Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Supporting Others!
July 12, 2021 - July 25, 2021 (HK Time)
Hello, Shinobi, and welcome to the Bugs and Support Forum Naruto Online Anniversary Event!
The Hokage has watched you over the past year and knows that many of you are helpful souls, and he wants to see you promote and foster that spirit of support and helpfulness throughout the village! For this event you will be supporting your fellow shinobi!
Event Instructions
Any time during the duration of the event you must support
a fellow shinobi in any team-ba
They have less than half your battle power!
Once you have done so, you must provide three screenshots showing you have done so.
Screenshot 1: A screenshot of your character screen showing your battlepower and team lineup.
Screenshot 2: A screenshot of your fellow shinobi's character screen showing
their battlepower and team lineup.
Screenshot 3: An action shot showing the battle where you supported them!
Provide your three screenshots in a reply in a single post in this thread!
There will be Ten winners chosen for this event at random from all
entered participants.
All participants will be given a grand prize of 1,500 coupons! That’s a total of 15,000 coupons!
How to Enter
When entering you must have the following information:
In Game Name
In game name
Server Number
Server Region
* Fake battle power with fake lineups will not be permitted! Make sure screenshots show real lineups with your real power! Do not remove equipment or falsify your lineup or power or you will be disqualified!
* GNW does not count for this event!
* Screenshots must show time, date, and server number in the upper left hand corner of the screen!
* Do not cut off your inventory in your screenshots! They will show if you are hiding your equipment! ;)
Example of How to Enter
In Game Name: Tachi
In game name UID: 0646846465486
Server Number: s14 Hinata
Server Region: U.S. West
Have fun and help others!
Naruto Anniversary Event: Supporting Others Winners!
The winners for this event were decided ba
Congrats to all of the winners!
IGN: RanAjishi
UID: 200000103033426
EVENT: Strong Approaching :>
IGN: Kagutsuchi炎火
IGN UID: 1306880732722538
Server number: S1476 Hiramekarei Release
Server region: UK
IGN: BlaZe
UID: 300025369219375
Server Number: S862 Scroll of Facing
Server Region: HK
In Game Name: ⚡ᴊᴜɢᴀʀᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ
In game name UID: 200000103228141
Server Number: S894 - Practice Doll
Server Region: HK
Strong Approaching
In game name UID: 300013839143365
Server Number
: s1565 Active Coral HK
Server Region: asia/Oceania
In Game Name: Sephiroth
In game name UID: 300030389371555
Server Number: S1360
Server Region:EU UK
In-Game Name : LarriyY
In-Game UID : 300010731302039
Server Number : S1509
Server Region : HK
In Game Name: Casper
In game name UID: 300019184171402
Server Number: S1753:Hurricane Jutsu
Server Region: HK
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