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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-09-02 23:03:22Show All Posts
  • carbok On 2020-09-02 19:36:27
  • Your comment on this topic is absolute bull and I am not even sorry to say that. The game IS a P2W game, but that doesn't deny the fact that almost 100% of players do not spend money. Most servers have only a few people that spends, maybe even fewer or none at all. It is ok to spend money on a game, but great majority of the players does not spend. If it was either pay or leave the game would be dead 2 years ago. Also, from my experience, most players don't have alts. People usually spend time with one account. The fact that some people need alts to maintain certain things suggests that there is something wrong within the game. So, instead of *ing up and paying for a garbage game, try to raise a voice so maybe you can at least get some feedback for your money. If the game was better and the target of the updates and developments were the majority of the players, people would be more willing to spend money for they would be having a more refined and joyous time. That would benefit the company as well. But the management team of this game is just lazy. Or maybe they are not getting paid or having issues with payments, I wouldn't know. But I don't care about any of that, I only care about the product I am being served and it's not as fun as it used to/supposed to be. The game used to have strategy elements in it, now you just see the same ninjas and teams over and over again that it is boring and annoying.

    (P.s: You keep spending money, you probably don't even need a strategy in the game ;D)

I agree with you, this game won't be fun if it's recognized as a P2W game, an it won't be worth to spend your money if it's not worth it and it doesn't much give their effort to make this game better. But I kinda sensed that Excali Zero is actually saying the truth this game really is a P2W game, which upsets me also ヽ(`Д´)ノ. What I said may be true right? like look at all the events they keep offering us like the recharging rebates or events that requires us to pay for goodies. But sadly a majority of us playing this game are F2P players. And... pfft I'm not good at explaining. But this game is fun to play when there's balance. But there are times I also tried to quit. I also requested to the Mods/developers to change Hiashi Hyuga's 5th passive since it only benefits Neji. But not a single Mod/developer came to answer. To be honest this game have ups and downs. For me the ups are the F2P events giving free limited ninja's and ETC. But the downs are they don't mostly answer our suggestions for improving the game here in the forum. (sigh) I don't know if the mods/developers will try to give their efforts for us to keep enjoying playing this game. Or let us suffer from their injustice and greed. If they will then I don't think I'll still be playing this game in the future, not just me but a few of us right? I think I've putted much on my essay and I think many or some of you might disagree to my opinion. But you know what I'm just aiming to tell the mods/developers is that to start solving and applying our suggestions, requests and ideas to make this Naruto Online fun, exciting and easy to play. Not just answering our requests or suggestions here in the forum and Not Even Doing IT. I hope you all understand . That's is all and Auf Wiedersehen(bye bye!) Arigato go zaima *a(thank you!)

This post was last edited by Tanjiro K. on 2020-09-02 23:04:25.
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