-15 18:10:41.
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On 2021-07-15 20:06:01Show this Author Only

dunno if they changed something, or RNGesus smited me but on an acc i had too go over 400+ vials to be able to get the gold passive on naruto... never happened in my entire life on naruto online

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On 2021-07-15 23:28:06Show this Author Only
  • The_X On 2021-07-15 20:06:01
  • dunno if they changed something, or RNGesus smited me but on an acc i had too go over 400+ vials to be able to get the gold passive on naruto... never happened in my entire life on naruto online

Kisame is know to consume 1000s of vials to get everything gold. also he's a lot less viable but a lot more expensive than Naruto. Because...logic?

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On 2021-07-16 01:56:39Show this Author Only

Thanks guys for the reply. But given the situation I presented above, I just wanna ask. Do you think this 15k coupons is worth spending? :)

The main point of my post is to get others' perspective whether they would do it or not if they are on my shoes. I presented all the infos above to show you why I had such dilemma in choosing :))

Don't take it the wrong way, it may seem that I am bragging but I am not. Remember I am just a 65k BP player so I am basically a newbie hahaha. And people wouldn't understand the actual dilemma if I hadn't shown my current situation.

Again thanks for your time. I am still inclined to spending maybe, but I don't know. I think there are tons of new ninjas this week to pair them with 6paths too. He is a very versatile ninja after all.

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-16 02:08:04.
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On 2021-07-16 02:23:10Show this Author Only

So... u can beat ppl using other team than naruto 6p? Then just keep saving.

If not just get him and then start saving again.

Even is not a marged server and u are low power a good ninja can make difference.

This post was last edited by Pulos on 2021-07-16 02:28:32.
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On 2021-07-16 02:31:01Show this Author Only
  • Pulos On 2021-07-16 02:23:10
  • So... u can beat ppl using other team than naruto 6p? Then just keep saving.

    If not just get him and then start saving again.

    Even is not a marged server and u are low power a good ninja can make difference.

Thank you. I'll take note of this. Actually I am at the top of my current server right now. Since we are at 3rd month already we might meet other people soon. So better prepare for the worst that is what I am thinking. Again,thank you for your suggestion. :)

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On 2021-07-16 02:48:59Show this Author Only

Actually 15K has pretty good value, especially if you're going for lucky stars

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On 2021-07-16 04:28:47Show this Author Only
  • -Uzuki- On 2021-07-16 02:48:59
  • Actually 15K has pretty good value, especially if you're going for lucky stars

Actually this is my initial thought when I first saw the events this week. Glad we are on the same page. Although the thought of incomplete fuku is backing me off a bit. Plus right now Charms is what I am actually after and I am not so sure if 25 sets is what I am looking for. Yeah I guess I can get a lot of potions through Wheel.

When I saw the 10k mark without charms but refines I was not that convinced. I was planning to save Refines for last and set my primary goals on charms since my runes and magatamas are evolving LOL. Refines take so much time to upgrade. Well I guess I have to work with what I have. :)

Thanks for your suggestion. I totally appreciate it.

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On 2021-07-16 06:42:20Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-16 09:02:55Show this Author Only
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Thanks for your input bro. Let me say this to you:

1. Not all server has Ingot players, surprisingly it is true :)

2. Since 2017 up till now I have been and will always be F2P bro. Never underestimate our capability as a player. Actually you will learn so much by playing it on your own ability and not relying on ingots. You should try it sometimes.:3

3. No need to actually prove it to anyone, but an F2P is an F2P. Not all F2Ps are poor also, there are those average and rich people also who are not willing to pay :)))

I dunno, maybe I will get 6p anyways haha. Still weighing it in.

Anyways, hard work pays bro. Have fun! Always.

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-16 09:04:36.
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On 2021-07-16 09:14:13Show this Author Only
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And don't worry bro. Having an OP ninja doesn't take the fun out of it. I always use other ninjas as well. For different events such as TIs, SAs, GS, Rogue. It's all on how you formulate a team, auto team as much as possible LOL. :)

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On 2021-07-16 11:48:33Show this Author Only

I'm f2p like you and frankly, I think it's worth it.

Last 17 tracks left for 4 stars

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On 2021-07-16 11:58:23Show this Author Only
  • İSMAYIL.ZXZX On 2021-07-16 11:48:33
  • I'm f2p like you and frankly, I think it's worth it.

    Last 17 tracks left for 4 stars

Keep on grinding, those fragments aren't gonna collect themselves. Then hope we can move to phase two, power ups XD More power to you bro and goodluck! 6P all the way. Thanks for your vote. :)

This post was last edited by NýĠMA on 2021-07-16 12:01:55.
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On 2021-07-16 13:27:37Show this Author Only
  • NýĠMA On 2021-07-16 09:02:55
  • Thanks for your input bro. Let me say this to you:

    1. Not all server has Ingot players, surprisingly it is true :)

    2. Since 2017 up till now I have been and will always be F2P bro. Never underestimate our capability as a player. Actually you will learn so much by playing it on your own ability and not relying on ingots. You should try it sometimes.:3

    3. No need to actually prove it to anyone, but an F2P is an F2P. Not all F2Ps are poor also, there are those average and rich people also who are not willing to pay :)))

    I dunno, maybe I will get 6p anyways haha. Still weighing it in.

    Anyways, hard work pays bro. Have fun! Always.

My point is that theres a small percentage of you being first on the ranking on a 3 month old server cause they all spend like crazy on new servers, so that would mean u got to a server with full f2p dudes. It can happen but as i said its really unlikely. You saying ''i should try it sometimes'' i dont need to try anything, im a f2p player myself. About Naruto, theres no way u will use any other ninja beside him in pvp's. Thats what im saying, playing sage and matsuri with f2p ninjas is much more enjoyable than Uusing just Naruto.

This post was last edited by Indra火 on 2021-07-16 13:29:11.
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On 2021-07-16 13:57:01Show this Author Only
  • Indra火 On 2021-07-16 13:27:37
  • My point is that theres a small percentage of you being first on the ranking on a 3 month old server cause they all spend like crazy on new servers, so that would mean u got to a server with full f2p dudes. It can happen but as i said its really unlikely. You saying ''i should try it sometimes'' i dont need to try anything, im a f2p player myself. About Naruto, theres no way u will use any other ninja beside him in pvp's. Thats what im saying, playing sage and matsuri with f2p ninjas is much more enjoyable than Uusing just Naruto.

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On 2021-07-16 17:04:49Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-16 17:51:50Show this Author Only

Agree to disagree then.

So I take that as as a "No, don't spend 15k coupons in fuku deals this week". If so, thanks for your feedback bro. I appreciate it, really :)

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On 2021-07-16 19:23:23Show this Author Only

Hello guys!

Discussions are always great to see, especially when the community is helping each other. Please be mindful though as we can give our opinion without being disrespectful to each other.

Since this post has gotten off-topic, I will be closing it.

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