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[ Player Guide ] "Stacking" explanations/discussion


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-09 06:37:17Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hey guys!

Let's talk a bit about Stacking with these topics:

-What is it?

-Why do it ?


What is it?

Starting off with explanations about what exactly do people mean when they say "stacked position 1 ninja"

It's a strategy method , a playstyle per say

Basically it means putting all the best equipment (best magatama,rune stones,charm level, refine level, treasured tool) to your 1 ninja in team which is often the position 1 ninja as you want him to be first one to move in fight.

It often translates to leaving your other ninjas behind on upgrading (for example there are players who go to extremes and have level 12 rune stones and level 9 magatamas on position 1 ninja but they have only level 3-4 rune stone/magatama on their position 4 ninja)

Why do it ?

Now there are some teams that wouldn't benefit from this method and those are mostly defensive teams.

The teams that mostly benefit from this method are the heavy offense ones, especially the ones that revolve around 3 buffer/support + 1 damage dealer (for example Edo Deidara teams, Kushimaru teams, Lightning Main blitz, Hokage Minato full buff teams etc etc)

Why do it? It's very simple, due to this method your position 1 main damage dealer will hit HARD and also be quite tanky as bonus, making it possible to even 1 shot someone who is same power as you in numbers.

However the downside is that it makes your other ninjas hit less and be less tanky therefore it's best to use pure support/buffer ninjas as the other 3.


As for suggestions it will vary depending on your options in the game, whether you are a bigger/smaller spender or free player.

I'd say bigger spenders can go for the extremes such as leaving your pos2-3-4 equipment a lot behind (for example level 5 rune stones on pos2-3-4 and level 11 on pos1) because they can afford to make that happen quite fast and then improve a bit of other positions after that also.

Smaller spenders can't go for those extremes, I'd recommend low spenders to slowly upgrade their position 2 ninjas along with position 1 also (for example level 5 rune stone on pos3-4, level 7-8 on pos2 , level 10 on pos1)

Free players are quite tricky, since they find it very hard to afford the high levels of the power upgrading, I'd recommend for them to try going the same method as low spenders however it will take them longer time.

That was just a quick suggestion, I'll make another thread with detailed recommendations about stacking goals for each power feature so please look forward to it !

Hope you guys found this info useful as always!

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-04-09 06:37:17.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-04-09 06:46:13Show this Author Only

10/10 thread icez the best came at the end

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On 2018-04-09 10:15:30Show this Author Only

Do you know? That I love all your guides.

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On 2018-04-09 17:22:51Show this Author Only
  • Exvius On 2018-04-09 10:15:30
  • Do you know? That I love all your guides.

Woo that's an honor, thank you so much!

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On 2018-04-11 11:46:12Show this Author Only

10/10 thread. some of them are meh. but I stack my self and have beat people 20-30k stronger then myself. and it's legit the better thing to do for low powered players. that don't have the stats to beat hard P2W players.

Have a ninja that c*e control stats? stack control on that ninja if none of your other ninjas need it. the time space banner even say get your best runes on your best ninja.

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On 2018-04-11 15:40:22Show this Author Only

Glad you like it, yeah I agree thru stacking you can definitely win higher power enemies (especially if they aren't stacking)

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-04-11 16:33:28Show this Author Only

Depends on your definition of low spender, ICEx.

My definition of low spender is somebody that does jonin medal does monthly card and at most spends another 10$ per month in the game, so 20-25$ per month at most.

What is your definition?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-04-11 16:34:30.
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On 2018-04-11 17:37:00Show this Author Only

Really depends on server/bracket criteria but I’d say 500-5000 ingot per month

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On 2018-04-11 18:59:49Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-04-11 17:37:00
  • Really depends on server/bracket criteria but I’d say 500-5000 ingot per month

There's no country where 75$ per month is considered a low quantity by the average person that walks in the street, but there are quite a lot, overall in the hk timezone, where they are a quite high quantity.

