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[ Fanfiction ] 【2nd Anniversary】Story Time Near a Bonfire


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-23 19:19:15Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Story Time Near a Bonfire

-in Breezy's/Crimson's house-

One afternoon, during the anniversary of Naruto Online, a certain someone is now playing Dark Souls and just reached a checkpoint. That person then proceeded to lit up the fireplace and shortly after that, the screen is now covered with a giant word saying "Bonefire Lit". And no that's not the end of the fanfic yet, we're just getting started.

"CRIMSOOOOOON! The anniversary is today and you're just going to spend the day playing that old game!?" Breezy's annoyed voice can be heard from downstairs. Crimson then sighing to himself and close the game on his computer. He then proceed to walk downstairs, only to be greeted with an annoyed Breezy.

"Sorry, I played it too much that I forgot what time it is" apologized Crimson.

"Yeah yeah... anyway we better get going, the others are probably already out there waiting for us to arrive" said Breezy as she turn around and walk outside of the house, followed by Crimson.

-at the beach-

At a beach not far away from Crimson and Breezy's house, stand Midnight, Scarlet, and Azure sitting Infront of a bonefire, waiting for the arrival of their friends.

"This is boring... I'd rather stay at my apartment and continue playing Naruto Online than just sitting here and doing nothing..." said Midnight as he's playing with a little * he found on the beach, drawing things on the sand. Azure and Scarlet then just glare at him for saying that out loud.

"You know buddy, being anti-sosial isn't good, and you should look for a girlfriend instead of being single for a long time, trust me you'll be happier after finding one instead of just wasting your free time playing that game everyday like a no-lifer. I mean I sometimes play too, but I have other things I need to do in real life" said Scarlet.

"Social life is boring, and having a girlfriend would just be an obstacle... I prefer to live my life like this thank you very much" replied Midnight, as he continue drawing on the sand. Azure and Scarlet cannot only sighing after hearing that from Midnight.

"You know, the way the author reflect his life through Midnight is kinda terrifying" commented Azure.

"I agree" replied Scarlet. Shortly after that, Breezy and Crimson is now seen walking toward them.

"We're here! Sorry for the delay!" apologized Breezy.

"It's okay, we just got here around 10 minutes ago, so it's not that long of a wait" assured Azure.

"Welp, now we can finally start the bonfire party! Right midnight?" asked Scarlet. Midnight just grunted in response as he continue to draw things on the sand, earning him another glare from his friends.

"What's up with him? Bad day?" asked Crimson.

"I don't know, I just got here with you" answered Breezy.

"He just wanted to stay inside of his apartment without getting dragged to the outside world. Talk about no-lifer" explained Scarlet, as he perform some handsign to create a fire jutsu.

"Look buddy, you don't want to start a fight with me" said Midnight as he dropped the little * and start glaring at Scarlet. Scarlet just ignore him and uses the little fire jutsu on the wood logs, creating a bonfire in the process

"Whoa whoa whoa! Pause! No need to start a fight okay? We're here to have fun, not to see a conflict between you guys!" Azure suddenly raise her voice, catching the attention of the others.

"She's right, let's just enjoy this little party we have! It's the anniversary day after all!" added Crimson

"I also brought us some Barbeque to enjoy!" said Breezy, as she put a container down on the ground.

"Great, let's get this party started with! How about if we start with a story telling? Like how was your experience while playing the game so far?" asked Azure.

"You're acting like you're the developer of the game, wanting to know how the costumer/gamer feel about it" said Scarlet, jokingly.

"Why not? I would love to know how you guys feel when playing this game! I'll start then" said Azure. She then goes to tell how happy she was with the many friends she made while playing the game, and how happy she was meeting some of them in real life as well since they live in the same country.

"...aaaaaand done! Who's next?" asked Azure, as she look at her friends, while she's munching on a barbeque. All of them then start telling their own stories one by one, until Midnight's turn.

"C'mon Midnight! It's your turn to tell your story!" encouraged Azure. Midnight the sighed in response.

"Fine, it all started because I saw an ad about the game long ago in YouTube. I tried the game for awhile and I got addicted. Ever since I played that game, I just... I can't stop playing it. Everyday I login and do everything I can do there. Did I mention that I've been playing since 1.0 era? Where Tobi was the most OP ninja? Yeah, I'm one of the OG players. You plebs are nothing compared to me" mocked Midnight.

"If you are one of the OG, then why's your power soo low?" asked Scarlet, while he's opening Midnight's bio.

"Because I play the game just to collect ninjas. I don't care about the competition. Oh, and I'm a F2P, so that explain it even more" answered Midnight.

"You do know some of the ninjas are obtainable through ingots right? Meaning that you won't be able to collect all of them, seeing that you're an F2P?" asked Breezy.

"I know, but I have a feeling that all of them will be obtainable for F2P later on. We just have to be patient, because patience is key" said Midnight.

"That's... a pretty inspiring words you got there" commented Breezy.

"Well, I'm a F2P, so I have to endure it and be patient. Even if I keep getting plundered and have my coupons income reduced by that. Sometimes my SS convoy is a safe run, but that's just because I'm waiting until all of the other plunderers used up their chances before I go. But even so, some of them are still lurking around the corner, waiting for me to run" said Midnight.

"* dude, why don't you just join our group? We have lots of strong players here, we can protect your convoy from them!"suggested Scarlet.

"Well, I could consider that, but that means I won't be able to join Great Ninja War and get my weekly elite packs, or hero, or legendary... for a week. Meaning my seals income is going to get reduced" said Midnight.

"How about if we give you a legendary pack in your first war? Then we'll constantly give you Hero packs? Sounds good?" offered Azure.

"Hmm... fine, I'll join you, but I'll have to inform my group leader first before I leave his group. He's my best friend, and I don't want to disappoint him by leaving without notice" answered Midnight.

"YAY! That's great! Wait, does that mean if your group leader doesn't agree with your leaving, you won't be able to join us?" asked Azure.

"Nah, he'll agree. Lately he's been busy with life and he's also about to quit the game, so he will be okay if I leave the group. All I need to do is just informing him about my departure and that's it" answered Midnight.

"Great, can't wait to see you in our group!" said Azure. And so, the group enjoyed the rest of the day, telling each of their story until night.


UID : 200000092896770

Server : HK 220 : Human Boulder

Character Name : TayuyaUzumaki

This post was last edited by ClumsyDrawer on 2018-07-23 19:19:15.
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