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An Open Letter to Oasis


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-14 08:00:25Show All Posts
  • Jiburiru On 2019-07-13 20:14:05
  • It will depend on the feedback of the players, as well as the decision of the developers based on that feedback. At the moment, the Lucky * does have 80x fragments for Madara [Five Kage Conference] for the event cycle from July 11th to July 17th.

Don't mean to rant at you Jib, but feedback doesn't always sway what the developers push out. As we seen just recently rune stone update where the overwhelming majority didn't want it, but it was added. I know they want you to say it adds a change to the game, but it doesn't. Majority of people want more SB and ST, but they are slow paced and are majority of the time locked behind 4 star. If the devs actually cared about the meta SO6P wouldn't be pushed out week and more ninja to counter him would be. There is a reason CN never had a problem with him (yes % tactics is a factor) that's mainly because ST and SB are much easily attainable for ninja. And he isn't being pushed out every event cycle. I understand it's a company and it needs to make money, but ignoring the majority of the community's reasonable requests is not healthy for the community.

Rant over I know the mod team isn't at fault here as should other. I also know the mod team fights for us and I would like to thank you and the mod team. This post isn't meant to cause drama, just saying how I think it is. Been with this game for a long time took a break and came back and things were a little better, but there is still room to improve.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-15 11:53:37Show All Posts
  • Kuebiko On 2019-07-15 10:58:04
  • here's your problem: c*e doesnt mean will use. does sage naruto and jiraiya help beat the current sosp meta? if it doesn't, then you probably wont find many people running it anyway

    on the other hand, rare ninjas like angry kushina or ay4 have shown that they can somewhat stans up to yknow...if you're going to ask to remove a paywall we might as well start there

The 4 star paywall won't be removed on ninja that have already released. That will just anger people who spent to get those skillbreaks. Only alternative I could think of is reducing prices on older ninjas. Tsunade NPC would also help, but idk what all skillbooks she has available. I honestly don't see the SO6P meta going away anytime soon though especially with him being pushed out every event cycle.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-15 12:46:46Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-15 12:34:07
  • Maybe, people shouldn't look at it like "OH I HAD TO GET IT TO 4 STAR WHILE THESE SCRUBS ONLY NEED 3 STAR? BULL MAC!"

    Instead, they should look at it like "Oh, that is cool, you broke through your Ay at 3*, too bad mine is inherently stronger as it is 4*".

    That is just me though.

As much as I wish option 2 could happen it most likely won't and would just cause more drama, it is possible though. We've been asking for 3 star breakthroughs for a long time though and the answer we almost always get is "our version is different compared to CN." There are many reasons why players want our version to be more like CN. Let's just hope to see some major changes coming soon.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-07-15 13:36:58Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-07-15 13:07:56
  • Jib mentioned I think something like that some requests are unreasonable, like 80 frags of SoSP naruto to be given to everyone for free, and that players who had to pay for him would be upset. But in a situation like this, I'd see it as "Oh cool, I'm now 20 frags from 4* SoSP naruto" I don't really worry about what others get on their account.

    I mean, I got Sailor Sakura for like 2k Coupons and managed to 4* her for like 3k. I got half of her initial frags for free from Mission Mobilization. Then Oasis well, released that Sasuke/Sakura pack for 60 coupons a piece, I wasn't mad that people got her to 5* without spending anything. All I cared about was the fact that I 5* mine and have some extra frags for her breakthroughs. I still have 2 of those packs sitting on my account, while I don't have Sasuke [Suit].

    For some reason, players have a tendency in focusing on what others get, instead of thinking about what they can get.

I don't think its an unreasonable request I would be glad to see 3 star breakthroughs/trials. I'm just saying I wouldn't get my hopes up. Lets just hope anniversary is great and brings new changes to the game. Hopefully no more changes that 70% of the player base doesn't want. Really don't understand why it is so hard to push out new systems/functions that the player base wants. Maybe do 1-2 strawpolls a month giving us 3-5 upcoming features and choose the one or more that have the highest votes. We have been asking for new TI and Tsunade NPC for so long and it's frustrating to be told our feedback is important, when in reality it doesn't matter. I don't want to go on a rant about this so I will stop there.

This post was last edited by Koncept on 2019-07-15 13:41:38.
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