1.Server ID: S1270 (S1266 - S1270 - S1274 - S1278 - S1282 - S1290 - S1294 - S1298)
2. Server Region: NY
3. Server Age: Estimated 2+ Years, Merge estimated around 1+ year ago
4. Time taken to kill World Boss: 15 minutes++
5. World Boss HP on Tuesday: 56M
6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 2
7. AVG Top 5: 537K, AVG Top 10: 438K, AVG Top 20: ~390K]
Server is in desperate need for a 2nd merge. Activity rates are at a significant low and the power differential between the top 2 servers in the cluster and ours makes the competition impossible to compete with. I understand the priority ba
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