Hey guys!
Let's talk a bit about the new feature and hopefully you get a bit enlightened
Common (blue) chakra = 5 exp per 1
Quality (purple) chakra = 25 exp per 1
Legendary (gold) chakra = 50 exp per 1
Level 1>10 = 125 exp needed
Level 10>20 = 475 exp neeeded
Level 20>30 = 1710 exp needed
Level 30>40 = 4060 exp needed
Level 40>50 = ?
You need to reach lvl 10 on all 6 attributes before you can get the bonus stats for example "+100 init on pos1"
keep in mind that you don't get anything until you complete the first 1% on all 6 elements in a certain position (0 power gain) which should cost max around 1000 coupons.
My recommendation for newer players especially is to not focus on this power feature much yet, go to 3% for the decent initiative gain and then you can go back to it later.
So you get % elemental damage and resistance ba
When you reach lvl 10 on all 6 attributes you can increase the level up for 10 more levels on it
Level 50 of the attribute is max
for the stats bonus it goes 1% > 3% > 6% > 10% > 15%
P1 = initiative (+100 init at 1%, +200 init total at 3%, +300 init total at 6%, +400 init total at 10%, +500 init total at 15%)
P2 = control (+200, +400, +600, +800, +1000)
P3 = attack and nin (+200, +400, +600, +800, +1000)
P4 = def and res (+200, +400, +600, +800, +1000)
So you can get a maximum of +500 init total from this feature by maxing the pos1 attribute
Think of this feature not so much for those stats, they are just a small bonus
This feature is all about the % elemental damage/resistance, for example a ninja that benefits a lot from that is Edo Hiruzen pos1
pos1 upgrading = pos1-2-3-4 receive the stats bonus
pos2 upgrading = pos2-3-4 receive the stats bonus
pos3 upgrading = pos3-4 receive the stats bonus
pos4 upgrading = pos4 receives the stats bonus
The %elemental damage/resistance transfer works this way also, however only 2%,4%,6%,8%,10% (lvl 10-20-30-40-50) is transfered.
Which is a small number if you think about it 4% of 3 (at lvl 20) means that only 0,12 will get transfered
The max number transfered should be 10% of 15 which is 1,5% more elemental damage/resistance to the pos2-3-4 (taking pos1 upgrading as an example)
That would be all for now, if you have any questions or feel that I missed something feel free to tell me
Thanks for the guide, indeed useful.
That said i wonder how was possible that you had your move 1 at +6% two weeks ago, last time i checked your server.
Abusing a bug is not an issue if you are a mod i suppose.
Because I spent on the system at day 1 of 5.0 update wanting to do this type of thread
No one knew it was a bug at that time , I thought it was supposed to come out
Ice assuming you have equally leveled up all 6 atributes, edo hiruzen benefits exactly the same way as other ninjas, not more not less. Depending on a ammount of elements in a mystery, each mystery has its own multiplicative factor.
For example sage naruto with wind atribute gets value of "1", while edo hiruzen with 5 elements get "0.2". So if you have 10% bonus on each of 6 types, mentioned naruto gets 10% wind bonus * 1 = 10% increased dmg. Meanwhile hiruzen has 5(elements) * 10% * 0.2 which gives exactly the same 10%.
If mystery is non elemental (like susanoo sasuke, it gets multiplicator of "1" and takes normal att stat as boosting element).
This all is just to point out, that every ninja benefits exactly the same from this feature (as long as its evenly upgraded) and it doesn't favour multielemental ninjas.
source: https://forum-narutoen.oasgames.com/page/show-post-37039-1.html, last paragraph.
Do not spend any coupons guys on this new function, China has special scrolls for this and then coupons, so we better wait until the new scroll system for this is here
China has dango system for mood since 4.0. Did you see it implemented here?
Never take for granted we will get what china has.
Because I spent on the system at day 1 of 5.0 update wanting to do this type of thread
No one knew it was a bug at that time , I thought it was supposed to come out
The previous time i checked your server, 2 months ago, you were at +3%.
I won't send the screenshots just because i know it is poiintless since in your server too you have a good reputation and because, honestly, i think you are doing a good job here, overall in comparison with whom you took the place of, but please don't make fun of us, we don't deserve it.
Is it better to chakra nature the same nature of the ninja. Like if I use Sasuke and he's Lightning. Do I want to Lightning nature him, so he does more damage, or do I want to put it into wind, so he can get his res agasint Wind ninja up?
It's not their chakra nature, it's the chakra nature of the ninja's mystery
You can check it when you put your mouse over the mystery to see it's desc
But well anyway you will want to balance out these elements because you won't be able to progress high in it without balancing
If you are F2P, then WHEN/IF you decide to invest coupons on this I would say wait until there is a fuku event to get rewards for all the coupons you will be spending to get any kind of ranking.
Oh yes definitely if you have a decent amount of coupons Fuku Deals is the best choice to spend in it
Oh yes definitely if you have a decent amount of coupons Fuku Deals is the best choice to spend in it
Actually, this event doesn't count towards Fuku Deals so just a heads up. (Similar to how buying cave keys during Fuku deals directly doesn't contribute towards the total coupons spent.
It's not their chakra nature, it's the chakra nature of the ninja's mystery
You can check it when you put your mouse over the mystery to see it's desc
But well anyway you will want to balance out these elements because you won't be able to progress high in it without balancing
Ah. Okay I see now. Thanks for that info, cause I was thinking it was the chakra nature of the ninja it's self.
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