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[ Player Guide ] Debuff removal priority


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-06 06:16:44Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

So you guys know there are a lot of those "removes 1 layer of debuff" skills

Some of the ninjas with those type of skills are used often such as Jinpachi, Anbu Itachi, Earth Main 2x standard mystery, Giant Katsuyu summon mystery (lvl 3) etc etc

The question for today is, for example out of 5 debuffs that your unit has how is that 1 layer of debuff determined?

There are certain priorities and I'm sure some of you guys noticed how strong paralyze and blind for example are when it comes to this (when the enemy unit is paralyzed (or blinded) + immobiled, the 1 debuff removed from him will be paralyze (or blind) while immobile stays)

It can be quite beneficial if you know these priorities

Priority (1 = highest priority, 5 = lowest)

1 = Paralysis, Slow

2 = Acupuncture, Blind

3 = Immobile, Sleep, Chaos

4 = Poison, Ignition

5 = Tag, Imprison

I know there is more than 1 debuff in each category

The rule for that goes: Debuff received first will be cleared first (for example category 2 blind would be cleared first if you received blind and then acupuncture)

That's all I wanted to write for this, hope you guys found it helpful and feel free to correct me if there is a mistake somewhere

  • Registered: 2018-07-25
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On 2018-12-13 06:43:56Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-17 10:21:20Show this Author Only

thank you for this!!

however i actually have a thread on this, posted in october where i did the experiments personally and i have reason to believe that your top 3 tiers are a bit off. i found that chaos was a tier all on its own, with a lower priority that acupunture/blindness/immobile/sleep/paralysis/slow. i found that there were only 4 tiers of debuffs. my friend yujin and another player also found results and agreed with mine. (

this was my reasoning:

> acupunture and slow are on the same tier

> immobile and slow are on the same tier >> immo and acu r on the same tier

> sleep and slow are on the same tier >> immo and sleep are on the same tier

> chaos is on a lower tier than sleep >> chaos is on a lower tier than sleep and immobile

it's been awhile since that thread and maybe it's not so accurate anymore. i havent had the time to verify it this month, but i dont believe that the priorities would have changed during this time. i will check my results again.

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2018-12-17 10:29:46.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-20 06:21:10Show this Author Only

hmmm I'll have to see also

that's interesting

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-12-20 19:08:38Show this Author Only

while u r seeing that, could u give me itachi edo tensei please haha, have to fill in those blank yellow tabs xD
PS: this is my test results xD, well "was", not "is", this board has existed for 2 months and i havent tested again cos i'm too busy with studies...


This post was last edited by YujinTakara on 2018-12-20 19:13:19.
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