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[ Player Guide ] Zenith Arena


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-27 16:49:37Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Let's talk a bit about Zenith Arena


So this is the most perfectly balanced feature in the game, a feature where both you and your enemy have exactly the same ninja choices , exactly the same stats (not even treasured tools like in arena), all summons and summon mysteries, and exactly the same init (kinda, will explain later)


What this feature comes down is mostly:

1. Your skill to build teams especially in such a short time that you are given

2. Luck (either the luck that you get an enemy that is not a good player, and you also kinda have to depend on the main character luck as you can't change mains and you can't know what your enemy will use, especially the fact will that main character fit with your given ninjas)

Let's talk about some general rules

You have 4days and each day can do 4 fights.

But you got a total of 8 fights.In order to fight on last and 5th day you need 8/8 wins and only those with max 8points fight for the 9th

For example if you do 2 days of 4 fights you are done with it, you can't earn more points in next 2 days (so this is mostly due to the fact that some people might be busy and can't participate on all 4 days)

It's also interesting that you can watch other people's fights

What this also means is that you won't be able to get the any more than the 1000 coupons reward if you lose JUST ONCE

Needless to say the event is very hard to not lose any fight


Now let's talk about the "inside of the fight"

- You get paired with someone randomly from your entire region and who has same points as you (like arena, so for example whole UK region)

- You have 5 minutes to choose your ninjas from the 40 random ninja options given to you and your enemy (you have the same choices)

- When it comes to picking ninjas I'd say the best choices are the "fully breakthrough" ninjas because they are like 1-2 points and can be pretty strong, and generally avoid picking the 6+ point ninjas, generally as they take a lot of your points and you won't be able to pick more good ninjas, and for another reason that I'll write below the picture


- This above is where init comes to decision (the player who picked a ninja with the HIGHEST points gets to only have initiative advantage 2 times , while the person who has lower will have initiative advantage 3 times) for example: I pick Edo Hashirama who is 8 points, and your best ninja is Jonin Minato who is 6 points, you will get the initiative "advantage" that is going 3 times first

- You can see who has the Initiative advantage for certain fights in the team-making tab on the right side.


- You have 3 teams in total (9 ninjas + 1 main character than you use all 3 times)

- Opposite of Matsuri, here once you WIN the fight with a certain team you won't be able to use those ninjas again

- Interesting fact here is that you c*ways also see which ninjas your enemy has and which he can't use anymore, so on the last fight you are guaranteed to know what ninjas he would use, so this is also about strategy

That would be all from me for now, if you guys think I missed to talk about something important please let me know in the comments !

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-27 17:20:50Show this Author Only

Nice Topic Icex san , thanks for infos


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On 2018-09-27 17:45:58Show this Author Only

Uhm ... where does it say you can only get 1000 coupons? o.O I mean ... even if you lose once or twice, with 4 fights daily for 4 days ... you can easily gather all 8 points to get 1500, no? Because for loss you do not lose points. The picture included does not really say otherwise. Unless Oasis as always used copy paste from german naruto translator and failed the translations. What I'd like to know tho is ... what does it mean "lucky nin" and "complete" next Itachi and Tobirama/Oro ... might "complete" mean that they are fully skillbroken? Is there a quick way to see which ninja is? As you said ... you have very little time to make teams, So ... can't waste any.

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On 2018-09-27 18:05:21Show this Author Only

The lucky nin means lucky ninja you will get a TITLE if you always used him and win it i think
and the Complete means Complete Skill breakthrough

  • Registered: 2018-04-01
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On 2018-09-27 18:12:37Show this Author Only
  • John Dope On 2018-09-27 17:45:58
  • Uhm ... where does it say you can only get 1000 coupons? o.O I mean ... even if you lose once or twice, with 4 fights daily for 4 days ... you can easily gather all 8 points to get 1500, no? Because for loss you do not lose points. The picture included does not really say otherwise. Unless Oasis as always used copy paste from german naruto translator and failed the translations. What I'd like to know tho is ... what does it mean "lucky nin" and "complete" next Itachi and Tobirama/Oro ... might "complete" mean that they are fully skillbroken? Is there a quick way to see which ninja is? As you said ... you have very little time to make teams, So ... can't waste any.

From what I understand you can fight 8 fights total in the first 4 days. So if you lose one, you can't get 8 win reward anymore....

