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[ Fanfiction ] 【2nd Anniversary】Viral Video


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-22 16:29:33Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Konoha, sometime past Midnight’s bedtime.

It was half past midnight when the bonfire that signified the culmination of the Konoha summer festival roared to life, much to the cheers of the few souls brave enough to remain.

One of them, a bored young man in a well worn school uniform watched the celebration from a short distance, his eyes watching the tongues of flame dance against the cooling summer air as two other figures sat closer to the pit.

One of them was dressed in a regal red dress that matched the blaze in intensity, with violet eyes and glossy blue hair that glowed in the warm night.

The other of course, wasn’t in a dress. That would be weird. He instead sat alone, his fingers clasped at a empty can of pop, his outfit like a sun spot against the warm light of the bonfire.

Those were his so called friends. One a girl he could not help but fall in love with.

And that one guy nobody actually liked, yet still showed up like he owned the place.

A third of course, watched them from the dark, her arms folded and her ankles crossed as she leaned against a tree.

Scarlet swallowed as he shifted through the empty night, though the air seemed filled with tension, his vision triangulating until he found the blue waves that decorated his crush.

“Azure,” he asked as the girl turned to face him. “May I have this dance?


Midnight found himself lost in the crowd of unfamiliar faces. None of them were real of course. Such was the issue with staring into a fire for too long. Rising quickly, Midnight forced his gaze away from the tongues of gold and red, his eyes scanning the dark for a distaction.

It was a flash of pink that caught his attention, the sight of the beautiful Breeze standing against a tree, her legs crossed at her ankles as she watched the moon.

Midnight swallowed as he forced his tired legs, deadened and asleep, forth, his boots landing heavily on the hard ground as he approached his senior.

“May I?” Midnight began as cerulean eyes met his, her face *abaster mask of cold purity, but she uncrossed her ankles and strode forth to join him, through he could have sworn that her jaw tightened in the dark.

Elsewhere, a few minutes later.

Azure and Scarlet danced madly as the music became increasingly high tempo, their steps a confident match to the rising pitch of a diva calling for her prince.

Spinning around, the two spun out, connected through a mere two fingers as they confidently threw away their embrace for a close moment, though both of them froze at a loud curse that cut through their own kingdom.

Spinning to meet the threat, they found their friend Breeze standing over the fallen form of Midnight, a look of pure murder across her noble features, the latter scrambling back as if he was a crab, his face a mask of terror as he muttered what seemed to be an apology in gibberish.

Before either of them could intervene, Breeze took a step forward, her heel grinding into the dirt between Midnight’s legs, narrowly avoiding a vicious groin attack.

Midnight in turn, had enough, and turned to flee, his flip flops abandoned as he shoved Azure away, his face, while usually pale and sort of emo, had turned a ghastly shade of terror, and his legs could barely carry him away before he really did suffer a terrible fate.

Horrified, Scarlet ran to Azure, as if the sight of the guy who spent too much time going on about bushido being utterly afraid scared him to his core.

But no, he was trying to pat out a small fire that was once Azure’s hair, while the latter screamed in abject terror, flailing her heels in the general direction of the fleeing Midnight.

Meanwhile, Terminator-Breeze had sat herself down by them and began dusting off her boots with a damp washcloth, muttering quietly about idiots who couldn’t dance.


While a real man certainly had muscles, Crimson Fist found that he was much more than a real man. He had a heart to go with it. Upon hearing the clarion call of a fair maiden in agony, Crimson rose to his feet and dusted off his outfit of youth.

And so Crimson went, a paragon of youth with all the fashion sense of having a single green outfit.

He found the silver haired maiden soon enough, and even in his less than sober state did he see the distress in her blue-grey orbs. With a single grasp, he caught the girl in his right arm. She gaped at him of course, said that she didn’t need his help, but he knew better. How could Konoha's third great gentleman not intervene?

Elsewhere, some weeks later.

The viral video had spread to every village across all the nations. Laughter echoed from all corners of the land as the sight of the bishonen trapped in a loving embrace by a larger,dominant foe came to be. Hysterics came even as prisoners of war, isolated from the rest of the world, came to view the poor young man forced into a mysterious pair of 4 inch stilettos, then be forced to dance a ball number with a drunken man who towered over him.

And some would speculate the three sets of laughter behind the camera, their motives and origins, and their faces.

But none could speculate past the expertly shot footage, and the endless peals of laughter that came with it.

Author's Note (outfits):

Breeze: No outfit

Scarlet: Summer Youth Sai

Crimson: The Lee outfit (aka a green jumpsuit)

Midnight: Summer Break

Azure: Exquisite Silk.

AN 2:


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This post was last edited by EvilPopTart on 2018-07-22 16:29:33.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-07-22 17:01:36Show this Author Only

Poor Midnighty-chan, hahahaha

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