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On 2018-04-11 20:46:38Show this Author Only

Stacking position 1 usually has also one more important drawback- lower total initiative. If you rely on instant barrier for your team, you shouldnt go for extremes because of how initiative runes scale.

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On 2018-04-11 21:34:29Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-04-11 20:46:38
  • Stacking position 1 usually has also one more important drawback- lower total initiative. If you rely on instant barrier for your team, you shouldnt go for extremes because of how initiative runes scale.

That is true , I forgot to mention that point

Stacking tends to decrease your overall initiative which can result in not owning barrier in fight

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On 2018-04-12 17:34:58Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-04-11 21:34:29
  • That is true , I forgot to mention that point

    Stacking tends to decrease your overall initiative which can result in not owning barrier in fight

Stacking is simply not worth it if you get less than 15/20k coupons+ingots per month.

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On 2018-04-13 15:27:46Show this Author Only
  • Zathroth On 2018-04-11 20:46:38
  • Stacking position 1 usually has also one more important drawback- lower total initiative. If you rely on instant barrier for your team, you shouldnt go for extremes because of how initiative runes scale.

Even at a barrier loss, it's often preferred to have the move 1 initiative advantage, provided your team can take the hits in the 1st round, or are expendable.

You lose 40% damage, but if you have a control mistery or combo from you position 1, you can stop your opponent from attacking ( or kill him ) before they can utilize the barrier benefits.

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On 2018-04-13 17:42:15Show this Author Only

That is true, having a faster position 1 can mean a lot as Lexsan said

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On 2018-04-13 17:59:44Show this Author Only

The usual f2p or low casher cannot stack at all his move 1 except for refinements because is not worth it. It is useless to get a 35k power move 1 while leaving move 2-4 to 20k. You will continue to lose to people that did not do like you and spreaded the things, getting one 30k move 1 and 3 25k move 2-4. You begin to get a significative advantage when your move 1 ninja reaches 40-45k over who did not stack, but as i said that thing is not achievable by f2p and low cashers without leaving in the meanwhile move 2-4 at 20k power. That means you get still owned by somebody that did not do like you and spreaded more the resources, ooverall because to take advantage of an high stacked move 1 you need p2w ninjas like itachi susano or naruto ninetails chakra or very hard to get ninjas like kurama naruto.

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On 2018-04-22 23:38:27Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-04-13 17:59:44
  • The usual f2p or low casher cannot stack at all his move 1 except for refinements because is not worth it. It is useless to get a 35k power move 1 while leaving move 2-4 to 20k. You will continue to lose to people that did not do like you and spreaded the things, getting one 30k move 1 and 3 25k move 2-4. You begin to get a significative advantage when your move 1 ninja reaches 40-45k over who did not stack, but as i said that thing is not achievable by f2p and low cashers without leaving in the meanwhile move 2-4 at 20k power. That means you get still owned by somebody that did not do like you and spreaded more the resources, ooverall because to take advantage of an high stacked move 1 you need p2w ninjas like itachi susano or naruto ninetails chakra or very hard to get ninjas like kurama naruto.

You can stack Roshi. He gets stronger every turn. That's why roshi,mm,cursed hidan is a budget team that was used in China for so long. Edo hiruzen can be stacked to do massive damage. Search around some German edo hiruzen videos.

This post was last edited by JustSaying on 2018-04-22 23:39:30.
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On 2018-04-23 03:29:23Show this Author Only

Well you can't really compare Germany to us, but yes Edo Hiruzen is a ninja that will be pretty useless without stacking honestly

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On 2020-09-23 01:04:40Show this Author Only

I needed this thanks

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On 2020-11-03 08:25:49Show this Author Only

So I heard that they aren't planning on shutting down this game once flash dies which is a relief but I wanted to ask will we lose our game progress and data once flash is officially dead and the game is relaunched?

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