"Lucky nin" means they don't cost any points, "Complete" means fully skillbroken, yes.

This post was last edited by AnraiHamaya on 2018-09-27 18:18:02.
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On 2018-09-27 18:23:58Show this Author Only

If i pick full breakthrough Tsunade, for example, what skills will she have? +2 normal mystery or +2 Y?

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On 2018-09-28 01:00:50Show this Author Only
  • champion1 On 2018-09-27 18:23:58
  • If i pick full breakthrough Tsunade, for example, what skills will she have? +2 normal mystery or +2 Y?

she will be full BT , so no need to worry about this .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-28 04:06:13Show this Author Only
"Complete" is fully breakthrough, yes

They are the great picks to have

All the other questions were answered, thanks guys !

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-28 16:43:28Show this Author Only

Zenith Arena need extra times,mod!!

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On 2018-09-29 00:01:36Show this Author Only

This is too hard for me. Do we get rewarded if we lose? I lose 3 of my 4 fights so at this point shouldn't I just quit zenith.

No reward now?

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On 2018-09-30 16:45:26Show this Author Only
  • dexes On 2018-09-29 00:01:36
  • This is too hard for me. Do we get rewarded if we lose? I lose 3 of my 4 fights so at this point shouldn't I just quit zenith.

    No reward now?

You can check the "rewards" tab, You start getting coupons at 3 wins , the rewards come when the 5 days of event are over

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On 2018-10-27 10:18:42Show this Author Only

may i ask, never been inside of it. wanna prepare for it.
1. so don't pick 6+ ninja? is that mean we had limited point to pick for all those 9 ninjas? how many point is that?

2. should i pick all fully breakthrough ninja?

3. It's said starting at 6pm (from what i've seen on arena), is that means i should ready on time or i could join abit later like 7pm or 8pm?

This post was last edited by emoskyze on 2018-10-27 10:26:32.
  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-10-27 11:53:49Show this Author Only

1. It depends on how many points you get. Usually you can take one. But the amount of points is different. Sometimes you get 32 points, others 20, 24, 28...

2. Only if the ninja is decent. But a lot of those are rather cheap. 2 Star fully SB Kushina for 2 point is hard to turn down, when you see wht else u get for 2 points

3. It got fair match making (players who are 1-0 play versus other 1-0 etc.) so there is no reason to show up late in order to dodge someone (as you might be able to in matsuri). Also, as you will find out fights can go 5 rounds and take 30 minutes+ and you have to do 8 of them in 4 days...which can be a lot considering the time window and the other events that you don't wanna miss out on. Be on time.

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On 2018-10-27 21:19:01Show this Author Only
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-10-27 11:53:49
  • 1. It depends on how many points you get. Usually you can take one. But the amount of points is different. Sometimes you get 32 points, others 20, 24, 28...

    2. Only if the ninja is decent. But a lot of those are rather cheap. 2 Star fully SB Kushina for 2 point is hard to turn down, when you see wht else u get for 2 points

    3. It got fair match making (players who are 1-0 play versus other 1-0 etc.) so there is no reason to show up late in order to dodge someone (as you might be able to in matsuri). Also, as you will find out fights can go 5 rounds and take 30 minutes+ and you have to do 8 of them in 4 days...which can be a lot considering the time window and the other events that you don't wanna miss out on. Be on time.

ah ic, thanks alot for the info. um.. may i ask when does it closed? im kinda late today, when i try to join, it's already being closed.

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On 2018-10-28 05:43:28Show this Author Only
The event is running 18:00-21:00 server time

You have to squeeze fights in between other events, keep in mind that each fight will most likely take you 25-30 minutes in zenith

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On 2018-12-19 09:43:34Show this Author Only
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On 2019-03-24 06:46:52Show this Author Only

the only part im a bit confused on is the points. How many points are there in total?

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On 2019-03-24 07:07:44Show this Author Only
  • Izor On 2019-03-24 06:46:52
  • the only part im a bit confused on is the points. How many points are there in total?

nvm i realized it was at the top left of the screen.

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On 2019-04-03 20:02:09Show this Author Only

I personally love this game mode and i hate the fact that its available only during the last 5 days of the month. :(

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On 2019-05-29 02:18:31Show this Author Only

phh very bad system

4 day only 8 fight=8 win

and max 2x y ini faster 3 fight

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