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Views: 9359 | Replies: 4
[ Player Guide ] Ninja Handbook rewards list


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-05 00:43:29Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

I made a thread with screenshots of maxes from this feature also in another thread, but have to put this reward text in a separate thread because it couldn't fit

Ninja Upgrade = small stamina potion, bond scrolls , 120 coupons

(max "Level up 12 ninjas to level 80")

Ninja Star Upgrade = 120x bond scrolls, 6x seal scrolls

(max "Possess 12 ninja at 5 stars)

Transform = 5 coupons

(max "Use the transform function 1 time")

Equipment Strengthening = 905000 coins, 80 coupons

(max "Equipment Strengthening 990 times")

Equipment Upgrade = 18x small stamina potions, 7x stamina potions, 90 coupons

(max "On 15 equipments, reach Kage grade")

Magatama = 5x lvl 2 attack, 5x lvl 2 ninjutsu, 2x lvl 3 life, 1x lvl 3 defense, 1x lvl 3 attack, 1x lvl 4 resistance

(max "Possess 25 magatama at level 4 or above")

Recruit = 20x bond scrolls, 14x seal scrolls

(max "Do a *ulative recruit to obtain 130 ninjas)

Ninja Exam = 3x lvl 2 attack, 3x lvl 2 ninjutsu, 1x lvl 2 life, 3x lvl 3 life, 3x lvl 3 attack, 1x lvl 3 ninjutsu, 2x lvl 3 defense, 1x lvl 4 defense

(max "Complete ninja exam to level 260")

Group = 10 coupons

Groceries Storage Room = 100 sun/moon scrolls

Home = 10 coupons

Elite Instance = 7x small stamina potions

(max "Complete all level 40 elite instances")

Arena = 100 moon scrolls, 75x bond scrolls, 110 coupons

(max "Reach Six Paths in arena")

Rich Field = 10 coupons

Ranked Battle = 100 moon scrolls, 30 coupons

(max "Win a ranked battle 20 times")

Reputation Hall = 10 coupons

Survival Trial = coins and cultivation runes

(max "Obtain 1000 points in survival trial")

Ninja Training = 2350 cultivation runes, 60 coupons

(max "Use cultivate to increase 3 ninja attributes to level 60")

Ninja Collection = 30 bond scrolls, 900 ninja points, 4x seal scrolls

(max "600 stars")

Team Instance = 500 moon scrolls, 30 coupons

(max "clear 15x friendship team instances")

Ninja Awakening = awakening materials, group summon chakra packs, lvl 2 magatama packs

(max "awaken 3x ninjas to red+2 or above")

Ninja Tools Strengthening = nature stones

(max "equip at least 8 ninja tools at level 10")

Ninja Tools Five Natures = 3x common nature stoens

(max "use 5 times")

Strong Approaching = 5x common, 3x medium, 3x advanced cloths

(max "complete SA 10 times")

Refine Requipment = 11x basic refines, 15x medium refines

(max "Possess 20 lvl 7 refines")

Ultimate Training = 10 coupons

Battle Armor = 50x medium threads pack

Equipment Purification = 5x purify, 15x purify protection

(max "use purify to reach at least 1 orange status")

Mysterious Cave = 37 cave keys

(max "Explore 500 times")

Rune = 10 cave keys

(max "Possess at least 20 rune stones at lvl 5+")

Summon = 13x summoning scrolls, 100 unbound runes

(max "Possess 25 summons")

Five Natures Chakra = 80 coupons

(max "Possess at least 4 positions with chakra training level 30")

Treasury = 4 treasure maps

(max "Open 30 treasures")

Team Exam = 1x lvl 3 magatama of all except defense

(max "Complete 3 people team exam level 20")

Decisive Bonds = 2x legendary ninja packs, 2x seal scrolls

Ninja Assist = 2x blue bells, 2x purple bells

Skill Trial = 2x experimental protection vial

Mount Myoboku Cultivation = 31 myoboku gifts

(max "Complete Balance Cultivation 8th page")

Space Time = 10 coupons

Equipment's Charm = 4 charm packs

(max "Make 1 lvl 3 charm")

Treasured Tools = 1 ability treasure scroll

Eight Inner Gates = 250000 coins , 60 coupons

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-01-31 02:22:10Show this Author Only

Five natures Chakra goes up to "Posses 4 Chakra that have reached level 50"


This post was last edited by TakumaTomo on 2020-02-24 08:14:16.
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On 2021-07-19 09:50:07Show this Author Only
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On 2021-07-26 23:16:59Show this Author Only
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