The Training Grounds —— Fight it out to earn keys to open Treasure Chests!
This week a new Cross-server mode will be opening,and the relevant ranking boards will be implemented.
Unlock Requirement:Level 40
Opening times: Every Friday at 19:25-20:00.
Look for the Training Grounds NPC in Konoha to enter.
1. The training Grounds consists of 4 levels of battle, players enter on the first level. After defeating a certain amount of opponents,
2. All players will gain a key at random upon first entering;The key types are gold,silver and copper.
3. Defeating another player will earn the key displayed above that player’s head,while also earning you points toward your Victory Count and Victory Points. Defeat players can still earn their opponents key if they manage to defeat 2 enemy ninja before being defeated.
4. 3 Treasure Guardians can be found within the Training Grounds——Copper Treasure Guardian, Silver Treasure Guardian, and Gold Treasure Guardian,Found on levels 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Challenging a Treasure Guardian requires the use of the corresponding quality key.
5. In any given level(excluding the first),being defeated 2 times grants access to the teleporter to the previous level, but once going back, the required wins must be obtained again before returning to the upper level.
6. If you still have remaining keys when the event ends,a key of the highest grade will be brought forward for use the next time you take part in the Training Grounds.
7. The ranking boards will be updated 10 minutes after the events end, and players with high rankings will receive additional rewards.
Level activation requirements:
Level 2 requires 12 players to obtain 3 wins
Level 3 requires 8 players to obtain 2 wins
Level 2 requires 6 players to obtain 2 wins
Maximum wins per level:(Players will automatically be teleported to the upper level)
Level 1: Maximum 6 wins
Level 2: Maximum 5 wins
Level 3: Maximum 4 wins
Level 4: No limit
Tools and Rewards:
Chests: Defeating a Gold Treasure Guardian earns you
240 Sun Scrolls; A Silver Guardian earns 160 Sun Scrolls; A Copper Guardian
earns 100 Sun Scrolls. If you are defeated, you still earn Scrolls ba
Level 2 refresh: Copper Chest*2; Silver Chest*1
Level 3 refresh: Gold Chest*1 ;Silver Chest*1; Copper Chest*1
Level 4: Gold Chest*2; Silver Chest*1; Copper Chest*1
Kill Scrolls: Kill Scrolls can be used to gain additional Victory Counts. There is a chance to obtain Kill Scrolls when defeating other players or Treasure Guardians. Scrolls come in a +1 and +2 variety.
Additional Rewards:
The first person to kill a Gold Treasure Guardian on levels 3 and 4 will obtain a Bond Hands;
The first player to reach the requirements for an upper level will obtain: 100 Sun Scrolls;
Level 2 activation: First 24 players will obtain
Level 3 activation: First 16 players will obtain
Level 4 activation: First 12 players will obtain
The top 50 ranked players will show gold keys above their heads;
Players outside of the top 50 will show keys
When an opponent’s power level is within 115%-135% of your own, they will display a gold key and a “Dangerous” warning.
When an opponent’s power level is above 135% of your own, they will display a “Very Dangerous”warning.
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